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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Cool! I wonder: are they going to use the animated series as his (Black Panther's) canon for introducing the character to the film universe? I forced myself to watch past the intro to ep 1 (talk about a "WTF? are these muh fuh's serious?" moment) and actually ended up really liking that one; one of Marvel's better animated adaptations to date... and as for the guy that wrote this article, this Mark Julian whatsisface I'd say: damn, man. Quit looking for sh*t to be offended by. Let's not be so quick to grab up the protest placards, eh? see how it turns out. I don't think Marvel would choose such a long-standing minority character from their ranks and bring him to the silver-screen just to punk him. At least, I hope not. I'm (more) willing to give Marvel Studios a chance. So far, a fair number of their movies have pleasantly surprised.
  2. I'll be da*ned--you actually can see the influence. Hehe--all it needs is for someone to photoshop in a jet intake warning decal on the front fender right behind the headlights, an' mebbe a black sidestripe with an "001" down the sides.
  3. Good grief... http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/a6305/priceless-ford-gt40-found-in-garage/ Can't remember; this link may have already been posted in the thread. But still... good grief!
  4. Don't forget: there's bunches of cashed-up footballers (or I guess it's 'soccer players' to us Yanks) out there who'd probably be ready to form a queue for one. And for that matter, think of all the sales to be garnered from the NFL and MLB rosters, eh?
  5. I will admit: it was a little tense during the fence scene with Abraham. For a moment I was like: what, are they gonna kill off a major character after all? Is Abraham gonna let his guard down and die stupidly? And so soon after Glenn's "death?"
  6. Not technically a martial art, is it(?) but I keep telling myself: I need to go back to studying my copy of the USMC combat training manual.
  7. Upon hearing/reading of this, I can't believe no one's beat me to it on this one...
  8. Tackle. Dicks. Juvenile, yes. But: "Oh! you walked right into that one!" ed: I only just stumbled upon this thread. If they do make a sequel: I want this thread title to be the movie title too! with EJO on all the movie posters...
  9. Mebbe they plan to do something similar with Apocalypse using post-production CG? I always liked punk-rocker Storm. Mmm, sexy. ed: Meh. Still don't really like these movies all that much. Wish Marvel Studios could have gotten the rights (copyrights, distribution, whatever all that legal bruh hah hah is) back and taken the helm.
  10. Well, he certainly looks the part... Aw, dammit. Too late--I looked.
  11. Holy hell, I can't believe it's been almost 20 years since the first MiB came out!
  12. Saw the trailer, haven't seen the 1st ep yet. Kinda cool to see that Raimi still has his old Delta 88.
  13. Going back to the UC again, eh? Cool. It will be interesting to see if they can strike a balance with the mechanical designs: make them fresh and interesting for new anime audiences, without completely disregarding the look and feel of the 0079 era.
  14. When you squint a little, there's a little AMG GTS in there too, come to think of it...
  15. Yeah, that was a little f'ed up.
  16. Holy crap. Holee. Effin'. Crap. That is so kewl. Why the hell isn't someone at John Deere's walking tractor division working on a platform for this? Part Phalanx. Part Defender. All badass.
  17. Only problem is: one of the major themes of MoS was the whole: you can't let anyone know who you are or about your powers because the world just couldn't handle it if they knew about aliens... Well, now you expect us the viewers to accept that this all took place in a world where there will have already been a vigilante who dresses up as a giant bat, and have been fighting crime for some years prior by now in said world, facing off against a variety of villains which will have included--but not been limited to: a psychotic killer-clown; a scientist turned criminal with freeze ray guns/technology; a zombie crook with super strength and near invincibility; a mutant with crocodilian skin and strength; a former actor turned criminal following an accident rendering him with the shape shifting ability to manipulate his own skin & tissue; and a criminal femme fatale that can communicate with and manipulate plants, among others.... but that world couldn't handle the idea of aliens, or superhumans? riiigght
  18. That's kinda hot. I like how the roof, window and beltlines are reminiscent of 60's-70's musclecar shapes. So long as they make sure there's plenty of room in that engine bay for forced-induction upgrades or engine swaps for tuners to stuff more horses under that long hood, then I'd say this thing should have a bright future.
  19. I must say I was genuinely disappointed with this one. Not let down, mind you--just disappointed with Glen's (apparent) fate. FFS, he's been around since the beginning! I was wondering where they were going to take things with the underlying theme of "is-it-humanity-or-is-it-weakness," with Glen and Morgan's characters: Glen with his insistence on seeing the potential good in others--in spite of indications to the contrary; and Morgan's "Zen" conversion, refusing to kill--even those who clearly need killin'. I was thinking: this could potentially create some great drama. They're (Glen & Mrogan) going to have to re-evaluate themselves and their respective policies; or will they stick to their guns, and potentially put others in peril as well as themselves? Well--so much for that theory. They certainly took a (slightly) unexpected turn with that on Glen's part, didn't they? Or at least, I wouldn't have expected in so soon. While I wish it weren't so, I agree with Roy. It would certainly be worse if they tried a Bobby-Ewing-in-the-shower scene to try to retcon it later on. That would just be sh*tty writing. And lazy.
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