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Everything posted by NightCastle

  1. So, you are definitely entitled to your opinion, but I have never understood the logic highlighted in bold. Whenever I see a real car or plane, they are almost always glossy (unless they are old and faded or someone is in the middle of paint applications and has a matte black coat). So, why do you and so many others think that a matte paint job looks more realistic? I agree that a matte paint job can look nice, but I don't necessarily see it as "more realistic" when compared to a real car or plane. Please explain so that I may be enlightened. Thanks
  2. Nah - guys you are going to give him a complex. Hey Gundam@EFSF, that looks horrible. Let me spare you the grief and take that hangar off of your hands. I will even offer to take it and not charge any sort of fee. You will have to pay for shipping though. ...just kidding. Great shots and nice setup!
  3. Such a tease.
  4. disaster?
  5. I understand your sentiment. However, my comment was in jest. In case you didn't realize it.
  6. Don't forget that another improvement would be millisecond purchase windows. This 1 second purchase window is way too long.
  7. Either would do in a pinch. I agree about the Star Wars trailer.
  8. Hey look! Its the "Michael Bay" of Valk photos! Nice pics, though.
  9. I know. They could have at least turned it around.
  10. Hey spanner, nice bike. Too bad the blue on it isn't screen accurate.
  11. "Plus, I wouldn't mind having the thing left over to decorate my desk." You know, Aurel Tristen, this is how a collector is born. You get one and you just have to have that variant and the next thing you know, you have 15-20 of them. Best.
  12. Says someone who also does not post a picture.
  13. Wait. So you don't want a Max and Millia set of variants?
  14. Exactly - the tape does not match it.
  15. Well, if the landing gear crumbles, I would say it reaches the ground but not the fighter. I was going to say that my least favorite might be my 1/100 Vf-25G because it is a parts-former.
  16. I think the head is too big.
  17. That's cool. I just thought it was funny. Cheers!
  18. Say that again? I think there is an echo in here.
  19. Nah - I get it, completely. I just think being able to laugh at ourselves is always a good thing. I'm on board with this statement.
  20. <joke>I think all of you who don't like this color grey should just get over yourselves. They can't make it exactly like the onscreen images because they are a differnet grey in every scene. As for the apps and decals, you can't see them in every shot either, so they aren't off by too much. In fact, if you turn off your TV, you ca't even see what color it is or the decals... ...I mean you guys are just too much into perfection.</joke>
  21. Yeah. Sorry, it was very early in the morning. It was a payment for the pre-order request.
  22. Got my order ready notification for it from NY.
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