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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Granted, it was a long time ago on a beach far far away.... And, she's obviously done some hard livin' since then. But this will have been 30+ years ago now. Yikes, I'm old--I remember going to see ROTJ as a kid in the theaters.
  2. Indeed. Say what you want, but Carrie Fisher was effin' hot. I know I'd like to have _____ (insert favorite lewd/vulgar/illegal sexual innuendos appropriately)...well, you get the idea.
  3. That, and the fact that they apparently have gunsmiths, too(?) Where the heck are they getting ammo for all them AK's? Somebody help me out; when is this story supposed to be generally taking place again? Before or after the events of MM2? I thought that one pretty well established that things like firearms--or more importantly ammo--were even more rare and precious than guzzoline?
  4. Part of me thinks: yeh, those Singers are so cool, combining modern materials & upgrades with those classic lines. But in hindsight, it's still a Porsche. Those are some absolutely ridiculous prices to pay for a car that, at some point, will actively try to kill you.
  5. Okay, just finished it [book]. Not bad, not bad. But, it does feel more like a film treatment than a novel--at least moreso than the first. Much as I like Dr. Malcolm, there was still that nagging little part of me that kept thinking: man, you aren't supposed to even be here--you were deader'n hell; Crichton killed you almost as an afterthought. I think I get it now, why the 2nd movie seems to draw so much more vitriol than the third. Okay, they strayed way off course with the story, true dat. Definitely should not have tried so hard to pay homage to the old 50's sci-fi dino-rampages-through-modern-city genre. And the whole beating us over the head with the PETA agenda was really annoying; honestly, I wanted the raptors to get Vince Vaughn's character. But it was still better than part III. Man, FU** Spinosaurus. Dammit, I've been wanting to see this brought to life since I was a kid...
  6. Just got through reading Jurassic Park--wish I had done that years ago. Damned good read. Gonna take in The Lost World as soon as I reasonably can. That being said, at first blush this trailer--and the others--feels less like: and a lot more like: Now, in fairness I should admit: I've never seen/followed that cartoon or the comics--so I don't know if it's revered or hated, good or sucked, what have you. But still...
  7. I went back and re-watched that with the sound on. And Dear. God! That made it even worse! I think Dr. Malcolm described this film's prospects perfectly, way back in the first one...
  8. Okay, I didn't even need the sound turned on to see: this flick's just crossed over into Stupidtown. Pass. Trained raptors? Pshuh; the same way one couldn't expect to stand a chance in hell at training a pack of wolves, this just takes willing suspension of disbelief and arsef**ks it with no Vaseline. Is that supposed to be a genetically "smartened" Giganatosaurus? or Carcharadontosaurus? Sooooo, this'll be like: Deep Blue Sea, only on land? PASS.
  9. Give it time. It will come. Hehe, I hate to keep coming back to the same old analogy--but you kinda opened the door for that one...
  10. Always liked those. I remember being enamored as a kid with the one in The Living Daylights. Gorgeous car from nearly every angle--well except mebbe... the rear is the car's only aesthetic letdown. That low-hanging gas tank design gives it a bit of baboon's a$$.
  11. Looks like this is aimed at a demographic somewhere between Nickelodeon and Disney XD. Pass.
  12. Remember: All I'm offering is the truth, nothing more.
  13. As well as they've cleaned up/sharpened the footage, I'd say: fugit--just re-release the originals (first 2, anyways). The hell did they think they needed to re-dub all the sfx for though? 1:23 -- Hehe, took me over 20 years to notice it; but in the split-second shot when Max smashes the Humungus in the Mack, the other marauders in the shot are all parked, sitting still.
  14. Big ol' meh. Robotech's been done live action already--or at least, it's practically been used to storyboard [various parts of] a live action flick, anyways. An' you know what? It [that movie] sucked ass. It sucked a dead hooker's ass. It sucked a dead hooker's ass that's been locked in the trunk of some old Lincoln on a Jersey turnpike for 2 or 3 days.
  15. Whoa ho hoa, Nellie! or: how to completely bugger 5 mil worth of cars in a split second... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/road-and-rail-transport/11491036/Benz-out-of-shape-4m-vintage-racing-car-in-crash-at-Goodwood.html This can still be a dangerous business, even when it's just for show...
  16. I finally got around to watching the Avengers, and when I saw this part all I could think was: oh man, these a$$holes are so ripping off the Venture Bros!
  17. Thanks for putting this one on my radar. One of the best damned movies I've seen in a long time, animated or otherwise... Christ, man; the ending kicks you, right in the feels.
  18. I remember getting all giddy in the theater the first time we see that blue glow start to rise on his back/tail. But on subsequent viewings, the feeling has changed to more of a "meh." Acutally, I kinda feel disappointed. Almost ripped off, even. I mean, mebbe we should all be wondering: why the hell did he have to use it twice? In fact, mebbe we should all be giving Gareth Edwards et al a collective: I know, I know: "well, what exactly were you expecting?" I dunno, mebbe the same thing that'd happen to any living thing when it's hit with a giant godda*n flamethrower.
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