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About Totenkupf

  • Birthday 08/10/1982

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Shanghai, CHA
  • Interests
    Gundam,Macross,AFV,waterline and all model especially Science Ficsion......

Totenkupf's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Amazing work!!!!! Fantastic!!!!! Much better than my YF-19!!!!! I found VF-19 is more beautiful than YF-19 from your work!!!!!
  2. Great Work!!!!!!! Masking is fantastic and should cost a huge time. It encouraged me to re-paint my YF-19.
  3. Here is the gold prize in SF group
  4. In the contest of this year This Valkyrie is also fantastic but had no prize
  5. This Valkyrie won the Silver Prize in 2003 Hong Kong Scale Model Contest Science Ficsion Gruop
  6. I never model the bootleg version made of china.They are rubbish!!! Are you from china?
  7. next is the base white mixed a little black and blue.Mind leave the dark shade. then is the pure white in middle of every plane. My airbrush is made of Taiwan about $30,it performs not excellent,I could only use it carefully with my mini voltage regular. Washing lines with Zippo+oil colour(ivory black) just as I used to in AFV modeling. But it was hard to make the coat clear enough. Then I tried to use the enamel paint,but the surface didn't yet satisfed me at last this time. I sincerely hope sb can tell me how to wash clear?
  8. next is the dark blue of the Paris Act,after masking this color is the light blue(this blue is composed of cobalt blue,white and a little clear red) ,then masking it.
  9. This Valkyrie are similar to military models in steps of paniting. I used to model AFV and I turned to model science ficsion work two years ago. After surfacer, the first step is the dark shade of German Gray (Moon Act is red brown+black)
  10. This little kit won the silver prize and special prize in Shanghai Bandai Gundam Model Contset 2003.
  11. 1/550 RX-93
  12. Before paint the main colour
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