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Everything posted by genomcorp

  1. yessss, got my VE-1 pre-orderedat HLJ!
  2. wow, awesome news abt the VE-1 + parts sets! this made my day now just gotta save up...
  3. wow, sweet lighting job on those photos! The reflection underneath is a nice touch as well
  4. was wondering if i can get on the list for a complete set? thanks.
  5. ^^^what he said..
  6. digging the darker look to this one. can't wait for mine to arrive from HLJ!
  7. anyone else notice the katakana under the blue 30th Anniversary text on the top right of the box says "option parts set"? maybe i m seeing things, but here's hoping it actually comes with them!
  8. ahh thanks for clarifying. i just assumed it was on separate discs
  9. ^great choice of song for large ship battles ! custom soundtrack feature sounds awesome, i wanna buy just the game. If anyone out there got the BluRay set and has no need for the PS3 game, let me kno.
  10. Ouch. glad I waited it out...
  11. Wow, that painted version looks great! are they still available to buy?
  12. ^LOL. lots of good points brought up there^
  13. saw it today in 2D (cant stand 3D) and thought it was thoroughly enjoyable. ending sequence was a bit unnecessary as others have stated, but i guess it helps set up for a possible sequel. speaking of which, can anyone confirm if a sequel is in the works?
  14. digging the alaska base VF-1A. hope it comes w/ option parts...
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