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Everything posted by NightCastle

  1. It says it was relisted. I don't know if it was sold. Where did you see that?
  2. Nice to meet you too.
  3. Man! Same here.
  4. Yeah! Where did you order that from? I wonder if the Snickers has mold from the transport overseas?
  5. That proxy's name didn't happen to be ca7_burg1ar did it?
  6. I didn't know they came with USB ports on the back.
  7. Well, it appears to have had 8 different bidders. Take that for what it is. The jury is still out, in my opinion.
  8. I typically choose ones that interest me based on shape, design, color scheme and just my personal tastes. I may elaborate moreso later.
  9. Maybe you're seeing something I'm not, but the two images (subject angle aside) don't seem that far off to me. They both look great!
  10. As a person who has built many things (in my youth) out of Legos, I have to say; That Rocks!! Welcome and great job!
  11. Aww man! I was not a fan of that valk. Stop doing this, MacrossJunkie, you are making me like it!
  12. I haven't received an e-mail from them about shipping yet. So, I would suppose not.
  13. So, what you're saying is "Retcon is 20/20"?
  14. I guess, in general principal, it is a good idea to not step on the wings of a valk. No matter which angle you come from.
  15. Yep, that makes sense. However, what is the technician going to do if they step there? Slip and fall? No gravity, remember.
  16. Mommar, you just described me. While I have been trying to get the best deals I can get, I have found that Yammies are particularly hard to come by. That is why I have primarily collected Bandai, but there are a few Yamatos that I want like the VF-4G and VF-11C that are becoming either practically impossible to find or very expensive. Take your choice. Oh, and thanks for the sentiment Kicker. That is how my situation seems to have been playing out.
  17. Ok. I understand completely. Do you have any for sale for more reasonable prices? I would love to get a VF-4G for retail. Ah, ok I see, only sold items matter.I will most emphatically!!
  18. Actually the one I posted is the lowest price on eBay at this time. From what I saw, you posted the most absurd one. (Which I commented on, btw ) However, it is still absurd.
  19. I don't know about that. The lowest price on eBay is: http://www.ebay.com/itm/YAMATO-1-60-Scale-MACROSS-VF-4G-LIGHTNING-III-30th-ANNIVERSARY-/290903085558?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43bb2cd1f6
  20. Ouch!! That hurt just reading about that. But, I can't put someone down for pursuing what they love. Good for you Agent-GHQ!
  21. I second that about the VF-4Gs.
  22. Yep! There is nothing wrong with that! I just thought it interesting that there was this Yin and Yang about the whole preferences thing, there.
  23. I guess my preference to the MF series and the color of the valks is the exact opposite of Agent-GHQ. I prefer the black coloring. I am not fond of the pale green color scheme. While I still like the original Macross series, I also like the MF series.
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