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Everything posted by eosmusashi

  1. This part was just for fun, really, but I wanted to make some other paintjob versions of the YF-19 besides the one that shows up in the movie/OVAs. So from the Variable Fighter Master File I took some of the labeling options and did these liveries: Production VF-19 with squadron numbers Skull 1 version VF-19A SVF-339 “Lightnings” VF-19A “Ravens” from Macross VF-X2 VF-19A SVF-440 “Dullahans” (my favourite one!) VF-19ADVANCE from Macross Frontier (Macross 30)
  2. Did some work to solve some weird problems with the cockpit's lighting and normals, which I kinda solved fully just a week ago, but these WIP pics show my attempts and some of them are very good looking:
  3. Dude don't!!! Don't quit your own work just because someone else's looks more detailed! The reason I started making my own YF-19 was because I couldn't get it online, and I wanted a very very realistic version of it, but simpler and closer to the cartoon solutions are awesome too, so keep up your own work happening! My version is by no means the best that it could be (lots of improvement needed and mistakes were made!) and I really want to see someone's version solving what I couldn't figure out out there (also of other valkyries! YF-21 anyone?) Thanks! The Virtual Environment Cockpit was a good brainstorming for me, because I was thinking, hey, if this was fo' real, it wouldn't be a transparent window like they did with cels in the Anime, it would project from the pilot perspective's, like those fancy drawings that they draw on the sidewalks with chalks that look 3d from a certain angle... I too noticed the HUD displays on the canopy glass sometimes, but sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I'm even sure he's watching it from his helmet visor (like the tracking and target lock icons) and anytime you saw the canopy from the outside, there was no HUD on the glass, only the inner screens. So I thought what the heck. I'll show it full in those shots where you see the cockpit from the pilots POV (there'll be a couple of those shots in my film) I'll be back with the polycount later and it could certainly be used for a different project that what I have, which is film production quality, but that's gonna be some extra work later down the road... stay tuned!
  4. Some up close shots of the inside of the cockpit with the specular improvements (still WIP) Those creases in the flight stick should go inward, not outward. Mmmhh... The DOF makes this one look like it's a small scale model
  5. The adventure making the afterburner effect begins! First, an attempt with a consecutive stream of flat cards with a gradient shader, from a tutorial Problem was that it didn't look right at a certain angle where you could tell those flat geos apart, so I switched technique. This time I achieved the effect using a custom material with nodes The rings were geometries so I quickly realized this didn't look good So I finally decided to use the same technique with the nodes to achieve the rings effect
  6. Thanks guys for your nice comments! Fixing a stupid weird mistake I made on the nose panel lines Navigation lights updated Making little fixes to the shader specularity, plus some cool DOF Adding fluorescent formation lights Adding stroboscopic lights to the tip of the wings and the red light behind the canopy
  7. Creating the pilot's control panel I added some orbital mechanics equations to replace the information being displayed in the VEC Added a scratched glass texture The switch on sequence: Cross your eyes!! Comparison:
  8. For the HUD, I created this contraption that can hold a virtual horizon, so there are three rings: the Attitude indicator, the Roll indicator (which is what shows up in the gif sequence) and the virtual compass, which would always point "north" Several tests later
  9. The best part of the YF-19 cockpit is the VEC (Virtual Environment Cockpit), the way I solved this was to create a wide angle camera that would render the bottom from the pilot's point of view, and then use an image sequence of this render as a texture for the bottom screens. Here are the first tests: The rendered camera Projected as a texture Trying a more complex background (LoL) Using an HDRI map as a background, same thing: Rendering from the camera pointing down, then projecting as a texture And how it looks from a different angle Adding a layer of green lines to represent the HUD
  10. Thanks for commenting!! Mommar, yup, the head is too small and the chest too big. But since these are the Hasegawa plane proportions, I had to suck it TehPW thanks! I've been professionally involved in CG for the past 6 years, but never as anything other than an animator, so this is my first incursion into everything else, so maybe someday!Cockpit UV mapping Decided to paint by colours this time to make it easier to find what was what in the final texture map Adding a texture to the seat Panel lines for the cockpit traced Added a bit of metallic shader Specular highlights added An Easter Egg:
  11. I ran across some troubles with the specular maps but eventually solved them, so these renders were tests that ended up looking great, even if they were specular maps mistakes Adding warning signs to the textures Adding some dirt
  12. UV mapping was a complete and utter nightmare. Definitely my least favorite part of the process. Thus, texturing begins! Added markings to the textures to find out which thing was pointing where for things like the dirt and smoke
  13. Keep up the good work!
  14. Increased the detail of the shoulder plate. According to the movies, those things are thrusters that it uses to manoeuvre when in Battroid and Gerwalk mode. Intake fans modelled Arm mechanisms folded in when in plane mode Flap and aileron connections Realized the exhaust could be a lot more detailed, so re-doing it. Exhausts remodelled Pistons and mechanisms for the feet, based on the Master File What a mess! Old version vs new updated model. Notice the pelvis plate changed to be closer to the Arcadia model while still make sense mechanically.
  15. Thanks! Yeah I had to do a lot of compromise in all the versions because even though my first reference model was the Arcadia VF-19 and then later on, the VF-19ADVANCE, the proportions were still off with my modelling of the plane which was done after the Hasegawa scale model, so the head is a lot smaller, it has a ginormous chest and the hidden parts need to be slimmer to fit and not intersect. Also there's way too much artistic licensing because many things are not detailed enough in the movies to know what are they for. Yeah! Anime magic is huge in this series. Part of myself hates it, but I still have to acknowledge how much Kawamori thought of, even small stupid details that make sense from the flight designer and engineering point of view. I should try changing the title to "Blender 3d", I wonder if I can still do that... I also find a lot of images of blenders when I google around for tutorials...
  16. Adding a navigation light Folded configuration for Battroid with no intersections A mechanism to hide the gap between the fuselage and the back of the Battroid that opens and closes Added details to the head piece Wing spoiler connections
  17. Created control shapes for the things that can be animated. The transformation slider is inspired in the original VF-1 control Playing around with posing the Battroid Wheel rig completed, now the wheels rotate following the ground for closeup shots of taxiing Figuring out the internal mechanisms for the transformation Internal mechanisms for the pelvis
  18. Figured out little things like the way the legs fit with the arms in plane mode, there's a hinge or some sort of door there, that I made into a separate mechanism that opens and closes but sticks out in the plane configuration. Bummer More bones So many bones I had to start assigning colours Then my plane passed through a psychedelic period. This was to test how the panels intersected with each other during the transformation, and ensuring there were no awful penetrations happening.
  19. Thank you!!! Will be happy to ask! So taking the toy as a reference, I tried moving the different pieces to fit into the Battroid mode. A better shape, but this breaks my head, the proportions look wrong. Even though they are correct in the plane. Adding the covers for the neck piece Big boobs Gerwalk transformation More bones added
  20. Beginning of the rigging process First Battroid conversion attempt Yeah. It looks awful. So I need to go beyond the toy's transformation and do something different with the Hasegawa 1/48 plane. Arm mechanics modelled Wing surfaces modelled and rigged Arms look too skinny so I needed to find a way to make them chunkier but still fitting inside the mechanism. Gerwalk test Hand modelling Inner knee connections Lower knee connections
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