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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Cover to this week's EW: More set pics in this week's issue. This Week's Cover: First look at the new generation of mutants in X-Men: Apocalypse And for you pervs, how Olivia Munn got into costume:
  2. Yeah, about that...Forgot to mention. Despite what it may seem, there are lots of lurkers around here. Especially from the other franchise. And since you started it, you might as well continue. But you should have made it, posted it and then detail all the work you put in afterwards. But as I said, it's too late now.
  3. That being said, don't make it so vague that no one knows what you're talking about or no one knows what this is about. Here's a good example what I mean from SDCC 2012: The audience knows just enough to know who he is and what he does, but they never mention his (trademarked) name. And that symbol at the end is modified just enough to look different from the trademarked image, yet distinguishable enough to know what it is.
  4. Yeah, but for PC, which is what the blog post mentions, meh. Split screen will be available for consoles but not PC. Meh. The great thing as well is you can build your own Steam machine. Which has been a boom to the SFF PC market. Build your own Steam Machine
  5. On the bright side, someone has a job for 2 years.
  6. Even mentioning IP holders names in credits can get you in trouble because they never authorized it and can say you are using their name without permission. My advice is be general about what you show and mention. You can show a cockpit, landing gear, a wing with missiles, a tail fin, an engine, a console unit, but never show the full object in-frame. You can show bits but it could literally be anything. Do not reference any establish characters or objects by name and only use it in the general sense (Captain Global? No. The captain? Yes. VF-1 Valkyrie? No. My plane/My fighter/My bird/etc.? Yes.). Good luck.
  7. Steambox is still too new so don't expect it. Also...Battlefront will be on Origin; EA's answer to Steam. So no chance in hell will it be coming to Steam. As for no split screen, meh.
  8. A better leak of the SDCC teaser is floating out there. Still cellphone cam quality but at least the audio is better. Might be the cellphone video or maybe they'll do a bit more work in post but I was hoping for a little more makeup work to really add some more weight to the line from the teaser...
  9. Flash highlight reel: Teddy Sears has been cast as "Jay Garrick". Shantel VanSanten is playing "Patty Spivot". "Zoom" will be the baddie of Season 2. Ollie's new look:
  10. Studios should just post these things online after they premiere in front of a live audience.
  11. Posters have been floating around Comic-con. En Sabah Nur https://instagram.com/p/5A1rvtxD3w/ Panel description: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/KingPatel/news/?a=122738 And footage has leaked of Apocalypse. Be warned, they are only 5 weeks into shooting so Oscar Isaac's "Apocalypse" probably isn't completely done.
  12. There is a trailer leak out there on Facebook which you'll have to search for. Jarod Leto was channeling just a little Heath Ledger in his Joker.
  13. Ahh SDCC. Prepare for lots of pic, link, and video spamming this weekend.
  14. What do you think? And would you expect any less if he didn't try to get his name these productions?
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