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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. pics of the upcoming Mk VI Roadster (Cobra) chassis from AC Cars, to be sold by Iconic Motors here in the US. Motivation will come from a Corvette powerplant (somehow that just sounds SO wrong, when talking about a Cobra) the absolute lack of any side-impact bracing/protection underneath, as well as the non buttressed (or is the term gusseted?) roll bar makes this car seem even more dangerous than the originals...
  2. You. Lucky. Ba*tahd. Admit it--you've tried to get her to keep/wear the nurse's uniform for your own deviant purposes, haven't you? (if no, for the love of God man, why not?)
  3. gets a big ol' "meh." doesn't work nearly as well as "Hitler's 787 delayed."
  4. IIRC, he got busted with "controlled substances" or something like that, while returning from filming the last Rambo pic... But back to the new Conan movie. This crap is gonna suck like a $10 crack whore. Yeah, it might be good for some instant gratification--but you're not going to be truly satisfied with the results; you'll likely just feel dirty and unfulfilled afterward...
  5. Ah yes, the traditional "dual purpose" automobile; i.e. one that can be driven to the track, given a good caning, then driven back home. It's the objective I seek for my own 2nd car...
  6. Oh, now I wouldn't have said that new Ferrari was irredeemably ugly. But yes--a 1 - 3" shorter wheelbase, rear-seat delete, and a sweeping "fastback" rear deck would make for one helluva sweet GT. That, and maybe tone down that sh*t-eatin-grin front grille...
  7. LOL. A fair bit more sharp-tongued than say, Stephen Colbert... I don't know which is worse: that the satire and sarchasm of these pseudo-news shows is so often on-the-mark; OR that so many open-mouth-breathers look to shows like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report (here in the US) and think they're legitimate news sources.
  8. LOL, runs the gamut of emotions, this film... Somebody somewhere needs to print the superhero tees with the logo. They would SO sell... "Captain America. FU*K YEAH!"
  9. Restomod: Euro-spec? Pretty cool. I like sleepers. Achtung! Hmm--wonder what that does for chassis stiffness? But it's bound to be a hit in Oz.
  10. Ah, no wonder it looked kinda familiar. Methinks I like the sweep of the roofline, back to the c-pillars/rear deck of the Carlsson better. But overall--the Benz is much tidier. I dunno though; can't quite put my finger on why, but it seems Mercedes' designs just don't age as well as other makes. Maybe it's the drastic changes implemented at each model update?
  11. is this Carlsson based on an existing manufacturer's model? or a ground-up design? I agree that the exterior is too busy; trying to blend straight lines & sharp corners (particularly the rocker panels, rear fascia/exhaust) with the overall curvy lines of the body makes it look muddled. I dunno, maybe it's the lighting? Clean up some of that superfluous sh*t on the exterior (too many creases & grooves & oversized openings/ducts), put it on a serious diet (3400-3600 lbs would be great) and you'll have a damned sexy GT car.
  12. Even as Queenslanders are probably still wringing out their clothes from the epic flooding that struck them earlier this year... Just as the Kiwis are only beginning to steady themselves after being shaken by quakes soon afterwards... ...and now this in Japan? I say a solemn prayer for ALL those who have been so cruelly affected by these tragedies. I fear that the scope of the devastation in Japan is going to be SO much worse than the reporting has so far indicated. The tolls of those lost will likely be measured in tens of thousands. Say a prayer, burn an insence, or do whatever it is that each of you do in your own personal circumstances; so many folks are needing it. I think it's safe to say this is a level of disaster never before visited upon this generation of Japanese people; such widespread and complete destruction has likely not been seen since WWII(?)
  13. Oh but of course. 'Cause it's from for-unn culture, it must automatically = stupid and funny. I've never given thought to the merits of having a mini-hosing to clean yourself after using the loo vs more *ahem* traditional methods. Is one reputed to be more hygeinic than the other? Honestly, when one thinks about it: if you really observed the behavior of fellow patrons in public restrooms, you'd probably want to sequester yourself at home and never eat out again...
  14. yes, "hillbilly chic" seems to be wearing thin with Hollywood/TV; they're just squeezing every dollar they can get out of it 'til the next thing comes along. "Larry the Cable Guy" has his own show on one of the History channels, but I don't see it lasting more than a season. LOL, I did catch a few mins of one ep. where he was visiting Bill Elliott's race shop. Of course, moonshine references/jokes abounded (surprise) But there was one bit, where Bill took him out back for a spin in an old beater Mustang (son's car?), and proceeded to do some hooning, donuts and such; it scared Larry so bad, he came out of character. Now THAT was funny.
  15. But not to distract from areaseven's orig post; the new BOSS seems to be a real kick-a$$ car. Almost makes me wanna enter here: http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe67167275650574751d&m=feee1c79726702&ls=fdf31070716001747d167273&l=fe92157173660d7b71&s=fe2012797467017e701378&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe2b16747666067f7d1d74&r=0 At first I think: how cool would that be, eh? to win 2 Boss 'Stangs would definitely be something to crow about. But I've heard before that these contests are pretty much a rip-off in the sense that: the taxes (on the assessed value?) are due up-front before you can take possession of the car(s) won? So I figure that the taxes you'd have to pony-up on these cars--the '69 Boss in particular--would EAT YO' A$$ UP. So, you pretty much gotta be a rich f'er that can afford to buy one of these cars in the first place, to really even bother trying to win one.
  16. For those with practical needs (pshuh, right), like family hauling (a$$) duties, the Aussies have taken the Coyote motor, put a huffer on it, and wedged it into their 4-door RWD Falcon platform to make a hot sedan that'll go toe to toe with Holden's HSV cars. And what does Ford offer us here in the US? The Taurus SHO? *meh* Methinks that the new Taurus SHO was something of a shot-in-the-dark by Ford. They really should have just gone with new badging for the model, as it is unlikely to sell in any significant numbers. While it's performance numbers seem pretty impressive, the price range and brand imaging associated with Ford's long-time rental-fleet mainstay are going to effectively make it a red-headed step child. Traditional Taurus buyers are going to look at it and go: you want me to pay $39,000+ for a Taurus? While the target buyers they may have been aiming at (what, 300C; Cadillac; maybe prospective entry-level BMW/Benz buyers?) are going to look at it and go: you want me to pay $39,000+ for a Taurus?
  17. Aw, Son Of A Bit*h! ......I have a '10 Mazda6.
  18. ba weep gra na weep ninny bong?
  19. looks like it should be a neat little frag-fest. you could say that ad's got a few spoilers in there though. It's funny how nobody seems to think of that--or care--at the studios when they do these media/merchandising blitzes for upcoming movies. Back when I was in college, I worked PT at a Toys R Us; we knew what the aliens in ID4 were gonna look like weeks before the movie came out, cause they'd already started shipping the toys, etc.
  20. I guess it was the whole "...and maybe someday we can do a motor race by electric vehicles" thing that got the knee jerk reaction out of me. As a motor racing fan, the only thing I could think was--well, this guy puts it pretty succinctly: I'd be willing to do my part, have a family vehicle that's ultra-low emissions, or what have you. But you can have the keys to my Falcon when you pry them from my cold, dead hands!
  21. Yeah? Well, Maybe pigs will fly! Maybe you can go pack sand up your arse, Eusegi! You know, it's been said that continuous exposure to electromagnetic machinery could be a potential link to illnesses such as Alzheimer's...Pretentious, tree-hugging fu*wads. Kiss my arse, and put 110 octane in the tank.
  22. Indeed. If i were to be so lucky as to survive the initial attack, I would definitely be looking to sign up for the defensive forces, and of course buck for mech duty. The very first thing I'd do is buy my maintenance chief a case of brewskies, and ask him to give my mount a custom paint scheme/highlights; preferably something in red, or blue, black, yellow or likewise--but definitely NOT anything in bright green! or remaining in standard-issue colors.
  23. Hear Hear! Oh sure, we know most Aussie gearheads would recognize Barry's description as a bit of movie-talk smoke-and-mirrors BS (it can either have Phase IV heads, or twin OHC heads--can't be BOTH). But it's STILL one of the most recognized and BAD A$$ movie cars of all time--and it only got a little over 2 MINUTES of screen time in the first film... Pursuit Special, FTW!
  24. Ah, that explains a lot. Initial impression from the trailers that I got was: avoid it like a movie with a title in all-capitalized-big-red-font. I kept expecting to hear an announcer's voice go: "coming this fall to the WB network..." PASS.
  25. Oh, how could I forget Benedict from Last Action Hero? True, the movie in and of itself was pretty bad; but he was a damned entertaining bad guy. His contempt for his own employer was pretty funny. Vivaldi: You've had Slater in front of the eight ball before, but you always screwed it up. Benedict: [after Vivaldi leaves] It's behind the eight ball, you old fool! Tony Vivaldi: What is this, Benedict? First you're my friend; now you turn a... 360 on me! Benedict: 180, you stupid, spaghetti-slurping cretin - *180*! If I did a 360, I'd go completely around and end up back where I started! Tony Vivaldi: What? Benedict: Trust me! [shoots him] And you gotta give him points for the sheer audacity of his plans for conquest: Benedict: Gentlemen. Since you are about to die anyway, I may as well tell you the entire plot. Think of villains Jack. You want Dracula? Dra-cool-la? Hang on [takes out the ticket] Benedict: , I'll fetch him. Dracula? Huh. I can get King Kong! We'll have a nightmare with Freddy Krueger, have a surprize party for Adolf Hitler, Hannibal Lecter can do the catering, and then we'll have christening for Rosemary's Baby! All I have to do is snap my fingers and they'll be here. They're lining up to get here, and do you know why Jack? Should I tell you why? Hmm? Because here, in this world, the bad guys can win! Then there's my favorite part:
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