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Everything posted by NightCastle

  1. What! No Super Parts! Or is that a Tamashi Exclusive? ...just kidding of course.
  2. Nice. How would that hold up to the weight of these valks?
  3. You didn't know? That was the Flintstones version. It is a really rare find!!
  4. Hey! Maybe someone should start a thread devoted to weathered Macross toys. Just an idea.
  5. I like those backdrop images. Great use of other branded stuff! I really like that Aoshima! I bought a model of the Ent-D a while back, but have not gotten around to putting it together. That Aoshima might be a good alternative. I could then sell my unbuilt model.
  6. Yep, the Miria one was already shown. The Max one will be the same obnoxious NasCar scheme, but with more blue!
  7. Says the poor guy with a very hard to get valk. Actually that is good lately! Edit: To increase snarky nature.
  8. Interesting to find other Star Trek collectibles collectors here. I was wondering when someone would speak up. I frequent a Trek collectors forum interestingly enough on a Star Wars collectors site called Rebelscum. You may want to check it out. Just an idea.
  9. Or, you could steeple your fingers and say "Excellent!"
  10. Wow! That is a crazy thing to put on a box for any circumstance.
  11. Thanks - I have never visited there. Very useful!!
  12. Who did it and how might one go about getting one? Thanks.
  13. Nice! Well done. If you do the other mods, please share the pics.
  14. I have been watching this. Fortunately, I am not intersted in this one. Congrats to those who were able to snag one and I am sorry for those that were unable to. Be patient. I am sure that NY will repost them at a marginal increase. On a side note, I think it is funny that the filter is on for quotes, but not for Graham's original post. The benefits of being an admin, I guess.
  15. I know, the builder doesn't even deserve the time of day for that piece of crap! Seriously, I think that it is awesome, regardless of having custom parts.
  16. And not the kind with smushed faces!
  17. No kidding. It definitely lives up to its name.
  18. Nice! I don't remember seeing that angle.
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