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Everything posted by pablumatic

  1. That may be the case. During the entirety of the pandemic I've been fine waiting the extra 3 months that I've come to expect from the rare shipments I get from Japan. This is the first time I've seen this type of forced shipment upgrade happen.
  2. First shipping charge when I originally paid was 2,490 yen. This time they demanded 2,010 yen, which I paid like a sucker.
  3. I was sent the "gimmemore" email, but until I read this thread today I had forgotten I had already paid for shipping from Big in Japan. I guess thats what they were banking on from their customers. So now I've paid close to $50 to ship one set of TV fast packs. I'm not ordering from them again. My Bandai DX hobby now has two online retailers off my list due to fast pack shenanigans (the other being NY as everyone else has experienced).
  4. Was hoping to get everything SDF related released stateside, but I guess I'll have to live with getting easier access to Macross Plus material.
  5. Missed the original VF-1J release. Hope I can snag one of these.
  6. This pre-order is going to be as bad or worse than the DX Roy to grab at first, isn't it?
  7. Oh right. I want some sub/dubbed blu-rays for the series.
  8. Here's to some Region A blu-ray releases.
  9. Even though I hated the first season I'll be hate-watching the second because I can't help myself when it comes to TNG.
  10. These third-gen Bioroids were never seen on screen due the series getting canned, but the only real difference other than the heads seems to be the feet. They go from two-toed to gradually more human looking. The aliens becoming more human seemed to have been a running theme for much of these Tatsunoko sci-fi series.
  11. https://www.entertainmentearth.com/product/voltron-gx71-soul-of-chogokin-action-figure/blfbas57466
  12. Pretty much. There was about a one-hour window where Big Bad Toy Store had preorders open. I managed to get one of those. Maybe some other sites like Entertainment Earth will get some. I have this thread and others on toy forums set to send email notifications when anyone posts. It was the only way for me to catch this one (and most other Bandai preorders).
  13. Great news. Hopefully I can snag a real pre-order this time. Megalopolis.toys let me down on the last run.
  14. Now we just need another Golion/Voltron re-release. C'mon, Bandai! My last pre-order never came through (from Megalopolis Toys).
  15. Cool poster. Likely impossible to get. Browsed yahoo auctions japan and saw nothing.
  16. Yes I did. The one with the wood grain finish front for nostalgia's sake. I've got so many games and consoles already I haven't opened it yet.
  17. I know. I got my order in quicker this time with them, I think. Had AE cancel some missile sets on me a while back from overselling, but I ordered them very late.
  18. That's good news to me. Sounds like they're going to avoid overselling and my order will go through.
  19. Got an order in with Anime Export. Thanks.
  20. The two (then later three) times we saw Boba in the original films he was working for the bad guys. Either for the Empire or as a Jabba the Hutt henchman. Always as a villian. Now that he's in the new show they've converted him into a hero character. Oh well. Disney/Lucasfilm likes the prequels and Temuera Morrison. So they're gonna do a Venom on Fett and make him a protagonist from now on.
  21. I remembered my own set of SSP from them last week and cancelled. They refused to give me my money back and gave me store credit instead. I guess I'm up a creek here with them. Someday I'll use that credit, but that will be my last time I deal with them.
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