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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Probably doesn't go in this thread, but LOL, I love this one. DV has a bright future in advertising...
  2. Things being the way they are--what with this marketing driven consumer culture of ours--if anybody wants to know what the badguys look like BEFORE the movie comes out, just check your local Toys R Us. Back when I was in college, I worked at a TRU, and they more often than not started getting toys/merchandise in well before the movie hits theaters. That's how I knew what the aliens/ships were gonna look like in Independence Day, about a month or more before I could've gone to see it (which I didn't; I STILL think that movie blows donkey's balls. EXCEPT for Vivaca Fox's scene "at work." GOOD GAWD! DAS A BA-DUNK-A-DUNK BOOTAY! )
  3. Yeah, I bet those open road races are some serious fun. I think some of the hazards include migrating crickets, among others. Can you imagine dashing along, balls out at a good buck-fifty or so, then hitting a patch of black in the road, only to have it turn into gooey liquid "ice," turning you and your car into a 3000+ lb projectile? Yowzers!
  4. Peter Cushing didn't play Vader. He was Tarkin. David Prowse, a British weightlifter, played Vader. Oops, how silly of me. P. Cushing was also in a lot of those old Hammer horror films with Christopher Lee, among others wasn't he? I think he's got quite a resume in B-movies from back in the day, IIRC. I was just in a Wal-Mart and noticed the Star Wars section, replete with Darth Vader cutouts and other display items. The posters and cardboard cutouts were just as unflattering. Man, they've just punk-ified the Dark Lord of the Sith, compared to Mr.'s Prowse & J. Earl-Jones' portrayal, respectively. Then again, I was a child when I first saw these movies; hell, to a kid everything's bigger, I guess...
  5. LMAO, thanks for jogging that memory! "How many a--holes have we got on this ship, anyway?" *YO!* "I knew it, I'm surrounded by a--holes!"
  6. http://www.trackdaymedia.com/modules.php?n...op=getit&lid=21 Now that's pretty darn good!
  7. Well, things are looking pretty sparse for the ALMS; only 24 entries so far for Mid-Ohio. The European series and FIA-GT seem to have much more healthy grids, though. Here's hoping that GT racing won't hit a dry spell here in the states. Gawd, how depressing it'd be if all there was to look forward to was NASCAR. We already get force-fed that stuff 12-18hrs out of every day of the week on SPEED Channel--which is primarily the ONLY outlet for any kind of road racing on TV... *sigh*
  8. Boso-what? What's that? If it's referring to the hacking up of vehicles like what's in that pic, then I think the spelling's a little off. Should be more like "Bozo-suko". No, Bosozoku. Street tribe. Well known as motorcycle gangs in Japan, Onizuka of GTO fame was a former Boso. They also build cars, as seen here, although this is a very extreme example. The majority of Boso cars exhibit less radical features. They're primarily older cars, pre-1990. They often have: -Bumper-mounted oil cooler -subway handhold on the rear towhook -one headlight covered -very low -small diameter, wide lip, old-school wheels, often with excessive tire stretch and negative camber -outrageous exhausts, coming out and up from the car as much as several feet -fender flares Like butterfly collars, bellbottom pants, fat shoe laces, gold tooth implants, and so much more: some trends just shouldn't ever catch on...to each his own, I guess.
  9. OMG, what the holy f--k is that?! "Super Deformed High Comical Darth Vader"!! Look at the size of that helmet! You mean to tell me they couldn't just find a large enough actor to wear the suit? Peter Cushing wasn't all THAT big, was he? Darth's got a helluva lot of growing to do... I wasn't all that impressed with the first two prequels--I'm not really looking forward to this one all that much, either. The Force just isn't with Lucas with these films. They first three films are very straight forward and simplistic in plot/storytelling, in comparison; maybe that's what worked so well for them?
  10. Well, this probably ought to go in its own thread, but since it's auto related...anybody checked out the previews/info on Forza Motorsport for the X-Box yet? After reading some reviews, I thought "maybe someone will finally dethrone the Gran Turismo series as the 'ruler' of racing games." But then I checked out this video: http://xfersf05.ign.com/^566489752/movies/...?position=front Well, I can say the Audi R8doesn't sound a damn thing like that. And who in the f--k designed the handling physics on this one? I'm a layman when it comes to games/programming and such, but jeez, did they even bother to watch an ALMS race? The amount of lateral grip these cars--and prototype sports cars in general--generate is nothing short of phenomenal. Anyone who's seen them in action will know what I mean. And what's with all the skid marks and screeching and s--t? Just making it flashy for the average game junkie I guess. If you hear the tires screeching on a car like the R8, it pretty much means only one thing: something bad is about to happen, i.e. you are imminently about to crash, have a shunt, etc... Judging from some of the screen shots I saw though; this game still has the potential to be more interesting than Gran Turismo turned out to be for me. I bought a Playstation back in the day, just to play GT. Then after the rushed-to-market-incomplete-feeling-bug-ridden disappointment that was GT2, I decided I'd be damned if Sony would ever get a penny of my money again. Don't get me wrong; I got many an hour of play out of both GT1 and GT2. But the replay value always sucked in my opinion (how many times can you race against the same 5 or 6 cars in a given class over and over and over before it gets ho hum? And do we really need 8-10 versions of the same damn Lancer Evo's, Skylines, and RX-7's. Quit wasting memory space, and give us more play features/tracks!) The list of cars in this X-Box game is much shorter at only about 230 or so cars, but the overall selection at first glance looks like it'll drive circles around Polyphony's recycled and re-used 10-variants-of-the-same-damn-car approach; and really! who the f--k wants to race a damn Daihatsu?! I've seen screen shots of a Lingenfelter Vette; classic Pontiac GTO, Camaro and Stingray Vette; and a nice selection of LeMans prototypes. On the plus side, they've even got Nurburgring Nordschleife. That track kicks ass! I still doubt I'll fork over my hard earned cash for any console game/system ever again, but it'll be interesting to see how this one stacks up against the "industry standard" that is the GT series... img_2539512.html
  11. Boso-what? What's that? If it's referring to the hacking up of vehicles like what's in that pic, then I think the spelling's a little off. Should be more like "Bozo-suko".
  12. Dear God, someone please tell me this thing was done in MS Paint or something...
  13. I don't think he's been mentioned--and how on Earth could we forget--but I say: King Kong (1933 ver.) I mean for real; this oversized bag o' hormones went tear-assing across an entire prehistoric island, and half of Manhattan to boot, just to keep his main squeeze Faye Wray for himself. The big monkey wracked up some serious collateral damage tallies: --killed a T-Rex. A T-fuggin-Rex! --Ptaradactyl (sp?) --some giant snake-lizard thingie --about 2 dozen or so sailors and natives, armed w/everything from spears to guns to grenades --a subway train full of people --an air force fighter plane This mutha pitched one big hissie fit; knocking down giant gates, ripping up buildings and equipment and stuff, chewing and stomping anyone or anything that got in his way, causing untold damage for private industry, native cultures and the US gov't too boot. Let's face it, this ape would mop the floor with that chump in the chimp suit from the re-make--and for that matter, any CGI crap-tastic poseur that might be in any badly hashed, bubble-gum-for-the-mind, crack smoking monkey written re-make that'll inevitably be thrust upon the movie going public in the next 3-5 years...
  14. Ooh yeah! Thulsa Doom! An obvious candidate for the previosly mentioned reasons. What about Wez from Mad Max II? Has he been mentioned yet? Ruthless killer, with no regard for anyone or anything; a bezerker with a taste for chaos. The whole ass-cheeks-out Prince pants and the man-bitch on a chain thing was a bit much, though...
  15. Hey, this hillclimbing thing looks like a wicked bit of fun--especially with the weapon of choice in this vid... http://www.gtd40club.co.uk/Videos/PTLhergyFrissell2002.wmv here's a good one too--guy in the yellow car flat-spots the s--t outta his fronts, I bet... http://www.gtd40club.co.uk/Videos/Isle%20O...ster%202002.wmv
  16. My vote for best movie villian? Well it's gotta be (well one of 'em anyway) Fung Cheh Wu Chi, the Master of the Flying Guillotine If this guy don't qualify as top notch badass, I don't know what does. He's a blind, a monk, and a kick ass and take names kung fu master. His special instrument of death: a lethal and completely implausible weapon that resembles a Qing dynasty-era hat with razor-sharp blades hidden inside. By way of a long chain, the guillotine is swung and hurled onto the head of some unsuspecting victim, a chain mail net comes down, and SNAP! - off with his head. This flick is considered one of the all time classic 70s kung fu films (why, I have no idea). But it's definitely good for some laughs. Fung has marked for revenge the man who has killed his two best students: Yu Tieh Lun, the famed One Armed Boxer (no, I'm not kidding). What results is an action packed frag fest filled with wild characters and a high body count. The Master is da man!
  17. Petrol heads beware! Be warned, clicking on the following link could lead to countless hours of surfing and clicking viewing gratuitous pictures of lurid, sexy and beautiful automobiles. http://www.barchetta.cc/All.Ferraris/All.Ferraris.html
  18. OMG! There's actually a passenger seat in this one! Talk about a wild ride; I bet that'd have a pucker factor of about 9.9-10. Dig the "periscope" rearview mirror. Your arse is literally only about an inch or two off the ground in one of these. The only thing between the driver's bum in the seat and the road is a couple frame tubes('bout 5/8" dia.) and a thin sheet of metal (aluminum?).
  19. Here's the original M6-GT
  20. I mentioned it earlier. Oh yeah, that's a cool little car. It's a kit-car; a copy of Bruce McLaren's M6-GT. The story behind that one: "This M6-GT was developed by Bruce McLaren from the M6 CAN-AM car in 1969 and served as his personal transportation until his death in June of 1970. After Bruce's death, the road car project died with him. This original prototype was the only one built at the race shop. Others were built and modified by Trojan who built all the customer McLarens at that time. The number produced has been reported to be 3 or 4. Denny Hulme bought the car and shipped it to New Zealand for display at the Museum of Transportation and Technology. Denny sold the car in 1990 and it came to California. The car has a total of 1,973 miles on it and is original except for paint. Few historic cars have been preserved in such original condition. The top speed is 165 mph and it accelerates from 0 to 100 mph in 8 seconds." --from, http://www.automotivehelper.com/topic32916.htm
  21. oh, can't forget The Blues Brothers. That's got to hold some kind of record for "Most Police Cars Wrecked In One Film" or something. Then there's Spielberg's Duel. You ought to think twice before you go cutting off some truck driver... Oh yeah, there's The Fall Guy and Simon & Simon: that brown lifted Chev 4x4 and the Simons' Dodge Powerwagon, respectively. These guys drove trucks back when they were still just for "rednecks" and "tough guys," before the emergence of SUV mania and the ascendency of the "soccer mom" Don't forget Lone Wolf McQuade: Chuck Norris kicks ass and takes names as a no-nonsense TX Ranger, and shows that "real men" drive trucks, as his Dodge w/the "supercharger" showed. Ah the 80s--when realism and practicality took a back seat (way back) to machismo. The heroes talked big, and carried even bigger guns. I was gonna mention Sroker Ace, but figured no one else would know what it was. An interesting look at NASCAR, with cameos from the "old school" drivers. A lot of the characters' pranks/antics are supposed to be based on the real drivers' personal experiences. Interestingly enough, the film looks at Stroker's disdain for his having to "sell out" for the sake of the sponsor is quite ironic--if they only knew then just how far it'd go. A look at stock-car drivers back in the day, before they got as stiff as their cardboard cutouts.
  22. oops, my bad--I knew it was one of 'em...okay, so it's been a while since I've seen it.
  23. I know it's incredibly hard to limit any list to just ten cars, so how about a "must see" list of movies for any petrol head to aspire to see? For starters: 1. Mad Max--both I and II; some of the greatest stunts caught on film(esp. II). Period 2. Ronin--some truly great car chases; the look on Deniro's face: priceless! looks like he could bend a tire iron w/his arse cheeks! 3. The French Connection--reputed as one of the all time great car chase scenes; still on my "to see" list 4. American Graffiti--lots of great cars; a wistful look at the cruising culture of the 50's-60s 5. Bullitt--truly a great, great car chase scene; McQueen did his own driving; watch the 'Stang lose the same hub-cap 4 times! 6. Grand Prix--James Garner docu-drama from the late 60's; reputed as one of the best all time racing movies, also on my "to see" list 7. LeMans--a great, great racing movie; the race ending was a little but otherwise a real treat 8. Vanishing Point (original)--a bit spacy at times, but that Challenger kicked arse! 9. Christine--a classic, 'nuff said 10. Smokey & the Bandit I--another classic 11. Corvette Summer--shame the way they butchered that 'Vette, but a fun look at Mark Hammil before he found "The Force" 12. The Wraith--cheesy 80s "ghost gets revenge" movie using a regenerating space age car (Dodge concept car) w/Charlie Sheen 13. Gumball Rally--great race in the LA river basin between a Cobra and a Ferrari Daytona; another of the 70s "Cannonball" style race movies
  24. Anybody remember The Car? I think this is credited as another G. Barris custom (looks like a Lincoln under there somewhere). LOL, but I never noticed before--anybody else see a resemblance to the new Chrysler 300?
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