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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Saw one of the new trailers on TV recently... ...I only needed to see "Conan" deliver some line to the effect: "I don't want your throne. I want your Head!" [i kept expecting him to say "bra!" on the end of that one] That was all the confirmation I needed. This movie is going to keep straight on PAST the balls--and SUCK, DIRTY, STINKING A$$!
  2. I can see where this is going... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30x8VTCaOws
  3. Yeah--now that everyone's in-on-the-joke, it's not quite as funny. Still neat to hear it in movies and be able to pick it out, go: oh yeah, I know what that is. Oddly enough, I've never seen the movie it's originally from. I forget the title, but IIRC it was a western [John Wayne?] from the 40's or 50's. The source of poor Lt. Wilhelm's distress is his being attacked and killed by a crocodile during a river crossing scene, or something to that effect. *cringe* Ewww!
  4. AFAIK, that is correct: matte black to prevent sun glare. Hehe, that Volvo is cockdeisel. That Bimmer gets a "nicely done," too.
  5. So maybe them crazy Canucks weren't kidding after all? Looks like the De Macross [seriously? ] supercar is really a go. The mockup is at least full scale this time... Hmm. Has a vague resemblance to the GT-40 Mk IV, but with a different tail and headlight covers... ed: oh, these guys mean business eh? Those look like ALMS leader positioning lights on the front fenders [Hah!]
  6. reddsun1

    VF toy scales

    Damn you, Yamato! Where's my 1/18 scale non-TF VF-1? That's right, I just can't let it go... It would work out to 31.1" of Valkyrie toy goodness--IF you go by official specs for fighter mode length. Although, I've always been skeptical of that figure [14.23 m]. When you look at the old line art, and the proportions in relation to the pilot, it just looks BIGGER than that. And that'd mean a VF is only the same size as an AV-8B Harrier?
  7. Oh, I'm sure it couldn't do much worse for the series. Look how well it worked for Lucas and Star Wars
  8. that sounds HELLA expensive. I like the red ones, especially the stance of the one with the "Daytona" wheels. But if you're gonna go the blacked-out-motorsports-hood route, shouldn't it be matte/flat, not gloss? I always do a little *doh!* to myself when I see that.
  9. Nothing wrong with cobbling together a beast for the street. "Form follows function," I say. I love cars that have been modded for a purpose; like fender flares--that actually allow fitting wider tires; or say an air scoop--that actually feeds more air to a bigger carb, or a cold-air system. While I don't like stuff that's tacked-on just to imitate high performance, I love to see it when people mod their cars to actually make it perform better, even if just a little bit. Guy that lives in my home town owns this 280Z that I absolutely love. IIRC, he said the fender flares are done in metal; absolutely beautiful bit of work. I've had a bit of a chubby for this one since I first saw it, and I'm not even a Z fan.
  10. For the most part, I like the "super musclecars" done by Barry White's shop for Wrecks To Riches. Very aggressive stance to the designs, but not way over-the-top with it. Imports just don't do it that much for me. EXCEPT--I do often wish I'd held on to my "beater" '84 Celica GTS. Especially when I saw Enkei re-introduced the classic "92" design. Always thought some of those would look sweet on 'er. God Da*n, but it was fun, tossing 'er into a corner; and executing a perfect heel-and-toe shift. Wouldn't do 100 if you dropped it from a plane; but had the best f'ing brakes of anything I've ever driven. That was truly a sad day for me. I thought I "needed the money more," but it felt like sh*t, watching the car going out of the driveway on the tow dolly. It was like that scene from Orwell's Animal Farm, when they carted Boxer off to the gluemaker's. It was like I could hear an imaginary voice: "Hey? Where's this guy taking me? Hey?! You're going to stop him, aren't you? Where is he taking me?!" I've seen the car around town a couple of times since I let 'er go. F'ing wanker's put some big, tacky vinyl decals in 8" script across the hood and down the rocker panels: "Celica" and "Toyota." No sh*t, a$$hole. Ya think nobody would be able to figure out what it was, what with the badging already on it? Totally tasteless. One step away from riced-out. DICK.
  11. I like the front fascia[sp?]. Not too keen on the rocker panels though. And ferchrissakes, what's with the godd**ned wagon wheels? That design would look just as good in 17", maybe even 18", and probably weigh less... Hehe, cool vid. Hey! Wait a minute! Is that speedo in mph? or kph?
  12. I like the pro-touring/restomod approach, i.e. use modern driveline and suspension components to make classically styled cars rival the new ones in terms of comfort and performance... Builders like these guys seem to have it down-pat
  13. AFAIK, Chrysler's new hemis are great motors--judging from the numbers on paper. The root of the problem is: the car's a PIG. It's too godd**ned BIG, and it's too godd**ed HEAVY. Unfortunately that was the same primary drawback for the original E-bodies back in the day, at least in comparison to their pony-car contemporaries. Apparently Chrysler hasn't learned anything from the lessons of history. Now I realise that this is mostly due to having to comply with more stringent gov't regulations, requiring crashworthiness levels sufficient to protect f'ing morons who still refuse to buckle their godda**ed seatbelt when they get in a car [something about 'unbelted passenger regs'?]. That, plus the fact that the core group of buyers is one that doesn't wish to sacrifice comfort and amenities for the sake of saving weight for outright performance. It is what it is. Still, the Challenger seems to have a lot of aesthetic character that's certainly appealing to some. ed: the new Boss Mustang promises to be the best bang-for-the-buck muscle car around; but AFAIK it will be built in extremely low numbers? Count on dealer mark-ups and collector/speculator frenzy to push it up into Shelby territory, price-wise, if not higher.
  14. Meh, there's just no topping the blood-test scene. One of the all-time classics of the genre.
  15. LOL. Futile, but funny. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81631332/ Michael Bay is a hack.
  16. I wonder what theme this film will take, or will it just be a pointless schleck-fest of over the top CG gore? Campbell's original story seems--to me--to have pretty strong anti Nazism/Communism undertones, given when it was written [1938]. By the end of the story, the paranoia and fear of "the enemy that mingles among us," has made the men [behave] just as monstrous as the alien, setting upon each other with savage ferocity to kill anyone who's been assimilated. Or, on the flip-side of that argument, maybe Campbell was asserting that: in order to survive an attack from an enemy that wants to "absorb" and control us all, we have to be ruthless and thorough in seeking it out and destroying it?
  17. Been a while since I've read it, but that seems to resemble J.W. Campbell's description from "Who Goes There." [iIRC, his thing's tentacle-hair was blue though]
  18. Only one big, glaring problem with that "possible" synopsis. Totally flies in the face of the well established--in fact, one of the critical plot-points common to all the Alien movies thus far--underlying anti-corporatism theme, and Weyland Corp's relentless attempts to capture the Aliens "so they can use it as a weapon" regardless of the collateral damage. If everything happened as surmised above to get us to the fate of the Space Jockey, then wouldn't Weyland--and humans in general--already have access to these bio-weapons and so much more, who-knows how many CENTURIES before Ripley and her hapless crew comes along [long enough for Space Jockey to fossilize]? In fact now that I think of it; that kinda makes it all a moot point anyway. If it's been THAT damned long, humans sure as hell ought to have advanced far enough so that they wouldn't need dangerous and unpredictable "bio-weapons" anyway. Proof positive that, once AGAIN, somebody didn't do their homework, and bother to WATCH THE ORIGINAL F'ING SOURCE MATERIAL. Who the fu*k are these guys at shock til you drop anyway? and why should we listen to them? ed: Oh, fu*kit--it's just a slippery-slope argument, logic pissing on fantasy and escapism's campfire story. Like: if Space Jockey's ship has been crashed long enough for his a$$ to fossilize into his chair--then the damned Alien eggs sure as sh*t shouldn't have survived THAT long. Should've just been a ship full of rotten a$$ Alien eggs. [eww!] Application of common sense just winds up ruining everything; sometimes I wish I could just turn it off, quit while I'm ahead.
  19. Because some cars are just worth a second look... Apparently, the name loosely translates to something like: "winnowing fan" or "blower"? More likely would be the quickly-googled definition as slang for "kicking ass" in Spanish. Elicits that same sense of ooh-I-want-one awe and desire not felt since my childhood days of coveting the Countach.
  20. Saw a trailer and thought: "oh, wow--another movie with fake-moving CGI robot-octopus-tentacle-thingies flashing around the screen. Is this another Matrix sequel?" This di*k M. Bay isn't gonna be happy until he seriously injures or kills another cast/crew member with his over-the-top, unrealistic flash-bang effects shots. But to call the summer-action movie "the supreme art of our age"? and Bay "a maestro"?! Seriously? The fu*k, man? A definitive affliction of hubris, I'd say...
  21. Ah yes. I remember The Rocketeer. Critics were pretty hard on that one. True, it was pretty bad--actors all pretty much mailed-in their performances. But it was okay for what it was, i.e. a kid-safe family movie, a send-up on the old action serials from the 40's-50's. Jennifer Connelly provided some nice eye candy too--back before she got all thin and sickly lookin'.
  22. I consider myself a fan of the original (singular) Arnold Conan film. Conan The Destroyer was so horrible, I'd rather just ignore it altogether. It's like they didn't even bother watching the original before they made that crap.
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