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Everything posted by azrael

  1. That's probably the simplest way to describe it. He didn't know what he was doing, thereby creating an unrealistic goal.
  2. If you want to bring your issues from another forum here, then you can both leave. Or we can ban the both of you. Now back to the topic.
  3. Step 1) WATCH THE ANIME.
  4. So basically they talked the talk but now can't walk.
  5. It is collectively known as "Unification War" but they started as a series of smaller conflicts so technically, "Wars" is correct. When the Anti-Unification Alliance formed, then it became a "War". But by 2007, the major countries in the AU Alliance backed out so now they became "wars" as the smaller factions now picked up the fighting on their own. By the end of 2008, the major conflicts ended. If there were any additional conflicts, they were insignificant.
  6. The fact you are spending this much time on this subject of ranks shows me you want more detail out of a work of fiction than the storytellers have likely created or will likely create. The writers only create enough detail to make the story and the characters of the story. They don't need to make any more. Macross isn't designed to use any particular nations' military ranks. It only uses Japanese military ranks because it is convenient to the creators. They didn't have to follow it. The creators based the characters ranks loosely on Japanese Air and Naval systems for convenience. The creators didn't have to use any particular system but they chose that one. The translators should maintain that system in their translations. All we want are nice consistent translations. That's all we ask. The Macross-stories are works of fiction. Not real-life. If you want the detail level of real-life, then it's no longer fiction.
  7. OK. Lock time. Unless there is some real news, this thread will stay locked.
  8. Maybe you should use the search function. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41775
  9. The pic you posted is from DeviantArt. http://www.deviantart.com/art/The-Flash-Future-Suit-Mockup-spoilers-in-desc-511831914 And since they haven't written the end of season episodes, I wouldn't jump on it yet.
  10. I love how things are slowly evolving. First they brought meta-humans to the universe. Now it's time to bring on the mystical arts. As for Jay Garrick, I wish they blended some of the new Earth-2-comic costume. Oh well, nothing wrong with the classic.
  11. Probably due to the annual Television Critics Association Awards this week, some pilots have popped up ahead of schedule. I grabbed Lucifer and Minority Report. I haven't gotten to the latter but I did watch some of Lucifer. Meh. This whole civilian&cop formula is getting quite dull. Good character, meh on the implementation. I only skimmed over Minority Report but I was getting that look of Almost Human mixed with The Mentalist feel.
  12. $500...This will be interesting. Professional video cards are not cheap for the good ones and will likely eat 1/2-3/4 of your budget if you go with a better dedicated card. For 3D rendering, I definitely would not use integrated graphics. That Asus A10 will probably be about as good as you can get for the price since it has dedicated video. This Dell would also fit the bill but you'll want to invest in dedicated graphics. Dell - Inspiron Desktop - Intel Core i3 - 8GB Memory - 1TB Hard Drive - Black I would still look at upgrading the dedicated graphics card to one of the spec recommendations.
  13. When has Macross not had a love triangle? I'm just gonna throw this out there cuz you know we all want it. Macross Harem Yeah, you heard me. Why choose?
  14. Yeah, about that standalone Hulk movie. That may not happen for a while. Marvel might not have sole rights for the time being. There's word that Universal still has some control over that property which is why we haven't seen a standalone movie yet. And whether or not Marvel sabotage FF, the comics haven't been doing too well.
  15. Preferred size? Usage? Special needs? (USB port? Height adjustment?, Ports? (DVI, DisplayPort, HDMI), etc)
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