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Everything posted by 3D-Brainx

  1. 3D-Brainx

    DX VF-25G

    Although now they are a bit smaller, Yamato has a history of big, space-consume (not to say useless) boxes, it might be just that.
  2. Very nice! love it! My contribution for a cast: Clive Owen as Britai Steve Buscemi as Exsedol
  3. So I guess that's it. I comes with a Basara figure, missiles and a regular gunpod.
  4. Happy birthday Macross! I can´t believe I was 2 month old when this was released
  5. I'm right there with you. It's just..., too red!
  6. Don't know if someone post this yet, but Anime export has opened the pre-order http://www.anime-export.com/product/10934 Full price though, 400+ before shipping
  7. My top three are: 1.- YF-19 This one set a new standard for transforming jets IMO. The design is so iconic that Kawamori decided not to use it in Macross Frontier because it would just take to much attention and overshadow the 25s. 2.- YF-21/22 As Banshee said, it's just sexy. 3.- VF-1 Don't have a particular variant. I'll stick with the J because of Max and Millia red&blur scheme, but I like the A head more, it looks much more robot-like. I do have a place in my heart for the vf-25 though
  8. I agree, but then again, Yamato might surprice us next year, now that they are making M7 toys.
  9. I also started in 2008, with a 1/60 YF-19. I'm a little sad I missed 8 years a joy but on the other hand, seen how well the toys evolved, I'm also glad I started in 2008
  10. Nice! Pity the pics are so small
  11. Anyone noticed the timeline at the bottom of the link?? http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_023/list2012.html Its nice to see the evolution on the toys along the years.
  12. That's an interesting custom! I'll say with the head laser
  13. That's amazing! Great job! My vote goes for the VF-11 Armour!
  14. Hi Guys! Thanks! It's basically a poly-by-poly technique. I started with a plane object and worked out the shape of the entire model. Then I subdivided the mesh with turbosmooth (I use 3dsmax) Here's an example: Low poly mesh High poly mesh with turbosmooth Once I have a general shape I collapse the mesh and used that new high poly model to cut the details as neatly as possible. In the end you get something like this: Thanks! If you have any pic of the arms and legs that would be awesome, specially orthogonal views or similar. I still have no idea how I'm going to do them. Yeah, I know that feeling, I used to work in the game industry and our models were about 1200 tris. I'm close to 1.5 million polys right now with the 21 Noy much to show, but I'm done with the wings and the thrusters
  15. Any news on this? the VE-1 is supposed to come out in October, I find it strange that it is not listed anywhere yet.
  16. Does someone ever made a list of "missing 1/60 stuff"?? Not talking about wanted v2, but actual unmade 1/60 toys.
  17. Someone said already, I guess the next in logic would be to complete the Macross 7 valks, there's still a lot to be done there, at least 3 vf-11, 3 vf-17 and the vf-5000. Personally, I would love v.2 Macross Zero valks and a vf-0D
  18. Things are expensive depending if you have the money to buy it or not, IMO. We add the value for this kind of things. Some of us gladly spent 300 for a vf-17s, so why not 340 for a vf-4? Because maybe we where expecting something else, in my case, Hikarus color scheme. I don´t think is a matter of price, but what that valk means to us. As I said, I would have pay 340 for a FB2012 one without even thinking, but not for this one, that doesn't mean I find it ugly, but for me this one is just not worth 340. And again, not because I think is ugly or I don't appreciate Yamato producing it, it just doesn't thrill me to push the buy button and if I don't fell that, then I'm just throwing money away and that's my queue to know that something is expensive for me.
  19. If it were Hikarus color scheme I might just get one, but 340 for something I wasn't expecting is just too much. I stand by my vote and I'll let this one pass, hopping Yamato will eventually do what we all wanted in the first place.
  20. I always though of that as a way to show that he could control the plane with his mind, as if his hands were the wings and his feet the thrusters, I never thought the the plane could actually morph. But that might be an answer. I do have to agree with Dan and I actually though in modeling 2 sets on arms and legs just to make it fit. If the OVA used some anime magic, I can use some CG magic My intention is not to produce a physical model, just a nice piece of 3d art.
  21. me too! I actually though that those vents where just an excuse to shorten the whole thing when in gerwalk and battroid, I had no idea they actually had another use. Apart from MMM, is there another source that states that those vent are for lifting the plane?? On the other hand, this is the only VF that can still fly without arms and legs
  22. Thanks guys! Yes, those legs are impossible to fit "inside" the plane itself, just by looking at the 1/60 yamato toys you can see that the legs are much thinner than the line art. And here's a pic on how the engines should fit into the design. I'm working on the wings and back thrusters now, I'll try to post something soon.
  23. Ok ok, I just might So I finally found some time to work on this, here's an update. I wanted to add some more detail to this, what you guys think? should I just let me imagination flow (I actually did that already a bit)? or should I stick to the original concepts? Pity there isn't as much data on the 21 as there is on the vf-1
  24. Looking good! Can't wait to see some color on that one!
  25. Although I agree that the sound booster is tempting (and the fact that Yamato might end up producing the whole sound force and that might be interesting to have), I'll go with the P, I just can´t stand the shinny red on the KAI
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