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Everything posted by Astralith

  1. Has there been any word on this? am I huffing Hopium waiting for this to come out...?
  2. Nice! HMR is pretty good for pulling off poses like that. We should start an entire thread about trying to pull of this pose šŸ˜‚
  3. Has anyone figured out how to fix the loose/wobbly intake joint on the DX VF-1? It's happening on mine and I'd rather it didn't šŸ˜…
  4. Anyone remember this!? I'm curious what happened here šŸ¤” (also is it just me or are the proportions better? šŸ˜¶)
  5. There's a good chance they're going to borrow engineering ques from the Yamato (magnets, locking mechanisms, etc) so I doubt that will be an issue
  6. Kind of yeah! I used double-sided tape. What's funny is that I sat there for a while fiddling with it, trying to get the gunpod and the head lasers to line up with the strike cannon. But then I realized that the strike cannon actually is rotated slightly in the animation. I wish we could get strike parts with a ball-jointed cannon, that would make since practically in-universe and help with playability.
  7. Thanks, Iā€™m thinking about getting into toy photography at some point. Just need proper equipment šŸ˜…
  8. I think the KC implemented a joint like that on the newer versions, makes you wonder if theyā€™ll ever release a DYRL 1S in that line šŸ¤”.
  9. šŸ˜Ž
  10. Loving the DX! I've been trying to get this shot with a Hikaru 1s for a long time.
  11. Preorder when? (Asking for a friendšŸ‘€)
  12. Thanks for the info! What about Defused LED strips? Like the ones you stick behind a computer desk or along the ceiling corners of a room? Iā€™m considering using those instead of my current setup.
  13. Woah.. the display lights? really? I didn't even know that was a thing. Can all lights potentially discolor plastics, or is this less of the lights doing and more of the type of plastic? I'd hate for any figures in my collection to start decaying on me just because I have a lighting set up šŸ˜…
  14. Holy Moly what a find! My jaw dropped when you posted pics of the matching markings. I wonder what caused it to yellow so dramatically, and if that issue will start to surface of the production Valks. Are you considering attempting to reverse the discoloration? although that might mess up the tempo šŸ¤”
  15. Sorry to hear the bad news. Hopefully things will be better for everyone next year. I just wanted to know if the mod was dead or not, but good to see its just going on pause.
  16. @ShiftZero @cooper59 Okay, this is my last attempt. This isn't the first time an amazing mod has died out of nowhere for me. An update on what's going on currently would be nice. Is this just a break from the project or is it over?
  17. Okay. Well, that sucks, I thought it was just me. Somethings definitely up with the AI. Hopefully this mod is not dead and they fix it. I would play it often if it worked.
  18. No developer post since March. So is this mod over?
  19. Is everything working for you?
  20. I've reinstalled the game and the mod and the AI is still broken. Is this on my end or is anyone else experiencing this? EDIT: I just did a normal game without the mod on and the AI was fine.
  21. So the AI was working for you? Hmm, mine isn't working. I even had 7 expert Zentradi on aggressive tactics and nothing attacked me, lol. I'll try reinstalling my game.
  22. Its been awhile! I just felt like playing this mod recently and I noticed that the AI isn't working very well. Is this issue just me or is there a reason for that? Hope the team is doing well.
  23. This is awesome guys! So glad the team is continuing to update this mod. I'll definitely be trying it out soon.
  24. So...anything new?
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