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Everything posted by Wasabi-san

  1. Answers the mech question...cool. EDIT: Glad to see the two robot kits are included in this re-release.
  2. @Vermillion One: Distant suburb of the Combat Zone. I'm just here because of the "illustrious" automotive industry. Going to the Motorcity Comicon in Novi this weekend? QUESTION: So is everyone going to buy all of the re-releases just for the optional parts?
  3. @ron5864 Bugger! You beat me to the punch. I just ordered two of them this morning. Happy days. Spartan next perhaps?
  4. So is it like the original Japanese release that DOESN'T come with the Tomahawk and Armored VF-1J, like the US/Germany Revell "Robotech" line did? I have the original, but haven't torn off the original shrink-wrap to see. That kit was the "holy grail" kit to a buddy and myself. I first saw it at Kay-Bee Toy and Hobby at the Citadel Mall for $17.ooUS. It was sitting on the floor in front of the 20' long display of all of them. I wanted it, but only had money for "Vexar." Didn't get the factory. Saw it a while later in Denver's Cinderella City for $80.ooUS. Didn't get it then either. I finally picked up two of them in Greeley as part of an estate sale...$45.ooUS for mine, opened, and $90.ooUS for the sealed one that my buddy got. I've had two since...going to combine them. Wonder what it'll do to the value of the old ones?
  5. Maybe they're raising the price higher, because they think they won't sell as many, and have to make up the production tooling costs? Being a completest on some things, I'll still have to get the prerequisite two kits, one to build, and one "MISB", because you just can't give the destroids enough love.
  6. Picture a little kid whining to mom about having to wait in line at the store...that's me waiting for these kits to come out. Whennnn??? Any Monster/destroid love is greatly appreciated...regardless of scale.
  7. .
  8. We've been doing business with HLJ since 2004, shipping everything EMS, usually getting the package in 4-5 days, and have NOT had a single problem with them, outside of sending two boxes when multiple items were shown as In-Stock, but that's rare...maybe five times, max. When we do have a question, they usually reply within 24 hrs.
  9. @OldMan: You're right. I just went there and did a search. Looks like they've been discontinued. Bummer, because they're nice models for the price. Some of the Revoltech ones are still available though.
  10. @kurisama: I noticed the translucent orange at the top of the chestplate last night as it was sitting in front of my table lamp. I'd like to cast a 1:60 Minmay and change her pose, so she could be in the hand as Hikaru is picking her up, since the first one is in GERWALK (sorry Mr. March) on the shelf. Did they ever come with the GU-11 strap/sling?
  11. Having just received the 1:60 VF-1D w/ Option parts from HLJ via EMS (by itself), the price for shipping to Detroit was $32.ooUS. The Yen/Dollar conversion rate sucks right now at about $.84 to 100Yen. The collection is primarily one of each of the five main characters/schemes and the VF-1D's, Seekers and Ostriches as the bonus valks, but the cost draws the line in the sand for most of the "extra" models...so...going through the shoebox of old Battletech mini's, I've re-found quite a few of the "Stinger" VF-1A's and am in the process of painting them the split-second schemes. It's a whole lot cheaper and can still show off the different paint schemes. (EDIT) PS: Just thinking about another inexpensive way of doing all of the "split-second schemes" would be to buy the often-discounted GN-DOU valk battroids on HLJ and repaint them. I'm doing that now with the Max/Milia VF-1J's. Use enamels and put it on thin, or it rolls off. You could get the whole collection for the price of one 1:60 valk. Just an idea...
  12. I picked up the 30th Anniversary VF-1D w/ option parts, and noticed the GU-11 won't stick to the arm in battroid mode. I might have to put a spot of hotmelt on it. It's being displayed with the head forward (sort of) and Hikaru sitting in the lower seat in the up position. My other one works fine, and I've switched gunpods. Anyone else have this issue? Discussing it, we might make some decals to simulate the bullet holes like in the episode.
  13. Questions regarding the color differences between the kite emblems. The valks all have the white-on-red kites, while the destroid's have red-on-white kites. Are they specific to the two different mech types/assignments, or Macross vs. Earth-based, or is it like the UN SPACY (which way is up depending on manufacturer) logo on the GU-11's? Over the years, I've encountered both types of decal/stickers and box art differences, and can't read Japanese to translate the VF-1 Master File book where it's described. Help please?
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