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  1. It was far better than I expected for a PSA. The animation was pretty decent outside of the bad CGI ships.
  2. Robotech fans have no business calling anything crap, let alone Macross 7. Well then. I guess I break that law every third or fourth post I make on the Internet then.
  3. Ok. I think I know what my birthday present this year is.
  4. I like the new Invid mecha, but am so far ambivalent about everything else. Depending on how Episode 3 is going the RT sequel either needs to rock to cleanse the palate of childhood cool things getting modern sucky versions, or will suck because Lucas managed to stop jumping up and down on the bloodied corpse of the few good things of my youth.
  5. The Microman Catwoman action figure is pretty kickass. Her current non slurmty outfit, packed with tons of accessories and an ungodly amount of articulation. I had her kicking General Grevious in the robo nards with her knife boot. It looked cool.
  6. That may be the most outragous thing ever said in the history of MW. Do the mods know about this!?! This guy must be French or something... (no disrespect to the French intended ) And we wonder why so much of the world hates us... I don't.. Its because we are the most successfull, we have the most control. They are just jealous. They all loved us when there was another power that was actually evil and WE were the only ones who stood up to them... But now that the Soviet Union is gone, we are the only superpower left. NOW all of a sudden it isn't fair. Maybe because we were actually worth looking up to back then? These days we aren't exactly anything to be proud of. We have boundless potential we happily keep flushing down the crapper into the waiting mouths of corporate and religious special interests. Bah. Getting too political. As to the PSA? Eh. Kinda dumb, don't really care.
  7. For those of you who decided to bash Beast Wars because you still think the original G1 cartoon was bad. 1: Go rewatch the G1 cartoon. Seriously. Don't just watch the movie. Watch the series. At least from More Than Meets the Eye through the Ultimate Doom miniseries. 2: If you still think the G1 cartoon is good please don't take drugs this time. Go to rehab, and watch it again once you get out. 3: Once you realize your tastes as a child SUCKED you will probably want to start taking drugs again. That's ok. Just don't take them. I managed to survive the realization one of the favorite shows of my childhood blew ass. So has everyone with fond memories of the original Battlestar Galactica who blindly bashed the new series the way you bash Beast Wars. Much like the new series BSG bashers you are completely fracking WRONG and letting nostalgia get in the way of you enjoying a better made, more mature series whose success is the very reason you can even buy new products based on cashing in on your barely remembered childhood. That's right. Those Alternators and Binaltechs wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Beast Wars. 4: Now watch Season 2 of Beast Wars and understand how your utter refusal to give the new show a chance has deprived you of what is quite possibly one of the best and smartest seasons of kid's tv ever made. Addendum: If you think I am being a douche (which I probably am, but fudge it) because I am bashing your beloved childhood, just think about how a large percentage of this site's posters constantly do the same thing every day. You loved G1 Transformers? Well, lots of people loved Robotech. And hell, lots of kids (and adults once they got off the nostalgia trip and WATCHED IT) grew up loving Beast Wars. It started in fall 95 you know. Almost 10 years. Oh yeah. Mike Bay doing the new one? Team America said it best: Pearl Harbor sucked.
  8. Thats about the only really worthwhile thing on the whole list. But thanks for the heads up. Edit: Well according to Firefox (the web browser, not the Soviet Super Jet), the information on one's credit card is sent unencrypted even though the page itself where you type the number is. Something I have never seen before. Sorry ADV, no sale.
  9. Id rather go to war listening to Gwar thanks. Good and violent. ANGRY MUSIC that happens to be incredibly amusing. Sublime's "Smoke Two Joints" song would be pretty cool too. Especially if every Valk came with a roach clip connected to the HUD. Every pothead I have ever met seem to be technical geniuses and extremely relaxed. Hell, just go to the man himself and throw some Bob Marley on. Less stressful combat means better battlefield effectiveness. Till they all try to land at once and get some Cheetos anyhow..
  10. Hell, most of the old 8 bit Microprose combat sim games had mission builder options in em. Pick a theater of operations, a level of conflict, control setup, and difficulty, and it would make you a mission on the fly. Then you would go out and shoot commies. (Hey, it was the 80s!)
  11. *winces* GBA Robotech ranks ABOVE something? That makes me sad. Ranking it above Scrambled Valkyrie and FamiCom Macross though? Are you SURE you aren't a Robotech.com troll? </joke> I just didn't like Scrambled Valk or NES Macross at all. If it wasn't for that effing scoring setup in Macross 2 it would have been rated higher just for the music. The show's soundtrack just works so well in a SHMUP for some reason. I kinda liked GBA Robotech for the same reasons. The music just made it peppy and more fun than it probably would have been otherwise. Plus unlike some Macross SHMUPS you can actually beat the damn thing. Its hard, but not impossible. Too many shooters just go straight for the superhard these days. Its why the SHMUP has all but joined the graphic adventure as a dead videogame genre. And im not saying Battlecry is even on my mecha top 10 game list. But the shoddy videogame treatment Macross has gotten makes a decent game come out better than it really is. (If I had to make a top 10 mecha list it would probably look like this if I may slightly tangent it here for explanatory purposes: 1: Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries 2: Mechwarrior 4 3: Gundam Zeonic Front 4: Zone of the Enders Fist of Mars 5: Gundam Battle Assault 2 6: Mech Commander 2 7: Front Mission 4 8: Front Mission 3 9: Mech Commander Gold 10: Gun Griffon Honorable mentions to Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries, PS2 Transformers Armada, and Super Robot Wars 3) Thanks to the wonders of emulation I have played a decent percentage of the Macross videogames, and most of them wouldn't even be worth a second look if it wasn't for the liscense. But when a more popular lisense like Gundam has tons of mediocre and crappy games I guess Macross can't expect many masterworks...
  12. I totally missed all of this. But I am pretty much a casual manga and anime fan these days. Being 30 and utterly sick of anything inolving teenagers in my entertainment as they are portrayed in anime/manga doesn't help any. What with the who happened to Viz? Ive been reading Excel Saga quite happily, along with Tokyop's Battle Royale. I'd hate to see both books ended around the 11th volume. I would read the new Tenchi series, but it seems to get a single volume every 6-9 months.. I could kind of tell this was coming. Its seriously oversaturated and aimed at a group of people most likely to torrent the most. They already openly read most of their manga in store, getting in my way when I like, try to buy something. (At the moment usually DC trades and Marvel Ultimate universe trades.) I look through the stuff they have, and 90% of the manga I wouldn't buy if you paid me. Teenaged romance crap seems to take up 2/3rds of it, with a smattering of other genres and styles. A little action, a little humor, a dash of horror. Then I take a look at the back, usually see "High school student so and so" in some form, then put it back in disgust unless the art is REALLY good or the story sounds decent in spite of it having an annoying idealized Japanese teenager in it. And anime is even worse, since you aren't dropping a tenner (plus Waldenbooks discount) for a title, but 20-30 bucks, usually 30 since Wal Mart sure as hell doesn't stock the stuff, and Target is erratic at best. Im afraid anime/manga is looking to be a teenager trend that is dropping off quickly. Hopefully it won't die and it should stay relatively popular (at least year 2000 levels), but the big bubble seems to have popped. Hmm.. wonder if that means I can get Tenchi GXP and Patlabor DVDs on clearance to finish up those 2 series? Not like I am really buying anything else these days animewise..
  13. I havent played many Macross games, but Battlecry is probably the one I was most satisfied with (Outside of a too hard difficulty level anyhow..), and the 2 different SHMUPs based on DYRL (Top down arcade and side scrolling 32 bit system titles) coming in 2nd place with a tie. I guess the GBA RT Macross game would be 4th, and Macross M3 gets a grudging 5th. Macross 2 arcade was kinda dumb with its scoring/victory condition system, Macross Plus shooter was a bullet hell SHMUP which I despise, Scrambled Valkyrie was just BLEH, and the old Famicom Macross game was only marginally better than some of LJN's 8 bit Nintendo abortions.. Never played the PC Engine Macross games though, nor either VFX game.
  14. I would say the Valk is far more classic than the RX 78 Gundam. It pretty much hasn't been redrawn/modified since the original design. To be sure there have been tweaks, but you really have to look hard. The RX 78 has been tweaked and upgraded a lot to the point even a casual fan can see it had some work done with the Mecha Botox... (Well they would if there weren't so many Gundams that look so similar..)
  15. The true Nintendo Game & Watches go for disgusting amounts these days, and pretty much any old electronic game like that in decent condition seems to be worth some coin. Bout the only ones not really worth anything are the Tiger LCD games. It didn't help any when Retro Gamer magazine had a big article on these things a couple months back either. Just something I figured I would give people a heads up on. Like I said, I sure wouldn't pay that price.
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