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Everything posted by NightCastle

  1. What approx $2400+ USD can get you now-a-days.
  2. Don’t forget a dagger in every appendage. You know, just in case you are attacked while playing twister in your valk.
  3. Say no to crack! Sorry, someone had to say it.
  4. You just can't hide it? ...I am waiting for when my finances aren't so strapped before I jump in on this. Regardless, these stands are great Yeti! Keep it up!
  5. Is that an Optimus in a fish tank? Cool display, though.
  6. Ahh - I didn't realize that. Ok. I was seeing what appeared to be a red helmet in one pic and a yellow one in another. I think ChaoticYeti addressed what I was seeing.
  7. Hey Saburo, any particular reason for the differing helmets in the closeups versus the zoomes out pics? Just curious. Oh, and awesome shots, as always.
  8. So. Many. Jokes... Must refrain from letting the jokes take over. ...in all seriousness, though, I understand how an issue with a part of a valk not aligning correctly can be frustrating. I am glad that you were able to get the issue "straightened out"... ...ok, had to let one slip in.
  9. So, your nose is stuck up?
  10. Cool. So, I'm not loosing it (relative to the pic). Didn't mean to start a false rumor.
  11. Really? Those don't look like the wings of the D to me. Maybe it is at a funky angle and the wings look like non-delta wings at that angle. Also, why does the zero in a quote of what I said different in appearance than that of the original text? In fact, it made your 0 look like a lowercase letter 'O' in my quote of your statement. Strange. Ok, perhaps I haven't had enough caffiene today.
  12. Anone else notice that the valk in the pic is not a VF-0D? Perhaps I missed why this pic is relevant.
  13. Wait! Is that a confirmation?!?
  14. That just made me laugh so hard!
  15. Is it possible that the new double adapter could be fitted for the new RVF-171EX instead of that monstrosity that it comes with?
  16. I really like this particular bird and am looking forward to the PO. So, if everyone is in agreement that the differnece in colors for the two magazines is printing differences; I guess we all need to know which magazine prints the most accurate colors. Anyone want to take a shot at comparing the magazines' images to actual models?
  17. That looks like an advertisement photo if I've ever sen one.
  18. How much of it is metal? Will there be variants of it? Is the base made of the same type of plastic?
  19. Interesting. I am waiting for more info. Thanks.
  20. I like it. I'm glad I preordered. Thanks for the pics!
  21. While I didn't get my payment request for the G Tornado part, I got them for the Ozma 29 Super Parts. Strange how it seems to be happening for me like that. Sorry that yours is being strange too Loop. I know how annoying that can be. If you happen to take a break from the site for a while, you might miss that the payment requests were even made. It was MW that let me realize that I should pay for the aforementioned Tornado parts.
  22. Hey. You don't belong on the internet. You make too much sense.
  23. I hope I don't miss any other order payment requests. That would be bad considering their no-nonsense approach to missing a payment. VM, did you get the payment request?
  24. Interesting. I was not aware of that. I thought it was cool to see so many companies doing stuff like that. I don't follow TF that much (even though I was a fan of G1 and a little after), but I did think the add-on stuff was neat. I guess that is about as definitive an answer as I could imagine getting.
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