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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. That's Gary Anthony Williams... he also plays Abe, Stevie's dad on "Malcolm in the Middle". The Cedric you speak of is Cedric Yarbrough... Jazmine's dad, the lawyer, Tom Dubois. You may know him as Deputy Jones from "Reno 911!" Ah, many thanks for the clarification; it helps put faces to the names/voices. "You guys can if you want to--I'm not going to prison and getting anally raped!"
  2. Those pics are great. Keep 'em comin!
  3. I like the animation style too. Quality seems to suffer in the later eps though [pressure to get done by deadlines?]. It has an anime-influence to it, but with more attention paid to making the chars look their ethnicity. I mean, let's face it--black characters in anime haven't always gotten the most attractive depictions[Claudia being an exception; I've always thought she's a hottie, as animated chars go]. It can range from not-too-good to downright offensive in some Japanese anime sometimes.
  4. You kinda lost me on that one. They didn't keep calling her a hoe 'cause she was white--they called her that 'cause she was a hoe, literally. She even had a pimp. I think the stripping thing was just a part of her repetoire, so to speak. LOL, when she quoted those prices for "services" to the waiter at the restaurant, she sure as he-- wasn't talking about office projects! Actually, I didn't think she was white, either. Until I saw the cartoon, I'd never even heard of The Boondocks. I've not seen the comic strip; but from what some of you've posted, I definitely wouldn't mind catching-up on it, if it's actually better than the show. I don't think McGruder's "bashing on whitey" or any other group in particular; the show's just holding up a mirror to some of the ignorant, triflin' behavior that we all tend to find ourselves sinking to. It's a somewhat unflinching look at American culture. I think they were definitely trying to push the envelope with the "Old Col Stinkmeaner" ep, with the gratuitous use of "-igga" by everybody [i stopped counting how many times I heard it after about [b]2 dozen[/b]]; kinda like that ep of South Park, when they tried to see how many times they could get away with saying "sh-t" in an ep [after the FCC uncensored it for TV, IIRC]? I really liked Hueys dream-fight with the blind samurai. I like the analogy of Huey and Riley being opposite sides of the same coin, with Grandpa in the middle--I hadn't looked at it that way. I'm not offended by MLK's use of the n-bomb in that episode at all--if anything, I'm more offended at the fact that Huey's "dream" is not all that far fetched. If MLK did survive, and saw how ignorant we can act in this country sometimes, and how little progress we've made since his time--in some respects--he probably would cuss us all out and move to Canada. If nothing else, the fact that McGruder chose to use a figure as prominent and symbolic as MLK [someone whose name is synonomous with tolerance, piety and peace] to make his point ought to jar viewers and make 'em think a little bit, even as they're laughing at the "comedy of the obsurd" that's in the ep. I didn't know that there was a backlash from Al Sharpton? In a way, that's good; that means it's got people watching, and hopefully it'll keep 'em talking and reflecting on what they've seen. It's not all that different from say, the way Seth MacFarlane might try to get away with "Irish jokes" etc in Family Guy, which would surely offend/cause controversy among some.
  5. "the proof is in the pictures," as they say? We pretty much know it must be a kit car, based on a C5 Vette. The question now is, a kit by who? and are there more than one? Also, note brake rotor and caliper in 1st pic; location of fuel filler nozzle in 2nd pic. Even the white reverse lamps are the same, just turned 90 deg. That thing's a Vette.
  6. The Boondocks? I love that show. Huey is quite the little philosopher. Riley can be triflin' sometimes--Granpa needs to whup his bad little a$$ some more. The social commentary is definitely unflinching, and can be a little bit "laced with vinegar" at times, but I still enjoy the hell out of that show. MacGruder has definitely earned his title as "angriest black man in America." It has me laughing out loud almost every ep. I enjoy the cameos by actors doing char voices--Charlie Murphy and Samuel L Jackson are hilarious as Wussle III and Gin Rummy. The sad--and somewhat worrying--thing is that, in spite of their satirical origins, they're uncomfortably accurate to real life sometimes. Sad to think there are people out there in the world who really are that mixed up and/or just plain goofy. I think that show is like a fine liquor: when taken in by mature, sensible folks, it can provide enrichment and pleasure. But when given to the weak-minded, or not partaken responsibly [i.e. at least try to get the message behind what's going on on the tube, dammit!] what can result is just a bunch of silly displays of ignorance, i.e. goofy fu--wits runnin' around thinking it's "okay" or "cool" to go dropping the n-bomb left and right with no regard. To quote the first ep: "...Well, I guess it's okay if they say it..." I did hear on the radio recently that CN has ordered up 20 more eps of The Boondocks. So kudos to Aaron MacGruder. I say good for ya, man! Does anybody know who does the voice for Uncle Ruckus? I think it's Cedric the Entertainer, but I'm not sure...I can't quite place if it's him.
  7. Yup, whatever it is, it's gotta be C5 Vette-based. I did some quick searching for Corvette pics--the evidence is in the A-pillars/windshield. Custom coach builders usually leave things like window/door glass alone don't they? I guess it'd be needlessly expensive and time consuming to have auto-grade glass made for short production run vehicles? The louvres on the front guards look "550 Maranello inspired," though. I gotta pay better attention. Shoulda seen it in the exhaust, too...dead giveaway. Question still remains though: is it a one-off? or some kit? Nothing like a good bit of mystery...
  8. Agent ONE, you might remember McGavin? He played Arnie's pal "Chief Harry Shannon" in Raw Deal. Yes, it's been a bit of a bummer weekend. First Don Knotts, then Dennis Weaver, then Mr. McGavin. They shall all be missed. I remember them all well from seeing the re-runs of their respective shows as a kid...
  9. Heard this on the radio earlier this evening... Crashed Ferrari was 'racing' SLR By Henry Biggs, Last updated February 24 2006 The duel, which took place on California’s Pacific Coast Highway in the early hours of the morning saw the Enzo hitting speeds of between 150 and 200mph according to Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies. The driver lost control and the car flew up a six-metre embankment before hitting a telegraph pole and being torn in half. The car left a quarter-mile trail of debris with the engine and passenger compartment coming to rest 50m apart in the middle of the road. Witnesses say they saw the Ferrari with the SLR supercar shortly before the crash and both cars are said to be owned by Swedish millionaire Stefan Ericksson, a former executive in technology firm Gizmondo, which filed for bankruptcy last year with debts of $225 million. Sheriff’s Sergeant Philip Brooks says he received a call from the Bank of Scotland claiming it had been trying to repossess the car. Ericksson resigned from Gizmondo last October. Click here for more on this story from the new MSN Cars blog Ericksson, who suffered cuts and bruises, was over the California legal drink driving limit of 0.08 blood-alcohol but claims that a mysteriously absent friend, known only as 'Dietrich', was driving at the time and subsequently fled. A search of the surrounding area failed to turn up anyone matching his description. Staff Sergeant Brooks said: "He had a .09 blood-alcohol level, but if he’s a passenger, that’s OK but he had a bloody lip and only the air bag on the driver’s side had blood on it. The passenger-side air bag did not. My Scooby-Doo detectives are looking closely into that. Maybe the driver had a friend who picked him up. Maybe he thumbed a ride. Maybe he was a ghost." Maybe the title should read: "Fu--ing dumbass lucky to be alive, obviously has more money than sense"
  10. The hell is that? Where was it photo'd? Looks like a custom coach job, but based on what? Don't think it's a Cunningham. That is a stumper.
  11. Lambo tractors? IIRC, I think that's how he made his money in the first place, allowing him to get into automaking, i.e. making tractors/farm equipment. I can't remember the story too well now, but if memory serves, the whole reason Lamborghini started making cars in the first place was to snub his nose at ol' Ferrari [they wouldn't let him on the buyer list or something?]. And the LM002? That's like, the "OG" overpriced-posh SUV of SUV's. I think those suckers could do a buck-thirty or more? These beasties were rolling well before SUV's got so popular. Weren't those GI Joe vehicles from the 80's [the "Vamp" and the Cobra "Attack Stinger"] based on these? That's what was so cool about GI Joe from back in the day--most all of those kickass weapons were based on real-world stuff.
  12. Yea, after perusing the Bad Catz Toys site and scoping all those cool 1/18 warbirds/jets, it's what made me go big and change my wish to that scale for a "perfect" VF-1. While we're at it, how about... Yamato 1/48 fighters/bombers: From the EDF: --Cosmo Tiger --Electra --Black Tiger --Cosmo Zero --Astro Commando troop trnspt and the Gamilons: --Ramhead --Sparrow --Arrowlet --Prowler just to name a few; so many cool designs from that show. I always have liked the ship designs from Starblazers/Yamato.
  13. IMO a 911 is a waste of money in California or in the USA. Personally, I couldn't image myself driving a 911 at 75 mph (120kph). I commute to work on the Autobahn daily. Normally drink my morning coffee at 112-130mph (180-210kph). BTW, driving below 150kph feels sooooooo f'ing slow to me now. 373964[/snapback] Hey, wait a minute. I thought German cars usually didn't come with cup-holders? You know, "frivolous, distracting from the driving experience" and what-not?
  14. A 'dream toy' line? what's the "standard" modeling scale for military vehicles? Isn't it 1/48? or is it 1/35? Maybe.... 1/18 VF-1 "Ultimate Detail," with corrected cockpit canopy proportions [so it doesn't look like the god-awful Matchbox ver.] 1/48 Glaug and Regult line, w/pilot fig's 1/48 VF-4 [doesn't even have to be T/F; always thought it made a kickarse "space fighter" design--yes, I know you don't need canards, etc. in space!] 1/18 or 1/24 Mad Max line, w/driver figs; 1/18 is about the same scale as GI Joe isn't it? --BoB --Yellow Interceptor --Big Bopper --March Hare --'Knight Rider' stolen Pursuit MM2 --BoB altered --red 'bat' XA --Humungous' truck --red 'snake' F-100 --blk 'bad cop' Valiant --Landau --Mack tanker [damn that'd be huge!] actually, there is a die-cast co. in Oz that could give us at least the BoB, but they don't seem to be able/interested....bummer.
  15. "You scored as Millennium Falcon (Star Wars). The world around you is at war. Fortunately you know how to handle that with the greatest of ease. You are one of the best at what you do and no one needs to tell you that. Now if only the droids could be quiet for five seconds. Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 94% SG-1 (Stargate) 75% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 63% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 63% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 63% Serenity (Firefly) 63% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 56% Moya (Farscape) 56% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 56% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 44% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 44% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 31% " Hoowah! Millennium Falcon! Yeah, baby! Yeah! I must say, I was surprised at the results. Disappointed too though---what, there's no Macross on the list? Oh well; at least I could be on the Bebop... What? Who's scruffy lookin'?
  16. Yes, it's ingrained in our culture here in the US, I'm afraid. I once got to travel to Quebec, Canada, and it was very enlightening. Like going to France, only no plane flight. I saw nowhere near as many overweight [or at least, "obese"] people while in French-Canada; in fact I remember seeing very few indeed. The restaurants, the attitudes towards food and eating, the culture itself felt very "European," for lack of a better description. I noticed there were a lot fewer fast-food restaurants--when we went to dinner in Mt. Tremblant, our meals were made to order, nothing from under a heat lamp. None of the rushed feeling. By the time the last plate came out of the kitchen, the first guy to order was da-n near finished. None of that "gotta-have-it-now-just-gimme-a-burger-and-fries" mentality. We are a nation of gluttons, we are, sad to say. Here, it's "praise the Lord and pass the gravy." I think it's definitely a cultural thing--the changes have to come "from the ground up," start in the individual homes. Of course, the diet/exercise industry wouldn't want to ever have us come to that conclusion, not when they can give us the "quick-fix" *cough, cough, BULLS--T!!*. Hey, it's a multi-billion dollar industry, but we can make our own conclusions on that note....
  17. As much as I don't want to admit it [say it ain't so, Arnold! say it ain't so!], I believe it is in fact Arnold. IIRC, there's another pic in this thread[?] that's full length [i think Arnie's in speedo's no less--yikes! ]. I'm no expert on photo manipulation by any means, but I don't think the technology's progressed quite far enough [at least, what's available commercially] to make the editing seamless enough to be completely convincing. There are still little things, cues that give the fakes away, but I don't see them here. The evidence is in the muscular and bone structure--even his navel--in that they correspond. No, I don't want it to be so either; but I'm not going to hold it against Arnold. The man's nearly 60, ferchrissakes; and he doesn't exactly have the time to lift at the competitive level that'd be necessary to keep his muscle tone at the level it was say, 20+ years ago. Damn! It's hard to believe the greats like Conan and Predator have been out that long!
  18. For some reason, I can't get the jingle from the Jell-O commercials out of my head...
  19. There's something about a "virtual girl" that is wrong on so many levels.... But oddly enough, yes. Yes, we do like it.
  20. yup, they were sub 2200lb cars, as for the hard to drive part, it was a mix between gearing for the day (4speed 1:1 final) and a rear gear of 3.73:1 so when you let off the throttle at 6,500 RPM's the torque from the engine would break the rear tires loose in a corner so you would allways have to have part throttle in the corner to avoid the backlash That characteristic sounds reasonably easy to counter, at least in theory. One of the things I was taught was that when you're gettin' in it, [on the track, anyway] you ought to be either on the gas, or on the brake--but you never ought to be just be coasting. The real challenge, and the fun I suppose, would be learning to master modulating the throttle on a lightwieght car with such high power like a Cobra. They're considered "throttle-steering" cars anyway, aren't they? When I asked my former boss about his technique for wringing the most out of his McLaren, he said you basically have to "pretend you've got an egg between your foot and the gas pedal."
  21. For those wishing to make the ultimate Alpha Male statement, there's the upcoming Porsche 911 Turbo. The boys from Stuttgart seem to be able to do something that so many other manufacturers seemingly can't--that's introducing new models that continue to surpass the previous ones. Other automakers usually end up resorting to making them bigger, heavier and redesigned over ad nauseum until the model loses sight of the original, and is eventually supplanted by an all new model that must try to recapture the spirit of the one its replacing. But anyway, the numbers on the 911 Turbo are impressive. HP jumps to 473, Torque increases to 457 lb/ft; and an impressive torque band it is--max power is available from 1950 rpm right up to 5000 rpm. With the Sport Chrono option, the overboost function will allow 501 lb/ft for 10-second spurts. Extensive use of aluminum makes this model slightly lighter than the 996 incarnation. Torque reproportioning between the front and rear axles ranges from zero to nearly 100 percent at either axle. It's then that one should note the price; at $130K, one could afford a standard 911 AND a Lotus [or at least a darn good down payment on the second].
  22. Try Jim Martino, here: http://www.bestofshow-restorations.com/bos/index.html May not be licensed, but they're about as "official" as you're gonna get.... True, this bike is kick-ass cool, but like others here, I'm still waiting and hoping for the day we see a Mospeada Cyclone. Doesn't even have to transform--I'd be happy if they can make it look accurate.
  23. Egad, that thing's "got a face only a mother could love..." It should come packaged on a giant Hot Wheels bubble-card or something.
  24. OMG, I just finished the ep. This is definitely TV cheese at its finest vintage. The bad-girl in the cape was kinda bootylicious. All I wanna know is, are costumes like the "Marveller Hitosu Genie" available? Yes, it's corny. But something like that would so kick the s--t outta any commercially available Hollywood style costume out there. Be the life of the company Halloween party when you put that blowhard from Accounting into the punch bowl with your Genie Boomerang!!! And what about that car? It's pretty terrible, true. But with interest in old TV/movie cars really taking off here, is the same true for Japanese film/TV? It looks like a real Boss performer---yeah, with a blistering top [safe] speed of what? 25? Still, it looks like it could rival any George Barris custom from a bold, outlandish, panache point of view. I bet it's sitting in some Japanese millionaire executive's collection somewhere, hidden away from prying eyes.
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