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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Sorry, forgot the sarcasm tags. But really, if you want to waste 40 min of your life listening watch the vids of the panel, they mention they were talking up about the current lot visiting HG like someone who's waiting 3 days for that phone call.
  2. I want those 20 minutes of my life back. Part 2 All Q&A. -WE ARE TALKING TO THE Live-Action PRODUCERS!!!!! OMG, they actually talked to us. OMG! OMG! OMG! (I get the feeling this could get way more graphic. Like past NC-17. Yeah, just try to get that image of McKeever out of your head.) -We're giving away free crap! -Move movie talk? Still to early. (No crap. There isn't even a script to greenlight) -Please take some free crap. -Shadow Rising? We're waiting for the movie to give us $$$$$$$$$$$$. -Tweet or FB a post saying McKeever wanted Arnold to play a character. Sony will then cut HG out, thereby bringing joy to Sony as they don't even have to pick up the phone when HG comes asking for royalties. DO IT NOW! -Movie Designs? Tommy dances around the fact THEY CANNOT USE MACROSS DESIGNS. (No crap) -Come to our panels please!!!! We're gonna repeat the same panel we did from last year. Have some free crap! -Games? P$4. Have some free crap! (These are some of the dumbest questions EVER. SERIOUSLY. Are these people living in a bubble????) -Have some more free crap. -RT Blu-ray? No. We need $$$$$$$$$ to make more $$$$$$$$$$$$. -WE ARE TALKING TO THE Live-Action PRODUCERS!!!!! Have some free crap! (Really, we're talking XXX kind of a$$ kissing here...) -Tobey Macguire was a waste of time. -Robotech-in-name-only. -If RT movie fails? We can still sell you morons more crap and YOU WILL BUY IT. (That's how they still have trademarks. People still buy their products.) -Macross? People tried to import without us but we intervened and we put an end to that. -We shut down the forums for good. Use FB where we can see your real name and stalk you. -DC Comics is gonna let RT-license expire. (Yeah, cuz the WB-overlords said no thanks.) -Q:Your merchandise is crap. HG: We have no control over the junk you morons will eat up. Go see them. They might be here. F*ck off. (This is pretty much how it went) -The producers are big fans of Robotech. (OK, this is the most overused, pile of crap statement that EVERY freakin' director and writer has used. They are fans only if it brings in $$$$$$$.)
  3. Didn't know they had input into the whole matter... Reminds me of the Dog-&-Pony show they did when Lawrence Kasdan was attached to write or Miller & Gough from Smallville-fame were attached..
  4. Marisa Tomei to Play Aunt May in New ‘Spider-Man’ Movie (EXCLUSIVE) Even at 50, she still looks young (and total MILF) for Aunt May. And she's going to cameo in Civil War. Jeez. Just call it Avengers 2.5 (Doesn't Marvel do these whole ".5"-issues, i.e. 19.5, 401.5, etc).
  5. "Fobidden" is such a harsh word. How about, they would rather not do business with a group that would likely cause them to lose money over an already rather expensive venture. And yeah, I heard Tommy say Lionsgate did research and no one wanted Japanese-language Macross. So here's to 20 (OK more like 10 cuz I fast-forwarded) minutes of my life I wasted listening to part 1. -So we failed on Kickstarter. Here's some stuff to make you forget about it. -Look new website. Look, new website store. -Here's what we're selling. Here's some crappy audio, I mean songs. Here's some more crap music we dug out from God-knows-where. On sale on iTunes ™ and Google Play ™. -RT Tactics Kickstarter. -Buy our T-shirts. -Buy our skateboards. -Here's our other convention panels. -Here's the talent behind the live action film. -It's our 30th Anniversary...And we're giving away Macross stuff. -Q&A Someone else can listen to part 2.
  6. Care to summarize? Or was it the same as all their other convention panels ("Look, we're still relevant! Here's a tribute to Carl! This is was Carl would want!").
  7. I'm all for USA getting payback in the World Cup. This, however, I'm rooting for Japan.
  8. Magic. Anime MAGIKU!!!!! 1. The gunpod on many VFs is stored on the forearm at a preset point or hardpoint. When switching modes, the system is designed to grab or place the gunpod from or to the forearm. It happens fairly quick which is why animation normally abbreviates it. 2. It doesn't move, much. They are likely on a short arm that helps displace it when switching modes but otherwise it doesn't move that much. For toys, it's much easier to use pegs and the like than devising an arm the length of your thumbnail that as fragile as a flat toothpick. In animation, you're likely never going to see it and would occur so quickly that there's no point in animating it. Unless you are an evil, evil, evil director who likes to punish your animators with detail work.
  9. To me, the patching isn't so much an issue as to the state of the game when it's released and the fact that we have these day-0 patches. If it's released on a certain day, that means I expect that it's ready to play. Yes there might be some minor issues, but that should not stop me or anyone else from being able to play the game "right out of the box". If that is not possible, that tells me that testing was never done on the product and it's not ready to be released. The same applies to day-0 patches. This tells me they did not finish testing. There use to be a time when the ready-to-be released product was called the "Gold master". This means they've done everything they could, tested on as many platforms as they could, likely even playing through the game several dozen times, to the point where they don't know what else could be covered. I see less of studios making this announcement these days. I see more of "let's push this product out the door and issue a day-0 patch". To me, this is utter BS on the part of the consumer. The fact consumers let the gaming industry get away with this is mortifying. If you pre-order any game, you are just feeding the gaming industry this notion that they can get away with this. When the Shenmue 3-kickstarter opened up, the 1st thing that came to mind is, what if it's buggy to the point of being unplayable on release? Nostalgia is a hell of a drug but don't let that get in the way of reason.
  10. I won't even call the speeds of the US ISPs a standard. http://www.netindex.com/download/allcountries/ I have got to prioritize a trip to Singapore.
  11. Please keep talk to to Macross Delta (or whatever name it's going to adopt). HG has been using it. However little they have used it has counted as usage. That's all I'll say about the matter.
  12. As I've mentioned, console players don't appear to have the issues that PC players have had. Nearly all the gameplay vids on Youtube were recorded from the console versions. Which is why they've pulled the PC version from Steam and stores have been told to pull copies from the shelves until further notice. But yes, this day-1 patching nonsense really needs to be reigned in. It screams "we didn't test it" and only reinforces the fact that no one should ever pre-order. EVER. If people cannot play the game the day it comes out, why should anyone pre-order? It doesn't help that people keep doing pre-ordering.
  13. Dedicated to Satelight projects. Aquarion, Macross Zero and Macross Frontier artwork will likely be featured heavily.
  14. We're way past that point. The issues are affecting PC gamers. Console players haven't had the issues PC gamers have.
  15. Official statement: https://community.wbgames.com/t5/Support-for-PC/June-24-Update-on-PC-Version-of-Arkham-Knight/m-p/575332 Again, developers, TEST. YOUR. SH*T. WB should offer all their launch DLCs for free to PC players when it comes back on sale.
  16. It's not a good impersonator cuz it is James Earl Jones. His name should be in the credits. Maybe it's how the writers wanted to portray him? It's been a while since Mr. Jones did the voice. And maybe he wanted to play it more active since the show takes place in a earlier time period.
  17. Wait for the GOTY edition. All patched and all the DLCs at a non-sacrifice-your-1st-born price.
  18. Steam reviewers are tearing Batman: Arkham Knight apart Console port? Check. Skip QA? Check. Offer a bunch of "special offers" at launch? Check. Profit? Check. What did I hear about E3 2015? PC gaming is making huge splashes again? Not when you have a 3rd party port the game to PC.
  19. Official press release: Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios Find Their 'Spider-Man' Star and Director ,Tom Holland Cast as the Web-Slinger, Jon Watts to Direct the Next Spider-Man Adventure And let it be a lesson to Butterfield to never open his mouth, unless he botched the interview/screen test and said 'eff it.
  20. Yeah. It's bad when WB and Rocksteady had to modify the PC reqs cuz of drivers (http://community.wbgames.com/t5/Official-Announcements/Update-on-PC-Minimum-Specs/m-p/569523). Oh and the game has memory leaks. Oh and the 3.5GB 0-day patch for PS4 is not helping.
  21. They try until they get to the end where they talk about the singer contest. The likelihood is that it will be called "Delta", but there's no byline on the title that says "Delta" or "D". It's just a triangle in all it's geometric glory.
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