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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Kinda "meh." Cool design; just wish they didn't have to give the "stealth" treatment to everything in sci-fi nowadays. Always liked the century-fighters-inspired feel to the classes/designs of the supporting ships in Starblazers/Yamato, as well as the naval-inspired captial ships--romanticized though they may be.
  2. Wow. Gave it to 'em with both barrels, didn't he?
  3. DAYUM! The in-car footage is pretty terrifying. Will likely be a subject for study by racers and engineers alike for years to come. I know: hindsight is 20/20; but still--there was a fair bit of erroneous reporting there by one of the commentators in the heat of the moment. From the multiple mentions of "contact with a GT car," to the summation of "...and it was an awkward moment that sent Mike Rockenfeller, the defending winner of this race, into a spin backwards into the armco barrier..." Um, no. You are incorrect, sir. Rockenfeller did NOT make contact with Rob Kaufmann--he spun because he went wheels-off, got 2 into the dirt trying to miss the Ferrari, and he still had his foot very much in it. And he went in NOSE first. It's hard to tell, since the big hit happens out of frame. But it looks like the car didn't tumble, as much as it spun like a top down the armco [thankfully], and the debris was from the 4 corners of the car being ripped away in an exlposion of carbon fiber. But good God, what a hit! That frontal impact must have been monumental! I don't know if Rob Kaufmann is a season regular, but he will no doubt get the Bonehead Move Of The Year Award. There will likely be a black cloud over his head in the paddock(s) and after the driver's meetings for some time to come. Not sure what the etiquette is for allowing faster cars to pass [is it to allow on the left? right?], but it's a "what were you thinking, man?" moment.
  4. At this year's running of the 24 at LeMans, driver Allan McNish had a mid-morning shunt that was certainly one of the scariest/nastiest crashes I have ever seen, mere minutes after he appeared in a very lengthy and elaborate Audi infomercial. I happened to catch it live, and I literally stopped what I was doing, stood momentarly agape at the TV when it happened. I couldn't help but think: oh Dear God, no--we've just seen this man get his brains dashed out inside the cabin of that car, right here on live-feed. Not to mention the near mayhem wreaked upon the photogs behind the barriers. One bloke came within inches of being cannonballed by a flying front wheel/tyre. I've yet to see the Mike Rockenfeller crash, in the 2nd team Audi car that occurred overnight. It's said that one was even more terrifying, and to paraphrase the reaction: "the whole track went silent" in the wake of the crash, expecting death and disaster. It is an amazing testament to how far safety has come in motorsports. A crash under similar circumstances in say, a GTP prototype almost certainly would have killed the driver, and possibly many bystanders...
  5. Ah. Duly noted. Many thanks for the clarification.
  6. Oh, so it is set in the 60's? Neat. I was wondering how they'd handle chronology, with such a long-running series. I must admit, I'm a bit tantalized by the trailers I've seen; have elicited a "hey-this-actually-might-NOT-suck" feeling of anticipation that I've not felt about an upcoming [superhero] movie in a long time. But I couldn't help wondering: couldn't they have found a German actor to play Magneto? Would it have been SO hard to do? Wasn't Erik Lenscherr(sp?) born there in the original comics, a childhood survivor of the Nazi concentration camps?
  7. Funny little description for an old Ford up for auction on evilBay. Gotta give 'em credit for putting in the effort on the writing. "Holy crap! What kind of badassary is this?! A sweet Ass 1978 Ford XC Falcon Get the hell out of here! This car is a god amongst other, smaller cars. It eats dead dinosaur to power its black dinosaur hating heart! IT FRACKING EATS DEAD DINOSAURS! Ever seen that scene in movies where there's a bad ass explosion in the background and someones walking away from without even looking back. You know where they got the idea. yeah that's right. This car walks away from explosions and doesn't even look back. Its lost plenty a pair of Gigantic sunglasses doing this so it just lets his best friend Samuel L Jackson dramatize it from now on. This car will get you so many girls. Not weak ass girls. Strong ones. To open jars and poo. Look at that sweet ass lens flare. Its like I'm watching Star Trek. FRAAAAAACK!! And this mother comes equipped with a radio. Yep. Factory fitted. How sweet is that? So you can blast out Ray Hadley and Sky Hooks all day. So your probably like, "Dude why would you sell such an awesome ass car" WELL ILL TELL YOU WHY YOU NOSY ASS!! I'm moving overseas for work and I gotta part with my project before I leave. So... WANTED: ONE COOL HARD CORE YOUNG PETROLHEAD! Sorry but I'm gonna do "The Big Talk-Up" - "The Hard Sell" - The "do something right for a change" on this one cos I'd like to see someone do that which I don't have time to do myself. I brought it from the original owners son when he put his dad into a retirement home. It had it's original V8 swapped out for a straight 6 (for fuel economy I guess), so it currently runs a 4.1L, but is badged as 4.9. It needs a V8 put back into it. I re-shod the beast with 4 new tires ($500) and had the bushes replaced in the front end ($800) and had Midas (I'll never use Midas again) fit a new muffler($600). It has some surface rust on the back window(pictured) as well as a little rust in the front drivers guard. You can get replacement guard lowers from Rarespares for under $100, or a good panel beater could just weld in a patch. You know, I spent years looking for one of these with a solid body. I finally find one, buy it to do up, and now have to sell it. AAARRRRRGGHH! It's a 'P' platers delight! While your mates are stuffing around playing heroics in their Hiroshima Screamers [a dime per dozen] in a Monotonous Magna, Lamo Laser, Mazda bator [shudders], Horrible Hyundai, Dinky Dawoo, Beep-beep Barina [the tv ad kinda said it all lol!], Missin Somethin Nissan Whatevers, Tow-me Toy-ota, beam-me-up-scotty Bee-Em-Double U's [you spend more time begging for loans to pay for parts so out comes the BMX again ], and other equally expensive to repair/maintain euro-trash, etc ...or even mum's v6 commondoor ...you can be smilin smug as you turn heads in your antique cruiser that everyone wants either to hire for their wedding or come cruising with you in style! Even the rice rocketeers will want you to take them for a cruise! Like BIG sound systems? How big can you go in one of these old babys? Think about it. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Now picture it resprayed (yeah, it needs a respray) back to it's original Pepper Red, a thin yellow or black pin stripe, a lick of VHT color to tidy up the already decent 'p plate' legal power plant, a set of Pacemakers, a Holley, and decent air flow setup, some hydraulics, the Fairlane Marquis woodgrain with a Black & deep red interior scheme, your Boom Boom sound system, and finish off with some nice shiny 17 - 20inch rims & gold disc calipers ...LOW RIDER! Did I mention that it comes with the original colour coded hub caps? How retro is that? (only the rears are fitted in the pics, as I'd just gotten it back from having new tires and the tire place was to lazy to put them back on.) Remember: When you're done with your 'P' plates you can simply go the whole hoggit without changing cars [more finance ugh!] and drop a thunderous old clevo in. It already has a C4 box and original 9 inch diff. Fit a set of stainless exhausts and really show the rice rockets up! hahahahahaha! [evil old petrolhead laughter] [NOTE: What type of car blew the rice rockets in Tokyo Drift? Euro? Import? Or a good old Ford?] C'mon! ...ask yourself "Why the heck should I be just another brokass wanker kid up to my neck in hock driving a tonka toy when I can stay cashed up and on the road and never off in a dead reliable, almost unbreakable, low budget REAL cruiser that turns heads everywhere it goes and gets me some respect from enthusiasts both young and old?" [... Go to any car show and see how popular these old cruisers are compared to the 1000's of cereal box, off the shelf, disposable rice burners! Even the japs don't keep the rice rockets beyond 60 or 80 thou klm! ...AND they make the horrid little things! Put $10 grand into an old ford and see what you get back in ten years. Now do the same math on your rice rockets and see how much you lose. If you want a project car to restore, you be hard pressed to find one in better condition than this. Look at the price of restored XA's and XB's...what do you think the next car to jump in value would be? It just makes good sense to invest in these old fords! Payment to be within two days (2) of closing of auction unless by prior arrangement. All bids are final and binding. You bid, you win, you pay."
  8. Meh. I sh*t on this movie. The original Conan just came on amc tonight. Godda**ed classic. Doesn't need to be re-told. Sandahl Bergman's Valeria is one of the truly great warrior woman movie characters; still one of my all-time favs. Valeria and Conan's romance is one of the all-time great love stories of film. Think about it: she fought off the demons of hell to bring him back from the brink of death. She came back from the dead, to save him and fight by his side in battle. What I wouldn't give for a woman like that.... and to quote Spike Spiegel: --I love a woman who can kick my ass.
  9. okay, just googled pics of the now infamous housekeeper. Eww. Maybe she garbled his bollocks? They're also plastering pics of the poor kid up now. Oh yeah, he's Arnie's, allright. But he'll be able to turn it all to his advantage later in life. He'll be able to become one of the next generation's mega-moviestars himself: whether it's as the son of the Oak, or playing to his passionate Latin heritage. His dad will be able to kick open some doors for him. But people, you ought to be asking: what bigger, more important issues in the world are they trying to keep you from focusing on, with all this saturation and round-the-clock sensationalism bullsh*t? To quote Chris Rock: "They just keepin' your mind off the war!"
  10. *edit* Oops--wrong thread!
  11. hope the linky works... http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81514361/ LOLOLOL!!!
  12. The most asked question right now seems to be: why did it come out now, after being secret for so long? While we'll never know all the details--it is his own business, after all--as I understand it, the housekeeper resided with the family? Did the child reside with her/them as well? Now, if this lad's been living, playing, growing up with the family for the entire 10 years, I'd surmise it's been long enough for Arnold's kids [Maria too, for that matter] to probably start looking at him and start thinking, and maybe even asking out loud: "hey, now why does so-and-so look SO much like us?" You can't escape genetics, folks. This boy's no doubt grown enough to really start looking like an acorn off the old Oak, to make a bad pun. Now, I know Agent ONE is gonna hate me for even bringing this up; but there's going to come a day--be it 10, 20, 30, however many years from now--when there will be a time for the reading of the will. You can bet there's liable to be some sh*t poppin off up in the attorney's office on that day!
  13. Meh, since when has that ever stopped Hollywood?
  14. Yes. Very, VERY lucky. IIRC, the top-line driving suits are supposed to be good for something on the order of 30 - 45 sec of protection from exposure to flame? Although, obviously it got damned hot for the driver. Wow, it was like there wasn't a fuel-cell at all, the way that thing lit up. Very lucky, indeed.
  15. 2:00 am? Are you f'ing kidding me? Can you think of a better way to kill a show before it even gets going, than with a shi**y time slot? Yeah, yeah--I know, lots of folks can "set to record" and all that. But still. I'm just sayin...
  16. Hah! one can hardly tell the difference.
  17. hehe, you've got your finger on the pulse of Hollywood. Somebody greenlight it!
  18. LOL, you guys are putting WAY too much thought into this, expecting far too much in the way of coherence from these movies. I'd wager a good deal of the brainstorming/writing for these flicks involved lots of time spent in rooms with copious amounts of alcohol, notes scribbled in magic marker on scrap paper, and some hot wheels toys...
  19. Certainly flies in the face of Colin Chapman's "minimalist" design philosophy, eh? 272 mph? Seriously. who the he*l would even TRY to see if that boast is attainable? Get the wreath & casket ready, mate... ed: would make for a kick-ass 1-mile-long drag race, though: Venom vs. Veyron. "I'd buy that for a dollar!"
  20. Well, he is nearly 65...
  21. OMG, even on mute, this looks like it's going to be truly AW-FUL. Even 9 year-olds are gonna be doing the rolleyes on this one... ...UNLESS! they figure out how to work THIS in as his signature battle-cry for every episode:
  22. Arnold's reply?
  23. LOL, that car is what the Miata wants to be, when it grows up...
  24. With all their torque-vectoring, yaw-controlling, whiz-bang electronic and computerized devices intervening on the drivers' behalfs, practically anyone can get in and be a hero in most modern day supercars... it takes BALLS to strap 450+ HP, a soda-can body, and (back then) bias ply tires onto this and try to tame the dragon. AFAIK, there were no serious wrecks/fatalities in the (actual) Cobra competition cars back when they were the state-of-the-art, which is a true testament to the driving skills of the men who raced them; and a bit of a miracle, too.
  25. LOL... sorry--couldn't think of where else to put it...
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