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Everything posted by NightCastle

  1. Man! I feel bad for anyone who still needs one. I am glad that so many were able to get one, though. Best of luck to those who have yet to get one.
  2. Yeah. While I was keeping an eye on this "partay" I was primarily watching to see what came of it. I, fortunately, already have a 25f. Sounds like (given they release 25s and they release it in similar or better numbers) it may no longer remain unobtanium. Here's to a reissue of the 25s!!
  3. Might I get the tip? Thanks.
  4. I feel your pain on that sentiment.
  5. I hope they reissue the Ozma VF. I also hope they reissue the armor and super parts. Wasn't there an issue shown in one of the reviews relative to one of the joints being easily breakable. If they do reissue the Ozma, I hope they fix that. From what I have gathered these reissues are exactly the same as the R2 reissues of the other VFs. So, I would imagine their should not be any compatibility issues relative to their ability connect to the other reissues Not that my meager opinion matters on this particular subject, but that is mine.
  6. Nothing more fun than a little harmless ribbing. . Nice haul, though.
  7. Wow! When did Sonicare produce Valks?!? I guess a panic buy is a panic buy.
  8. No problem. I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.
  9. Hey Might you be willing to sell it to me?
  10. Might this secret info help in the event that a new Ozma renewal is released? If so, please PM me. Thanks!
  11. Ha! Was that a negative 0.5 seconds? Because that is what read it as at first glance.
  12. A suggestion I have seen for miniatures is using a hair dryer to heat up the plastic and once it is hot enough move it to the position you want and then quickly place the moved part in a freezer. Just an idea.
  13. Man! Those are some nice pics. Thanks!
  14. I would like to add to chorus of "Please take some more screenshots of the YF-30 and post them".
  15. That is odd. I never checked mine before I had to put them into storage. I may have to check them out, if I can soon.
  16. I second Benson13's question. Also, interesting placement of the TV. Do yo have sunglasses for your viewers with the same coating so that the TV can be watched during the day?
  17. Nice, the detailing really pops with the white version of this YF-29 color scheme.
  18. That sounds like a personal problem. ...kidding aside. Definitely interesting to know.
  19. Instead we're gonna compare how they fold and tuck? It's gonna be sold out before it is on sale. Isn't that the Bandai way?
  20. Yeah! Harder to transform... ...what? Were you thinking something else?
  21. Same here. Mine shipped as well.
  22. Hey Loop, I came across the issue with removing items from the cart and the only solution I could find was to log out and then back in.
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