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Everything posted by azrael

  1. So Disney is now muscling in on Sony's near streaming anime monopoly. M'kay. Are they going to start working on breaking up Netflix's K-drama near-monopoly? I'm not entirely sold on these other shows Disney is bringing in outside of Macross.
  2. My understanding of the 100th's service record is that D-Day was more like a footnote in their record compared to their other sorties so it won't be surprising that it was briefly touched in the series.
  3. Let's just close this conversation before it gets any more personal. No harm, no foul.
  4. Don't watch the 2000-miniseries for the visuals. Nor the costumes. Same with Children of Dune (2003). It got slightly better with Children of Dune. But the story-element for both miniseries was on point. I got that feeling from Part 1. I didn't get the same impact from watching Part 1 about Spice from Villeneuve's version that I got from Lynch's version nor the miniseries (maybe less so Lynch's version, but it still felt important). Just from watching Part 1, I felt Villeneuve didn't explain the shear importance of Spice in Dune. I believe you meant to say, Paul has the galaxy by the cahones by controlling Spice production. Regarding the ending...
  5. You know, just to make some people give up on this idea of seeing more Hikaru/Misa/Minmay, I want to see Hikaru die on screen the most gruesome way possible. Hikaru just starts his sortie only to meet a big Zentradi who crushes the cockpit causing the monitors to crush his body causing blood to splatter everywhere in the cockpit. Then that big Zentradi shoots the VF to pieces causing it to blow up with a blood-filled helmet fly pass. There. No more Hikaru. Happy now? 😁
  6. Battlefront 2 Classic or Battlefront 2 (2017)?
  7. I'm not doubting the benefits of e-ink devices, but the versatility and multi-application use of LCD-devices simply outweigh the benefits of e-ink devices, diminishing the prevalence of e-ink devices.
  8. And that's the reason why. E-ink use cases are limited. E-ink is great for static images (downright awesome), but LCD panel technology has come so far that E-ink use cases are significantly reduced. Limited, you could say. 😀 Ebooks could easily be opened on a phone screen or more appropriately, a tablet screen. What one could do on a E-ink device could easily be done on a LCD panel device. Plus you can view other media on a LCD device and not suffer ridiculously slow latency and refresh rate.
  9. Ruh Roh. https://www.tomshardware.com/video-games/handheld-gaming/meteor-lake-seemingly-struggles-against-amds-phoenix-apu-in-early-msi-claw-review If these are true, Intel's (and MSI) have got a very very long way to go to get it optimized. Intel has never been good with efficiency and this might be another black eye for trying to break into this market.
  10. Pedro Pascal is 48 at time of posting. By the time this movie comes out, he's gonna be 50. Yeah, younger would have been better, especially for these franchise movies where multiple appearances over a decade can be expected. Rumor has it...
  11. No. EX-Gears' g-proof seat acts more mechanical by flexing and bending the seat as the aircraft experiences more Gs. It doesn't really do much to keep the pilot from blacking out in high-G situations.
  12. While I don’t expect a name drop, it would be nice if they mention deploying SPARTAN-III teams to secure and evacuate UNSC assets. 😜
  13. So we doin'...
  14. Dial it down please. Name calling and insults usually ends any kind of debating.
  15. I don't think people understand how productions work. Any productions. Any chance you can reuse an asset to save money is one you don't pass it up. And back in the days of hand-drawn & colored cels, you definitely do not pass up the opportunity to do so unless you want your animators to turn their pencils in fookin' weapons. It's why we get an occasional clip-show episode. It's why your favorite sci-fi show reuses VFX shots. It cost money to do new every time.
  16. As one of the few OGs on this site, I would not recommend SDFM or DYRL either. Not because they're not good, but they're dated amongst all the other stuff out there. They (DYRL moreso than anything) is not as accessible (physically and possibly mentally) to newer viewers. There are more modern shows that are more accessible to modern viewers that provide the same thematic notes that SDFM hit. Certainly if someone wants to watch it, I wouldn't say no. But it's not the first choice versus the thousands of other shows out there. I'd probably recommend Frontier or Delta over SDFM because SDFM is older, maybe harder to source, and may not resonate with modern audiences as newer titles would. I would recommend Space Battleship Yamato 2199 over the original 1970s version for the same reason. It's just easier to get on-board with the newer stuff than trying to hunt for the older versions. I have said it many times, I AM NOT the target audience of Macross anymore. I want Macross to grow beyond me. Even if it means alienating me. I don't want it to be stuck in this perpetual nostalgia-cycle that the "other" franchise is stuck in with retreads of the "classic" characters. I want new audiences to come into Macross with the same enjoyment I had when I started down this path. Even if it means producing a new show that doesn't resonate with me. It is a kid's show. A teenager's show. It's also a work of fiction. There's nothing real about it so looking for any sort of realism, gritty, concepts, this ain't it. If you want real and gritty, go walk out of the house and into the more colorful area of your neighborhood/town/city. Ain't nothin' real about a TV show. Macross is entertainment. Brain turns off and enjoys the show. It's also a 25-minute toy commercial with something-of-a-story to wrap around it. There are levels of kids shows but it's still a kid's show. I really wish people would stop associating "realism" or "gritty" with works of fiction. It's no less real or gritty than a guy dressing up in tights, and running out on the streets, beating up criminals. It's fiction. Enjoy the entertainment. There are also cultural differences between Western audiences and the original Japanese audience in what is perceived as a kid's show but I leave that to people more familiar. Unfortunately, that "other" franchise has done more than its share of "changes" that soured many things from Macross. This is why I wish it would just come up with its own IP, its own production, instead of relying on 40-year-old cartoons to form its core. Until it does, until it can stand on its own legs without the original works, it will never grow and forever taint the original materials.
  17. FYI, SEED Freedom premiered on Friday. Yep. Whomever is doing the lineart for SEED, please fire and ban them from ever working on a Gundam production. I'm sure these designs will look much better on screen or on promotional artwork that isn't lineart.
  18. Yes, this sounds just like my adventures in finding the right keyboard and mouse. And the only recommendation I can give anyone is "Try it and hope where you bought it from has a good return policy". And be prepared to drop money cuz it may take several tries to find the right input device. Ah the G502. I got that when it first came out many moons ago. I hated it. Coming from the G5/G500/G700-family shape, the G502 made me claw grip and eventually became unbearable for daily use and I returned it only after a week of use. I thought of going with Razer but this was back in the day where Razer had questionable build quality so I kept looking. I finally settled on Roccat for my daily driver and have been there ever since. Their shapes fit my big hands and my palm grip. I have dabbled back with Logitech on the G900, G703, and G Pro. The G900 was OK but not what I was looking for in the long run. I still use it for WFH, but not for gaming anymore. The G703 was the best for my grip but saw less use over time and was eventually replaced by the G Pro, which is now my gaming mouse when I want something lighter for flick-movements. My G703 found a new home at the office, where I needed something more ergonomic. Keyboards.... 😅 I still use Logitech membranes in the office (NEVER, EVER BRING A MECHANICAL KEYBOARD INTO AN OFFICE SPACE unless everyone else is using a mechanical KB). As mentioned earlier, I'm floating between my Roccat and have started test daily driving with a Nuphy Air 96v2 (sorry, I can't work without my ten-key). It's low profile and solid. It's one of the few 96% low profiles out there (besides a Keychron K17). I also got it with a coupon so that helped bring down the starting price.
  19. No. We are not a file sharing website.
  20. I’m against a movie. As mentioned, there’s been too much baggage built up over the past 3 seasons to summarize that for a movie and a TV series shouldn’t be a requirement to watch a movie. Other issues as mentioned above are also a concern.
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