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Everything posted by Astralith

  1. Astralith

    Need a stand

    I need a stand for my 1/60 vf-1 for under $50 Point me in the right direction.
  2. How? I haven't seen a Valk for under $300 in months.
  3. really wish you could delete your own content
  4. Respect the past. Embrace the future. Why did no one ever tell me how awesome the 25 is!? I'm loving this thing!
  5. #unnecessarycynicism
  6. I really hope they paint Macross city...
  7. Oh wow...that's different o_O I would love to see what everyone has to say about this.... spacemen. (Mind you I don't have an encyclopedicc knowledge of Macross toys before 2014 so I use "specemen" lightly)
  8. So...all borderline racism aside, are we waiting for the PF version pre-order to hit? Any idea when that will happen?
  9. God help us all. Anyone else notice that harmony gold is suddenly giving a shite about Robotech seemingly out of nowhere? Makes you wander if this is a last ditch effort to stay relevant and avoid bankruptcy. :/
  10. late, but yeah my thoughts exactly
  11. Genesis 3: 3 XD
  12. And vise versa. Only time will tell.
  13. HA! Good point! Better safe than sorry, huh?
  14. Calmith thy Tits. All I know is that MY 1S has some scratching issues and I've only had it for a month and have barley touched it. As for Jenius' review, i'm sure people said the same thing about the crack shoulder issue assuming it was an isolated case and not a big deal, but look how that turned out. Just putting my thoughts out there, no need to break your caps lock.
  15. It's pretty and all but... Arcadia has some issues with decals. lets hope this stays looking this pretty after a transformation or two.... ...or three ...or twelve
  16. If that what its called, then yeah. I've heard it brought up in reviews and other topics but I've never actually seen it with my own eyes.
  17. I saw you sneak in that PF VF-1S <~< You ain't slick son!
  18. Once upon a forum, the great QC apocalypse struck Collectors and Weebs all across the world, as they finally received there Yamato V2 VF-1's, only to discover they had been cursed by the Cracked Shoulder Plague. But legend tells of another Hope-Shattering, Cringe-Inducing, Valk-Killing, Money-Wasting QC issue....THE DREADED CRACKED CANOPY... which sadly (fortunately) was before my time. Theatrics aside, was this really a thing? Are there any topics that discussed this at length? If so link me to it, or post pics of this terrible menace. I just want to know what this looks like and if the legends are true.
  19. Yeah...? have you seen the old Yamato version? Looked like something you would find at Toys r us.
  20. You're doing god's work man.
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