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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Yeah about the timeline.... See this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37234
  2. http://www.empireonline.com/features/deadpool-trailer-breakdown/p2 There's your answer.
  3. Different actor. Daniel Cudmore played Colossus in the X-Men movies. Andre Tricoteux plays him in Deadpool.
  4. So it's Air Superiority with an actual objective. For those of you who never played Battlefield, Air Superiority was a game mode that started in Battlefield 1943 that focused on, if you haven't guessed it, aerial combat. Great mode. It disappeared then came back in Battlefield 3 as part of a DLC. People played when it first came out and only because it was a requirement for an unlock. That's where things went downhill. You ended up with a lone good pilot on 1 team that came out of the round with a 60-1 kill-death score who would ruin it for all the other non-pilots in the match. After that, then you had to deal with constant lock-ons. Because of the cool-down time for jet counter-measures, you would end up chaffing/flaring 1 missile only to be locked on to 5 seconds later. The only other way to defeat missile lock-ons was the hit the deck (fly to the ground). That was fun [/sarcasm]. Then came all the jet rams. All. Those. Jet. Rams. If it you were not rammed into or knocked to the ground by a jet ram at least 3 times a round, consider yourself lucky. The game mode ended up dying after a few months, or as long as it took to get the unlocks. It came back in Battlefield 4 and didn't change much, only this time, you could play with attack helicopters as well as planes (thankfully it was planes only or helicopters only, no mixing). Still all the same problems. Still the same reasons to play it. Most people only played it to get an unlock or unlock better toys for your jet or to practice. Lone Ace on 1 team basically decided the game. Missile lock-ons still happened. Jet rams still happened. And the bugs stayed in there. That game mode only lasted 2 months and sporadically afterwards as it was needed to unlock stuff. So to see it appearing again for Battlefront, despite what changes they've made or what they call it, still doesn't change my outlook on that game mode.
  5. Green band trailer (Green band????) https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=13&v=ONHBaC-pfsk Red band trailer
  6. Actually, more like Microsoft realizing that we still use keyboards and mice and that their last attempt at a brand new interface worked against what people currently use and will still use for a long time. I'll upgrade to 10 when I do a hardware refresh, which I just did last year so it will be a while. Usually, install Windows first then Linux. The other thing you could try is using a virtual machine, unless you need direct access to the hardware.
  7. Yeah, I also noticed the Avengers-Cap uniform-look when I first saw it. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42265&p=1191630 The concept art feels like they intended for a thinner framed actor compared to how Charlie Cox turned out.
  8. Most talk I've seen online is the suit is fine (needs the "DD", but otherwise fine) until you get to the head. The head piece needs to be reworked. When I saw it the 1st time, that's the 1st thing I picked up on. The head piece just looks awful.
  9. Read-> http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36541
  10. Ma Cross Island. Má-Cross Island.
  11. Please stop giving them ideas. And anyways, HG gave Hasbro a C&D for the Jetfire-colored Sky Striker SDCC-exclusive toy.
  12. So something like the RGM-96X Jesta's shield arm (speaking of which, I really need to go and grab that MG kit) or like Gundam Airmaster?
  13. And yet people still appear to be buying that stuff.
  14. IIRC, Roy fired his VF-0's missiles in Battroid mode while dodging the SV-51's. And I recall a VF-171EX doing the same (or maybe the pilot fired off the missiles as he was changing modes). So it's not like there they can't do it. They just don't do it often. As for a VF, we'll see what Kawamori comes up with his LEGOs.
  15. Currently? Probably hard. OK, that's likely not true. But then the devoted 50 fanboys of RT will scream and shout about how it's not true to the original, it goes against "Carl's vision", blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda; the usual fanboy nonsense. And then that treatment would likely never sell to the execs cuz it's not nostalgic enough and they won't be able to sell it to the dumb masses. It would be original (gasps) but no one would go for it.
  16. Read my commentary about part 2 of the panel. Painfully obvious the guy lives in a bubble and doesn't know anything about Macross or Robotech and what happened between the 2 to get us here. Or worst yet, hasn't even done proper research.
  17. Crop of the original image: You can see the prosthetics on Issac's face to give him that Apocalypse-look. Still doesn't change the fact they made his skin tone too dark and didn't break-up the suit's colors.
  18. http://deadline.com/2014/07/sharknado-2-ratings-record-812773/ Apparently 3.9 million people did. Sobriety-state of those viewers? I have no clue...
  19. The suit isn't bad. There's a certain Stargate-Egyptian thing going on which plays on Apocalypse's Egyptian reign where he was practically a god. The pic with Psylocke and Storm is way too bright as other pics show the suit darker. But then we get to the head and face. That needs some work. Less blue, more gray. In fact, that light blue from Days of Future Past was perfect. Some lines on his face would have also helped.
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