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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Oh heck no. Resolved. Only if they want to market it overseas. No.
  2. Yeah, saw this in my Google News feed last week. Someone has been putting on the tin-foil hat too many times or has been acid-tripping a few too many times. Next thing he'll write is that Mickey is part of the MCU in a plot to take over Twitter, using that as a medium to overthrow Putin and destabilize Nigeria.
  3. No. The young guy with the blue hair is our protagonist. The idols are on the side of the heroes. Versus the evil pretty boys. You better believe they're mold-milking the VF-31 and Sv-262 with those different color schemes.
  4. Forward. Swept. Wings. B.O.O.O.O. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Girls vs evil Pretty boys. That will buff the female-cred in this franchise. VF-31... YF-30 with new wings. *sigh*
  5. If it is a forward-swept, can I boo it now? I would like to see something new instead of yet another forward-swept wing design.
  6. http://macross.jp/news/?id=91 http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv239254371 (Stream is region locked)
  7. Agreed. You would think in some 30-odd years, they would be using something else besides an X-Wing v.2. And you would think the First Order would be using something new besides TIE Fighters v.2. Between the Clone Wars and the Rebellion, even those ships changed and that was only 20-odd years.
  8. Some of the toys are calling it a "Special Forces TIE Fighter" (the one with the red highlight). So there will be 2 variants featured in the movie , the normal one and the one with the turret and red strip.
  9. Kylo ain't Luke. I think there's a set pick of Adam Driver being filmed without the helmet. And the shot in the trailer of Kylo walking up to Finn without the helmet should quiet any talk of that. Yes, they left stuff out of the trailer but throwing everything in would ruin the point of a trailer. And JJ should realize by now that with a movie with this rabid fandom, there are no secrets. If I can find a rumor-based synopsis of this movie and piece it together with what the trailers have shown...
  10. "Not actual gameplay." Yep. Ain't that the truth...
  11. When your opponent calmly walks up to you with their blade lowered, while you are gripping that hilt a wee bit hard, I just have 1 question. Finn, how would you like your ass served to you?
  12. Playing more Walker Assault... -Hoth map is pretty much a win for Imperials. Rebels can win but they have to dominate the skies. (Yes, the Rebels lost Hoth, but that battle also didn't have X-Wings, A-Wings, and TIE Fighters in the sky so they might as well balance it out). This map needs serious balancing. -They might want to bump up the cool down for thermal detonators. It gets 'nade spammy on Drop Zone when the pod capturing comes. -Vehicles and stationary weapons need a 1st-person view. Aiming the turret is a pain in 3rd-person. I already noted the AT-ST. I've heard the AT-AT is just as bad in judging where your shots will land. The beta's been extended for another day so get the complaints in while you still can.
  13. Now that I've played some Walker Assault... -Spawn system is really screwed up. And I mean REALLY screwed up. Died 5 times in 3 minutes just to a guy who was spawn camping most of the round. Other deaths from running into gunfire because the rest of the team knows the spawn. That needs to be fixed by release. Hell, they should patch it in beta now. That was my worst round. -Air superiority in Walker Assault will define the round so I would brush up on your flying skills. -If you play a hero pickup, prepare to be a blaster magnet. Thankfully you can move fast. But prepare to be a gunfire magnet. -On Hoth, open up with the sniper, then move in with your primary. The open terrain is a sniping paradise. -Graphics glitches. That needs to be polished by release. -AT-ST cross hairs does not line up with the camera view. I try to get some people off a hill and I shoot the face of the hill. Either put in a 1st-person view or fix the camera angle. Same with the missiles. Your missile will land somewhere in the cross hairs. -I see the glitch from the Frostbite engine remains. I had a partner that was stuck in shallow rocks. Little pebbles seem to be obstacles and jumping over stepping stones seems like a chore. Thanks for that DICE. More to come.
  14. Auto-aim on consoles. *snickers* Definitely not like Battlefield. Yes, it uses the same game engine as the Battlefield series (Frostbite 3), but the implementation is for Star Wars as opposed to modern world-FPS.
  15. Season 2 NYCC '15 trailer
  16. Playing with the PC-master race. I'm getting the feeling this is a console port. Having the controller icon in the key mapping screen is not helping. Graphics are very good. 1st round I played, I died very quickly. It evened out on rounds 2 & 3. Not sure about the controls. I'm not getting the whole Cards-thing. Do not spawn on your partner. That's an insta-kill waiting to happen. There are some engine issues which stem from the earlier versions of the Battlefield which I'm guessing were not implemented for this game. Bummer. No flight stick support in the beta. If you want to fly, you are stuck with keyboard and mouse. I need to play some more to unlock some more stuff and then I'll see what happens.
  17. http://marvel.com/news/movies/25244/marvel_studios_phase_3_update?linkId=17794778 Just leavin' this here.
  18. But but but but it's faster! Sometime in 2016. So how long do you want to wait?
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