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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Don't worry Graham. Go ahead and post in this thread. Just trying to keep this thread from getting too speculative and too I-wishy like it did between the contest announcement to when the press announcement came out. The thread will reopen on press day. Until then patience.
  2. Try uninstalling the USB root hubs and then reinstall. If you have USB 3 ports, you'll need to grab the drivers to reinstall those. Try reinstalling the chipset drivers for that system. The next steps would probably require a house call. Try resetting the BIOS back to factory default. Check the insides to see if anything happened during transport (loose cable causing a surge). Bring a Linux live CD (Ubuntu, Knoppix) to see if it's a software problem. If that still hasn't resolved the issue, then I'm guessing hardware failure.
  3. OK, time to go dormant again. Join us for the hype-fest on October 29, 2015 (that's October 28, 2015, 0800 PST/1100 EST).
  4. Probably a spring tab. It would probably help to switch to non-right angled cables. Right-angled cables look nice, but terrible when you need your cables to perfom acrobatic twists. Especially when you have two 2.5" drives stacked on top of one another.
  5. Most mobo manufacturers ship SATA cables with clips to secure them into the port. I'm sure they sell them 3rd-party at Best Buy/Fry's. I would probably pick up a set. They can be more secure than the original SATA plugs. If the plug is taunt or being pushed by other cables, that could be a problem and could cause intermittent issues (it's basically a loose plug). My suggestion is go to Fry's or a MicroCenter and find some SATA cables with the clips built in and see if it helps. Try doing some cable management as well so that your cables are free from being snagged by other cables.
  6. When it comes to Macross canon, I would recommend looking at the bigger picture or summary. Avoid the details because one should view all Macross productions as retellings of historical events. Things have been dramatized. Even the games.
  7. Finally. We're going planet-side. Nice to have a change of scenery than the black background of outer space. Delta logo. Harem ending is best ending.
  8. Please stop giving them ideas. No matter how disgusting, sick or demented as they may be.
  9. YF-30 and VF-19? Ummm...YF-29? Sensing some YF-30 in there. I'm getting the YF-24-family-vibe. *sigh* I was hoping to get away from that family. Remember kids, the October 29 press-thingy is just that, a press thingy, not the start of the show.
  10. No clue. I didn't even know the season started until I was looking for another show.
  11. 1) Off topic. 2) OP hasn't even come back into this thread. 3) OP, Search a torrent site. Download. WATCH. THE. ANIME. Thread locked.
  12. Anything Rob Liefeld makes would be leagues ahead of this. The rabbits might say the toilet paper is beneath their standard.
  13. Good luck trying to get away from updating anything. It's just not possible anymore. No matter how much you hate it. After a while, you get use to it. After being forced to support it since Office 2007, I don't really notice the it anymore.
  14. My only complaint about Office 2013 are the ridiculous monthly patch sizes. While Windows patches only range from 100-250MB total, the Office 2013 patches range from 800-900MB total/month. I look at that and shake my head. Otherwise, Office 2013 is just 2010 with cloud-services support built in. I also echo LibreOffice as a good alternative if you can't find a copy of Office 2010 or 2013.
  15. And after watching the Q&A from their AX2015 panel, HG doesn't even care that their licensees make crap products. The one guy who got the question in about the QC on the toys was basically told by McKeever to go work it out with the toy maker, not HG. It's why I see HG's involvement in a project like this is as so minor, I do not consider it a factor into any delays.
  16. For some reason, that doesn't make much sense. Yeah, that never works. Look at Gunpla. A 1/144 version of a product compared to a 1/100 of the same product will always be different.
  17. Maybe I missed this part, but why did PB make the miniatures as "some assembly required"? Why not make solid 1-piece game pieces. If they're gonna be manhandled, then why make them poseable?
  18. Anyone wanna join me on the beta test drive? http://starwars.ea.com/starwars/battlefront/news/star-wars-battlefront-beta-announce Although, I really don't consider a beta release 1 month before the game is actually released as a "beta".
  19. That letter from the AG's office only acknowledges receipt of the complaint. It's not getting serious. HG approving designs is literally a drop in the delay bucket compared to their other problems. PB didn't know how overseas shipping and Customs works. They didn't communicate with their manufacturer about file compatibility. They didn't communicate with their partner about the models and then threw them under the bus to cover up their incompetence while thanking them at the same time. Then they didn't understand how to run a Kickstarter project. Like EXO stated earlier, I wonder how much of the $1.5 million they blew just figuring out the whole process of getting Wave 1 out.
  20. Palladium has a license from HG to produce merchandise. BUT (yeah there's a "but"), HG hasn't been involved at all. This project is 100% Palladium.
  21. In this case, yes he can blame the backers. People who donate to KS projects should very well know what they are getting into. The issue isn't that he's defrauding his backers, it's that he's not delivering on his deadlines. He got the Wave 1 models out, although much later than intended. He's working on Wave 2 but it looks like he won't be making the proposed deadline for that either. He's making a lot of mistakes without saying "Let me stop where I am and fix the original problem 1st". Because of that 1st mistake, it's created and compounded issues the further he goes. Yes, people have a right to be mad. But clearly he's showing all the backers that he is much more inexperienced than perceived.
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