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Everything posted by Wasabi-san

  1. Michael Knight versus the new, Macross version of "Goliath?" "Michael...That...BRUTE!...That...MONSTER!...It's coming this way!" (I'm actually building Goliath out of the Snap-Tite Peterbilt COE and 40'Freuhauf trailer (30+yr old kits)) Yes, please let us know if/when you're taking orders and price range. I'm in for at least two.
  2. "John-Luck Pickard" is da man, but I'll always be partial to the Constitution class Enterprise refit from The Motion Picture/Khan/Spock..."NCC-1701...No bloody A, B, C or D, (and E)." I have two of the 1/350 Polar Lights refits, and am planning on doing one as the Enterprise as it's returning to spaceport damaged after the "KHAAAAAANNNN" encounter. The other one might end up as a Miranda class...possibly the Reliant.
  3. That's cool as hell! I collect Mospeada stuff as well, but the collection is missing those items. Are they still available and who would I talk to?
  4. Got the figs and pod decals a couple of days ago. They arrived just fine and I might take a crack at one of them over the break. Thanks for making these kits. Happy Holidays everyone.
  5. The pic of the subdued Skull One, sitting under the Macross flying overhead is pretty sweet. I too must seek the EXO. The mini-figs are pretty cool.
  6. Consider "at least one" of the V2 Monsters SOLD...if you're offering them up.
  7. Just read through the whole thread...my two cents here...Star Wars was in the past, and Star Trek is in the future (whichever timeline you want). However, someone didn't learn from the past. I just hope the new movie is good, but PLEASE, change the design of the Enterprise! The reboot version is FUUUGGGLLLYYY!!!
  8. Yep! December...order took eight days to switch from the Private Warehouse Ship Request status to a Shipped status this time...slowest ever for me. Hopefully US Customs won't take 14 days like the last BIG box did.
  9. Here's my first 10 minute attempt at work, based on a t-pin and tack, painted white. Tools were a glue gun, Quick Freeze and a "crack torch" to blend the strings. Kinda fun...
  10. We use hot melt glue guns all the time here at work when building Gatorboard/Fomecor mockups/models. One thing we have that might be relevent for cooling the glue almost immediately, is a product called "Quick Freeze." It's used to cool electronics to -55F for testing. It works great as it comes with a WD-40 style spot tube for tight areas. It's expensive at $13.00US a can, but well worth it. Theres a couple of brands available, but this is our "workhorse." Hope it helps... Miller-Stephenson "Quick-Freeze" MS-242N MSN6850-01-333-1841 Net Wt. 14oz (400g) EDIT: Did the 1/60 armored Valk ever come with the six, hip missle firing effects? I bought the clear set off of ebay, but no hip missles, and it looks funny. Just curious.
  11. I pre-ordered three of the re-release FAST/Strike packs for the 1/60 VF-1's and they weren't able to fill my pre-order this time...it's listed as "Dec. Restock" already. First time this has happened since I started ordering from them back in '04. Must be huge demand...
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  19. Last night I stopped by the Modelcave, and they showed me an Airfix display stand made for 1:24 scale model airplanes for around $10.ooUS. I ordered one because it's a fairly large base in the shape of an arrow, sort of like the 1:144 stands. From the picture is looks like it's about 8"-10" tall...sooo...my thinking is that it could be used for 1/60 VF's in fighter and GERWALK. I don't know if it'll support 1:48's yet. Gotta wait until it comes in. Theres a flat spot on the top with a nub of sorts. Being styrene, an adapter should be able to be glued or screwed to it for the Yamato connectors. Theres also three and five arm bases for 1:72 aircraft...probably good for the 1:144 and the 1:72 models. Just a couple of ideas... airfix.com
  20. Sorry to hear it, mate. That really sucks. Was he backing up to pull out a chair, or just careless? The collection is valuable, so would it be worth the money to get a Billy case with the doors from IKEA if it has to be in the dining room? Miss Marie's little sisters (5 and 7) came over one time and broke half of the guns/rocket pods and limbs off my battletech minis, then got a hold of the VMF50 Minmay and started screwing around with her and the 1:3000 Macross (mock fighting) when I walked in. They got escorted out of the room post-haste. The entryway was blocked and the 'rents were informed of the value of what they were messing about with. At least they're respectful of the collection now, by looking at it over the desks and the couch, but they always ask if they can play with something, or say "I wish I had one of those"...little trolls.
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