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Everything posted by Bloodcat
My local Suncoast had the NX Polar Lights model in. I would have bought it if I had the cash. I suck at painting though, and that's one thing the Bandai kits have in their favor... I might grab the little 12 dollar Klingon ship though. Be a nice practice kit to paint up and see what I can do.
The CGI Starship Troopers show rocked. Not as good as the book, but the book really isnt filmable.
Alex Ross overall has the DC mainstays down pat. Though Turner is pretty good most of the time. Ehh.. give me Mark Bagley's stuff though. Ultimate Spider Man is probably the best superhero comic out there. It aint all Bendis ya know..
Heroes of Might and Magic went up to like 4, with 2 and 3 being considered the best. Ive got 3 myself. Its quite good. Havent played it under XP though... And the Gameboy Color even had a HOMM for it. Note also the original Kings Bounty was an Apple 2/PC/Amiga/C64 title. Back in the day, Electronic Arts brought lots of innovative and interesting computer games to the Genesis. Before Madden and liscenses became their bread and butter. (With killing great companies like Westwood, Origin Systems, and Kesmai being their hobby..) A LOT of the early EA console titles are really Amiga titles, since the Genesis and Amiga share the same CPU. (Motorolla 68000) Not hard to transfer over, especially when the graphics capabilities were similar. (Most Amigas until the 1200s used 32 colors as their on screen palette with a 320ish resolution, though they were capable with some tricks of going up to 4096 in the "HAM" mode, and could also interlace for 640 resolutions. Most games didn't use these features during the Amiga's heyday. ) Its one reason I liked the Genesis so much. It allowed me to play some of the games my little Commodore 64 couldn't handle. Like Populous and Star Control. (Yeah there was a C64 Star Control. It was apparently a shadow of the real thing.)
I approve, though I would prefer the armor to be full body instead of that midriff exposing bodysuit bit..
I stick to Mekton 2 for my mecha gaming needs. Well, the needs Battletech doesn't cover anyhow.
Which toy have you own or know as being the most
Bloodcat replied to CID's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Transmetal 2 Megatron. That thing was a pain in my ass. The TF Alternators are only hard till you get used to them. Megs stays hard to TF. He stays in Dragon mode now. Its better for all parties concerned.. -
The PSP looks too big to fit in a pants pocket. Ill pass I think. Worst news of the show? The Gamecube Advance Wars game. Looks and plays NOTHING like the Gameboy Advance games. At all. I won't cry over this.. *sniffle*
Heh.. Guy fails to backup his HD, loses a bunch of anime porn and MP3s. This is bad? The only thing that would be bad is if people gave him this stuff back... For all we know, he is just too lazy to use Kazaa and pirate the way normal people do... Sorry, count me as part of the "I could give a damn" club on this one.
Favorite obscure/under-rated toyline
Bloodcat replied to GobotFool's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Starriors. They were really cool, and the US comic was pretty awesome too. -
Anime Network to re-air all 85 Robotech
Bloodcat replied to Roy's Blues's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ehh.. Ive got my Robotech DVDs. And my cable provider doesn't have Cartoon Network yet. I figure we could get the Anime Network in... oh, 2010 maybe? The only good thing about this is that it will piss of some Otaku. Not as good as punching them in the face, but anything that upsets Otaku is OK by me. -
Children's entertainment... Yesterday and Today
Bloodcat replied to Agent ONE's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
GI Joe and (Lion Team) Voltron were good shows? I knew they were unrealistic crud back when I was 9. Nobody ever died in Joe, with Helicopter explosions being survivable. And Voltron? Well, if it wasn't for the same Blazing Sword attack almost every episode, the planet would have been screwed! GI Joe comics on the other hand? Utterly badass and hardcore. -
See.. this is the problem. ITS ALWAYS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN. Don't tease me with a mythical endgame I have to pay per month to WORK at to get to. If it aint fun in the first 10, I aint gonna keep working for the "fun" that is supposedly there after the 100 hour mark. Which is why City of Heroes kicks so much ass. I played for about 7 hours today nearly nonstop and I had a blast my very first day playing. Its always fun, even when I had to go kill certain dudes. I would find other exp rich targets on the way and stomp up and down on em till I found the object of my desire. No exp loss on death, no corpse recoveries, no getting lost on a mapless world. Pop a waypoint on the automapper, and run for it. No hitting the A key and going to make coffee.. interactive combat with powers and abilities going off rapid fire with hordes of enemies flying all over the place. And did I mention the gameworld is about as detailed and alive as Grand Theft Auto 3/VC? Utter crap like Everquest and Lineage 2 are no longer allowed, nor are well meaning mistakes like Star Wars Galaxies, nor are EQ clones like DAoC and FF11.
Its gonna bomb in the west. Almost everyone who was in the beta (myself included) found it to be a steaming pile of ass. Now its sister game, City of Heroes? BEST ONLINE RPG EVER MADE. And its of Superheroes. I cancelled Star Wars Galaxies within 2 days of playing the beta, and Final Fantasy 11 will be joining it. No room for mediocre games when brilliance in a box is out.
Ill take Transformers over Yamato toys any day. Rodimus on his own is more fun and nicer than all the Mac Plus toys. And 1/7th the price.
Very cool and cute. I liked it!
I kinda hated Encounters in Space. It controlled like ass. A shame, because I really loved Zeonic Front...
I love PC gaming far more than console gaming. You can get a fair video card for under 200 bucks, and from places like New Egg, even lower unless everything HAS to be 1024+ with maximum antialiasing. My PC cost about 1000 bucks and it can handle almost everything at an excellent graphics level. Not maxed out, but at a very high level. See, only idiots or very very wealthy people buy the latest videocards. The smart gamer waits a year or 2 and gets them then, or a good mid range card.
Opinion: best starfighter designs ever
Bloodcat replied to renegadeleader1's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I dont count the Aliens dropship as a starfighter. Its a dropship. One that would die to fightercraft. Lovely design though. Ive gotta go with the B Wing. Its just pure love. The Naboo Starfighter comes up in second place. Cant think of anything else. There are plenty of great starfighters, but most of them don't get me gushing over em.. -
Ive got an HK set of GGG. I just need time to sit down and watch the whole thing. A friend of mine was watching an episode with me and he compared it to Giant Robo. Which is kind of apt. Both shows have this huge, orchestral score and everything in em seems larger than life. If only the subs weren't so bad... Its the same reason I haven't sat down to watch all of Orguss..
- 71 replies
List the most ugliest Transformer toys out there?
Bloodcat replied to SupremeKaioshin's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
What Eriku said. Thank you. -
List the most ugliest Transformer toys out there?
Bloodcat replied to SupremeKaioshin's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Kicker is one of the current Microman toys just under the TF banner. And that sword SHOULD be that big. Considering its a simplified version of the Energon Saber that the regular TFs can carry. But I guess that doesn't matter because Macrossworld seems obsessed with Transformers bashing. (Sorta like Toybox DX actually.) Its REALLY irritating. It would be moreso, but considering how many fans of Transformers there are and how long Transformers has survived, I can't help but think its jealousy and a sad attempt at being "cool" at certain places to bash TFs. If ya don't like Transformers that's fine. But bashing on em constantly isn't very good. You don't see threads on many TF forums making fun of Macross, Gundam, or other Japanese mecha. You don't see it on Battletech forums either. Its as if Macrossworld's forum has gotten tired of bashing on Harmony Gold (because most everyone else doesn't care even if they agree HG has done wrong..) so they have decided Transformers is next up to get the hate. Im trying hard not to let this kinda stuff get to me folks.. trying DAMN hard. It aint workin very well. And im tired of leaving this place pissed off for 6 months plus at a time, only to come back for 3, to leave again for almost the exact same reasons. Its depressing... -
I wasnt that interested in Energon till I saw Strongarm. He is great.
List the most ugliest Transformer toys out there?
Bloodcat replied to SupremeKaioshin's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
You know why the later TFs were so simplistic and clunky? Because the more detailed and complicated Diaclone/Microman toys BROKE in most kid's hands. The things are so fragile some G1 fans consider the Diaclone line as a toy line that was never really meant to actually be played with! And the sculpting and technology back in the late 80s really didn't allow for these kinds of oversights to be fixed, so they simplfied the toys down. Thankfully later on the new G2 toys managed to begin the path of being an improvement over the Diaclone stuff, with massive poseability and stability. As to that "article" comparing Jetstorm to the Yamato 19? Utter rubbish. The Yamatos cost what, 70 dollars US? And how many problems do every single first line Yamato Valk have? Yeah, they are complex and have nice sculpts. But they are overly fragile failures of toy design. Basically they are to transforming toy robots what the McFarlane toys are to action figures. Designed for adults to look at, but never designed to actually be handled or played with. Cept at least the McFarlane stuff doesn't cost 70 bucks plus.. And I have 4 Yamato Valks. None of them I am happy with, and the normal sized VF-1A DYRL was the last one I bought. I felt like I wasted money on all of them, and I almost never even touch them, especially the 11. Diecast doesn't impress me, and I keep worrying the things will break apart in my hands. Transformers I keep buying and am usually quite happy and satisfied with my purchases outside a few stinkers.