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  1. Hi cosmos!

    Thank you for your amazing work.

    Would you mind to share the YF-21 3D model?


  2. Hey cosmos28 Are you still sharing those macross models? If so message me and we could swap something.

  3. Zinjo, thanks for your comment, nothing else to say from my side.
  4. sure, I'm so impressed. you are nothing but a Bully. once more, get lost and forget about me. That simple.
  5. again, a child playing kill of the hill. GET LOST MAN, Forget about me. Look, I'm going to put this simply for you to understand. You are no one, nobody is better than others, and reading the bullshit you did with someone only asking for resources or help really pissed me off. You have no skills modeling, only ripping games. More over you have not the rights of any Macross franchise. What you could do for starters is apologize for being such a dick head instead of believing that you are someone important. Once again, get lost Sincerely yours, someone who gives a crap about you
  6. Hi Vashzaron, send me whatever OBJ you fancy, I will give it a try in order to assemble the parts. I think it's worth a try. send me a private and I will give you my hotmail address. Regards
  7. Yes, that's correct, i read that in xentax last summer. I could give it a try to re join the pieces in to something decent usin my 3d modeling software. If anyone has the split into pieces obj model i could give it a try.
  8. Very impressive Logan!! Two thumbs up!! Good job!
  9. And last one, because i'm having issues to upload more from my cell phone that's it! Hope you enjoy
  10. I forgot to menttion that some of the valks above are a mix and match from my own just playing around meaning that they don't exist in the series but i had fun back then imagining new models regards!
  11. By the way, I also have a few models to SHARE since they were free to download for non commercial purposes years ago. here's a picture of a few of them. I'm a lightwave user and textured most of them long long ago.so if you like some, just ask and I will share with you.it could be nice if there were a download area, that way I could post them there.cheers to everyone
  12. Hi Zinjo, Thanks for your comments, very kind from your side to speak the truth. Once more, is kind of annoying to find people with this kind of behaviour. In the end, we all are Macross fans and there should not be any differences between us. Moreover, he might have been collecting the models simply being polite and asking like everyone else. Anyway, I simply wanted to thank the rest of the community who truly finds that we all share our passion for Macross in a friendly and non beneffit way.
  13. Chthonic, I can't believe how selfish and childish you are. XR79 only asked for help and here you are... braging and playing king of the hill??? I really wish xr79 will finaly get the data he needs in order to SHARE the models to whoever is a macross fan. Not like you, who for some childish reason feels like only you or your friends here deserve to have the models. Grow up man. I'm so disapointed to see this kind of behaviour in a site where we all share the same likes
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