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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Gotta agree with you on that one. Many of those earlier movies are well nigh unwatchable. But this new one just doesn't pack the punch that the '54 original does. One can certainly see how it would have a profound visual and cultural impact on its native audience. Lucky Dragon 5; the horrors of atomic warfare; the even greater and more widespread destruction of firebombing--these would have been powerful images being relived on screen, indeed. I still get a little misty-eyed sometimes by the time Gojira reaches this point in his rampage through Tokyo... ed: I've watched the original with my 5 yr old son, as well as (parts of) the '14 movie. I must say, it nearly brought a tear to my eye when he told me "I like the old one better." All I could think was: there's hope for you yet, boy; you got taste!
  2. MoS gets the nod for me for: 1. better special effects; 2. they made the costume look a helluva lot better. But the '78 film did a better job telling the story. And I still prefer Christopher Reeve's portrayal. But admittedly, there are scenes--like the rooftop dinner with Lois--where he looks genuinely embarrassed to be seen in that undies-on-the-outside getup. But the thing that kinda kills it for me though is how insanely over-the-top they went with some aspects of the action/effects in an effort to blow the audiences away in MoS. So much of the action/movement is sped up to where the human eye can barely register it--so that it goes from being fantastical to just going: All I can think is: how could a mortal human hope to match someone like that--no matter how much training he's had; or how super his detective skills; or how neat his utility belt is?
  3. I must admit: I guess was under a rock long enough to be one of the few people who didn't follow Breaking Bad, so 'most all the characters are still relatively new and unknown for me; but I was pretty well hooked by the desert "trial" scene. Gotta say though: the "breadsticks" scene in the bar afterwards was even better. I may have to tune back in, see how this turns out.
  4. from: Jackie Chan's Meals on Wheels
  5. Was damn near a flaming, oily stain on the tarmac, is what it was.... no way 'yer gonna convince me there ain't drag marks all up the underside of that plane's tail--and skid marks all up that pilot's!
  6. I think that top frame pretty much sums up perfectly my gut reaction to all this sh*te...
  7. It's already on front page at youtube. I've not logged in to try to view, so not sure if linky is legit, or just more of that "log in to my website to view the full movie" spammer sh*t.
  8. Front end looks sh*t. Twin ducts behind doors are a little bit . Begs the question: if the lower ones are for the rear brakes, the hell are the upper ones channeling air to?
  9. That's much is pretty certain: the only reason they're making this is for the love of money... ed: you gotta admit in hindsight though, that Star Wars (original trilogy) is arguably the mother of all movie merchandising cash cows.
  10. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks this whole thing smacks of a setup--but masterminded by whom, eh? This supposedly "offended" individual in NK? Seriously? True enough though, this whole "controversy" has been nothing but a win-win for him so far. He's gotten a ton more attention--at least in America--than his own antics at home have ever garnered him. And let's face it: he should be grateful to Rogen, Franco et al for their obvious flattery; the actor they cast is clearly slimmer and better looking. I've seen the scene in question a couple of times already; it's available on multiple sites online. So in that sense, the cyberterrorists have already lost. But I concur with jenius' earlier post about the precedent that this sets. To think that this sort of bullshittery could work, and and its impact on our sense of freedom of expression--no matter how tasteless or un-funny--is disgusting.
  11. Okay, I took the bait, and.... oh, good one, man. Thanks, I needed that... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0DGZfc-nJQ This thing would make a great space fighter prop, for a sci fi TV show or something.
  12. Does this go in this thread? Or the aircraft thread? Or how about: the how-to-merge-like-a-f'in-boss thread.
  13. I'm with you on that note. My willing suspension of disbelief--especially as a kid--was way easier to engage when it came to the originals. Much easier to accept the hand-wave, as it were... Hehe, kinda funny when you look back at the space battle in A New Hope, though; all the fighters--Imperial and Rebel alike--seem pretty frail in hindsight. They all suffered Ronson lighter syndrome, 1 or 2 shots and poof, they lit right up. I know, I know: it was about creating an exciting battle scene, not "tactical realism." You can put yer correction pens down, dammit.
  14. I dunno; I like the colors, but just not feeling the "new" X-Wing design. I guess the original will always be a sentimental fav. Is it flawed? Sure. I mean, there's the whole just-how-are-squared-wings-supposed-to-generate-any-kind-of-lift-in-atmosphere thing, blah, blah. But it just holds a special place, ya know? But hey, after 30+ years, I suppose any military design must evolve or become irrelevant, right? After all, would anyone want to fly into a modern combat zone in say, an F-105 Thud or F-4 Phantom?
  15. Granted, film trailers can sometimes be very misleading in that 3 minutes of awesome could wind up utterly sucking as 90+ minutes of actual movie. Happens far too often, as movies go; so this could wind up being a total snooze-fest. But if there's an award somewhere for Best Trailer, then by God this one oughta be on the short-list... "What daring, what outrageousness, what insolence, what arrogance!! ... I salute you."
  16. Hehe, your words, not ours. I too want to give Miller the benefit of the doubt, but let's not forget--he's also responsible for this... Twice.
  17. Hehe, I'm like that kid in The Incredibles: I guess I can say I learned somethin' new today. I'm from an area where large scale brush fires are quite rare; and phenomenon like that are pretty much never seen.
  18. 1:53 - aaaannd that's where they lost me. Despite my best efforts to the contrary, my sense of willing-suspension-of-disbelief just went: Seriously? 'Kay, this sh*t just got stewpid. But I'll admit that, in the annals of big budget sci-fi/action/all-around-kickass movies, that one's gonna be hard to beat: flaming tornadoes! LOL, who wants to lay odds that The Asylum is gonna release a similarly themed craptastic turd about a month before this hits the big screen, eh?
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