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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. I don't like wheels getting too big on old cars either. That car was built up on an ep of Rides for singer Kenny Wayne Sheppard, IIRC. Didn't see him personally, but I think he actually drove in on the tour. Minilites look good on those little Hondas. Didn't think I'd find any pics online, but got lucky. This one gets an A+ for "originality of concept." Has to be a one-of-a-kind--I've never seen anything like it before. Definitely "deep-fried Southern" piece of Americana. Mean little mutha--basically an old skool dirt track modified, done up for the street. Was driven by an older fella, and his wife, both in their 60's.
  2. And a few more. Lots of cool specialty cars like the Foose Camaro, Foose Mustang, a lot of the YearOne cars, the HOT ROD crate-Camaro, etc. etc. The second Cuda was in-sane. Had a Viper motor, sweet custom interior w/cage, and lots more [scissor doors were a bit tacky though; that trend's been overdone]. The guy could also position the hood horizontally and raise it about 8" so you could see into the engine bay as it drove by. Lots and lots of $$ put into that car, to be sure.
  3. A few more, albeit in a more screen friendly format. It was pretty cool, seeing so many cars from TV and magazine covers "in the flesh" so to speak [or would it be in the paint?]. Got my Summit catalog w/that gray Impala on the cover. Pics don't do it justice. Thing's got a claimed 1,600HP, and when he started that sumbi--h up, it was un-Godly loud.
  4. Found some more pics that people are posting online from the PowerTour. Just scratches the surface, really. This vette was pretty sweet--actually a re-skinned C5 This stretch job has a small block V8 stuffed in it [Windsor?] Studebaker was cool, replete w/detailing via black magic marker
  5. I saw a Z06 in person for the first time yesterday. You know how some car designs can just evoke a persona about them? It's hard to put into words, but there is definitely something about those that truly sets them apart from "average" Corvettes. The only word that came to mind when I looked at it, really studied it as I stood there by it was: wicked. There is something truly sinister about the Z06, compared to the other Corvettes. When you look at it, it's like the damn thing looks right back at you.....and it's got this evil don't-fu__-with-me scowl.
  6. True, true. But the Caddy and Jag are both much higher in the hierarchy [and price scale] of the market; as opposed to the Commodore and Falcon, which have much more "accessible" origins in their markets, respectively. The Falcon has often been likened to a "four door Mustang."
  7. But enough of that rhetorical crap. Here's a nice vid showing how far racing's come in the last 25+ years. One lap of Bathurst showing speed comparisons. Me, I'm partial to the old A9X meself. Pretty impressive performance from the roadgoing Commodore SS though. Funny: and GM and Ford here in the US still would have us think it's too "impractical" to produce hi-perf V8 RWD sedans. They need to take some pointers...
  8. Yes, I'll be the first to admit that in my life, I've been blessed well beyond what I may deserve. But to quote one of my favorite movies.... "I've already got a guilty conscience. May as well have some o' the money, too."
  9. Sat. June 3 - Orlando, FL, Orange County Convention Center Sun. June 4 - Gainesville, FL, Gainesville Raceway Mon. June 5 - Perry, GA, Georgia National Fairgrounds Tue. June 6 - Columbia, SC, Colonial Center Wed. June 7 - Roanoke Valley (Salem), VA, Salem Civic Center Thur. June 8 - Harrisburg, PA, Farm Show Complex Fri. June 9 - Englishtown, NJ, Old Bridge Township Raceway Park Sat. June 10 - Englishtown, NJ, Old Bridge Township Raceway Park (Long Haulers Photo, Ceremony and Awards only) Here's the list of scheduled stops. Man, what a day! Cars were still filing in as late as 8pm. I walked around til my legs ached, and still didn't see all the cars. So many gorgeous cars, of every vintage and type! Only saw one or two imports/tuners though. Dammit, I wish I'd had a camera!
  10. Hey, dont be hatin on me just because I can buy $250,000.00 cars and wreck them at my convenience. Piiish! Im so cool Lord K. 406040[/snapback] Stab your eyes! Rub it in, why don't ya? But now that you mention it--if you're gonna be wrecking, say, any Ferraris in the future....I suppose I could be convinced to give an unwanted "prancing horse" a good, loving home, even if it is beat up a bit. Say, any other MW'ers going to be anywhere near the planned route of the '06 HOT ROD Power Tour? I know it'll be mostly muscle cars and older stuff, but there ought to be something in every vein for car nuts to come out and see. I'm looking forward to it's arrival near me. I'll be heading out later this morning in fact to join the caravan as it comes into Roanoke VA, later today. They'll be coming in from NC via the Blue Ridge P'way, which ought to make for some nice corner-carving; beautiful scenery up there. Ought to be a helluva show--I think they're anticipating somewhere near 1,000 cars or more in the overall procession.
  11. Oh, no; it's not what you said. I meant the event itself was what was fu--ed up. Although, no one seems to have been hurt, so I guess we can get a chuckle at their hard-learned lesson about proper precautions when augmenting HP on a vehicle. I do think it's a terrible thing to lose a project/car that you put a lot of effort and hard-earned money into, so I can feel some empathy for someone that happens to... ...'cept for rich people. I hate them, cause I can't count myself amongst their numbers. Such a thing wouldn't materially affect them anyways. So fu-- 'em.
  12. Dang, that's fu--ed up, man. Wouldn't wish that on anybody [well, just about]. That has got to be like, the most fu--ed up, sinking feeling; I mean, what do you say think to yourself if you're watching something like this? "Dude, yo' sh-t is about to be EN-GULFED!" WTF were those firemen thinking?! That's it fellas--come at it from the end WITH the gas tank on it.... then again, I ain't a fireman, so WTF do I know?
  13. Yup, I've since found some reviews at www.thexaxis.com, and the bloke who did them wasn't too kind about it. In a nutshell, he basically condemns [that may be a harsh term] Claremont of losing focus of the core themes of the X-Men [can mutants/humans coexist? the prejudices of man, etc] and/or giving some sort of resolution to them; i.e. have the X-Men succeeded or failed in fulfilling Charles Xavier's dream? "Did they achieve their purpose and retire contented, or did they fail and die frustrated?" Instead, according to the review, what readers get is space opera with obscure alien characters like the Shi'ar, Warskrulls, and others, as well as attempts to cram cameos of nearly every X-character somewhere into the pages of the 18 issues to the series. By the time he gets to vol. 3, his favorite review closer goes something like "...Claremont fans will love it, of course, and good luck to them. For the rest of us, it's hard to know what the point is." Still, I like the issue covers and their pretty realistically drawn characters. Makes them look much more "human" and believable than a lot of other comic incarnations that I've seen of them. Sean Chen is credited with pencils; did he do the covers as well?
  14. Oops; maybe the X-films followed the comics closer than I thought? What's with this "Heroes & Martyrs" storyline? It's touted as "the final tale of the X-men." It's been years since I've bought any comics. So perhaps Cyclops and Xavier are among the fallen in this storyline? I like the cover artwork that I've seen so far. They've even gone so far to make Wolvie look much more like H. Jackman. On a side note: I also have always like the pencils of Jim Lee--but I have always wished he'd tone down the characters' musculature a bit; that was the only unrealistic thing about them to me. His char's tend to be so outrageously ripped, they look like they're wearing inflatable rubber muscle suits or something; they seem to defy human physiology/anatomy. Turn down the air pressure, dude!
  15. LMAO that was pretty hilarious. The whole time I'm thinkin "this has got to be a spoof; somebody has to have Photoshopped those pages, right?" Oh, and if you don't check any other page on that site--you have got to see Riki-oh: The Story of Ricky. It's Fist of the North Star meets Lock Up. Live-action. Words. Can. Not. Describe....
  16. Wow, to read people's comments about this latest movie and certain key scenes/characters, it certainly seems that an awful lot of creative liberty was taken with the franchise in general? Which begs the rhetorical question: If you're going to take already established characters and basically change everything about them; their personalities, key events in their lives, what happens to them in relation to the "big picture" of the story, the story itself--why don't you just change the title to something else besides "X-Men"? If you're going to make such drastic changes to all the key characters and elements---CALL IT SOMETHING ELSE. It would seem that it's no longer the franchise that everyone is familiar with and/or expecting to see.
  17. I dunno, the heavy die-cast in the legs of the 1/60's makes them somewhat unweildy when posing--and of course there's that resultant tendency to spontaneously take headers off of dressers/furniture. Kinda turned me off to the 1/60's. I wouldn't mind if they used less die-cast content; the grades of plastic used in them seem sturdy enough. If anything, I'd love to see them refine the molds on the nose/canopy area, to make them more "accurate" like the 1/48's. I know that's wishful thinking; such a thing would surely mean almost complete redesign/retooling?
  18. Hmm, good one; guessing Lotus would be too easy, so that's bound to NOT be right. Could that be a Shelby KingCobra?
  19. Yes--while flattering anatomically, the first pic does tend to draw attention to all the "wrong" details about her. Doesn't leave much to the imagination. First thing I thought was: wow, she has such, pretty....eyes.
  20. Hmm, bears a passing resemblence to the Maserati Merak.
  21. So, are the majority of these characters in the films influenced by/gleaned from the "Ultimate" titles of comic books, as opposed to the traditional ones? As I understand it [been years since I've actually bought a comic] the Ultimate titles are meant to be a "re-inventing" of the characters to bring them up-to-date, and make them feel more "modern" to current & future comic readers without having to deal with the established histories/storylines of the original titles and the glaring contradictions [in addition to the inconsistencies/plotholes that already exist in aforementioned titles] that would create?
  22. Apparently, Wolvie's bloody shirt and the day-to-night gaffs are the first official continuity goofs credited for the film. So far the reviews here have been pretty harsh; yup, I'll wait for cable. According to imdb: this film and the upcoming Wolverine (2007) feature "...are the first movies being produced by Hugh Jackman and John Palermo's new production company, Seed Productions." Well, this doesn't exactly bode well for Jackman & Co. if present performance is any indicator of future potential for the company? Not getting off to a stellar start, given the [seemingly] overall let-down feeling eminating from movie-goers? So just who will appear as the main protagonist(s) in the Wolvie pic? Natural selection would have said Victor Creed, since they seem to be yin & yang for each other in the comics; I just wouldn't hold out much hope for that though. I never did like the way they handled his character in the first X-film--just made a semi-mute, dumb brute of him, when he's much more intelligent and engaging [esp. playing off his rivalry w/Logan] in the comics. They're in fact my two favorite X-characters. Well, it's all over and done now, but I never did like the casting choice for Creed--if anything, I'd have figured former actor/pro wrestler Sid Eudy, aka Sid Vicious, was as close to Sabretooth in the flesh as we'd ever see. Given his size, athletic ability, and somewhat "whacked-out" stage persona, I would've thought he'd make a great Sabretooth. Apparently the "psycho" extended to him off-stage, too; one rumor has it that he got into a hotel-room brawl with fellow wrestler Arn(?) Anderson, stabbed him like 20-times with some safety scissors. Unfortunately his career-ending leg injury in '01 likely would prevent any future work as a rough-and-tumbling wildman [i've seen the vid of that--straight up nasty, raw-dog sh-t. I don't know what was scarier: the injury, or his reaction to it. Instead of laying there screaming, crying or generally throwin a hissy-fit the way most any normal human would under the intense circumstances, that big sumbi--h was just laying there, grittin his teeth and takin it, like "aw damn, done broke my damn leg..." that's gotta be some kind o' mean muh fuh].
  23. Is it true that you don't wax these cars--you sand them?
  24. "buxom lipstick lesbian"?? Never mind, I don't want to know. She's "built like a brick s--thouse," very sexy. And pretty tall too--always had a thing for tall chicks, for some reason. Or to quote one old-timer's description of a hot chick I've heard that's stuck with me: now that there's a 40-dollar mule! She's a Brick House, oww! She's migh-tee migh-tee, an' she's lettin' it all hang out!
  25. Ooh! Ooh! It's on the tip of my tongue! Crap, I can't remember! But IIRC, it's got Ford power, and gullwing doors. It was another independent car maker's failed attempt from the late 70's-early 80's a la Delorean?
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