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Everything posted by Astralith

  1. YES PLEEZ!!! With the look AND plot of the DYRL/Frontier Zentradi... I'll start sawing off my right arm now.
  2. Your choice also depends on how many you are getting. I knew that with my budget I could only get 1or 2 so I got the most memorable and iconic valks (1J Hikaru and 25F). I'd love the Fokker 29 but I can't show the box DVD box art or a Macross YouTube vid to a noob friend and say, "this is that guy" the way I can with my two. You know what I mean? It like having a Star Trek collection and your first purchase is a very detailed, highly displayable Tholian ship. WT...? That being said, I recommend you send me the money and let me choose for you. >;-D
  3. That's good news. How do you know that? I don't see anything from HLJ in my inbox or any notices when I log into my account. It would be nice to know when the debit will hit. I don't think I'll be doing this kind of thing ever again. I order things when I have the money to spend. Now things are "iffy". This sucks. UPDATE: yep... Got the email. I wish to god they would have taken the money when I had it... ARGGH!!!
  4. I REALLY liked this movie... But... I was hoping for some reference to SPECTRE only because they were mentioned in Mission: Impossible 4 and a crossover would absolutely rock!
  5. Item want your time and your skill to build and paint . "Item hadn't box". LOL http://www.tfw2005.com/resources/energon-decepticons-167/alpha-quintesson-1530/ Or this
  6. Astralith

    Macross 30

    Sorry... I did take the conversation off on a tangent there. My notion would not account for Zero and Plus villains.
  7. Astralith

    Macross 30

    Wiki: According to the "official" Macross chronology, the SDF-2 Megaroad-01 fleet vanished 4 years later while traveling near the center of the galaxy during the new expedition (in July 2016 A.D.) and was never heard from again. Lynn Minmay was among the missing. I always imagined they got lost in some space version of the Bermuda Triangle and went back in time, leading to the meeting of Lyn Minmay and Whoever her husband would turn out to be and that their son would be named Richard Bilrer. Also, I wondered if the ship that crashed on Earth in 1999 was the Megaroad-01, after a failed attempt to return home., but I couldn't account for the people.... So no...
  8. I'm new to Macross beyond SDF and DYRL but would the ever adapting Vajra the Protoculture encountered be less evolved than the ones human would fight in 2059?
  9. Now Disney rumored to be buying Hasbro, thus Transformers.
  10. Astralith

    Macross 30

    Milia Jenius vs. Klang Klan? Fokker vs. Lee? ...Would it be cool if they brought back Fokker and put him in that Durendal for the game, maybe as an unlockable Easter Egg?
  11. Astralith

    Macross 30

    Hey... Who knows... Maybe the US will import ASTRAL PLAN instead. If a full-fledged PS3 game came out in English and it put us round-eyed cow boys in the cockpit of transforming mecha (see Starhawk) we would rush out to buy it no matter if the series It was based on was a half-baked knock off. Just a few hours of extra coding could bring a couple of extra... What, million yen? Am I lying? $12,425...I know, I know.
  12. Because he's the villain Macross deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not the hero. He's a silent guardian, watchful protector.
  13. I just saw Wreck it Ralph. Not my cup of tea... but hearing Darth Vader's breathing in one scene did portend the arrival of Disney Star Wars in this Disney Pixar movie. Why does the Solo girl and the top version of Mara Jade both have Kate Beckinsale's eyes?
  14. And a fantastic job of it too! I spliced in Cristina Vee's English version of Ai Oboete Imasu ka which he also made available.
  15. Astralith

    Macross 30

    Are we really? I honestly don't have a clue. 5%? Less? I really wish my middle-aged brain could wrap around a new language. Anyway, from a programming standpoint, adding English text (not dialog) would take so little effort. Heck, i bet a programmer on this forum would do it gratis. Oh well.
  16. That is the picture above I was referring to so it must be the kit. Thanks.
  17. REBOOT! REBOOT! REBOOT! Isn't it time!? Ep 4 - 6 need to be redone. "You could play with your friends later"... O_o. Really Uncle Owen!? Seriously!? And Gandalf could beat the $h!# out of old Obi-Wan and Fix that scene when he fights Vader. Ax the Ewoks. Get rid of the climate controls on Vader's chest and give us Iron Man meets Sauron. Common Disney. Give us a worthy American space opera franchise so I don't have to keep reading subtitles! ADDENDUM... DISNEY, BUY MACROSS TOO!
  18. Astralith

    Macross 30

    I hope there is some way to set the game on "English" even if its subtitles. I'm buying it regardless.
  19. I keep seeing pics on eBay of bronze photo-etched parts and a VF-1 with its nose cone off. I attempted to take the nose cone off of mine (Hikaru VF-1J v2) to see if there's a little radar dish under there but I could tell it would break if I kept trying. So what's the story here? Is the nose cone supposed to pop off?
  20. Astralith

    Macross 30

    OMG!!!! AN ACTUAL PS3 MACROSS FULL GAME!!!! This is a dream-come-true! It spans every series too!... Heart... s-stopping... must.. lick... light... s-socket...
  21. Maybe they feel the upcomming 1:72 transformable VF-1 will be a hit and like the dinosaurs with their big appetite, the big price of the 1:60 stuff will drive those into extinction. You think? Honestly had I known they were coming I might not have spent $600 combined on Alto, Hikaru, a display stand and option parts.
  22. "In addition, we would like to emphasize is also in the form of action Battroid gimmick and movement of the legs in the configuration instead of just deform." So are they saying they want to emphasize on the perfect tranformation of the legs or the movement of the legs? I'm happy with the swing bar. It looks like the panel lines are deep but I know it's just a pic.
  23. I don't know Swoosh, the Mickey Mouse hand looks about the same size as that 1/100 scale. I doubt it will tuck into the arm for transformation though. Nice work man, thanks! I wish the VF-1S Hikaru fixed-posed hands were available with the option parts.
  24. LOL! I wonder if he flies a Messiah... <<Padumpoom>>... Maybe if this game makes money in DLC someone will have the incentive to make a real Macross MMO. Meanwhile I'm definitely going to try this one!
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