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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Man oh man, that pic just totally grosses me out. It's even worse than what I've previously envisioned for the Thing. LOL, if I had a mouth like a puckered-up-arsehole, I'd be pretty god**mned pissed off and trying to change into something else too!
  2. Aren't there some youtube vids of a real-life replica? I wonder what they used for a base vehicle? ed: yup, thought there was 4-wheel steer. Very trick. Not at all practical--or safe--for the gunner. But pretty cool, from a gee-whiz factor.
  3. Boo! BOO! The little janitor and robot silhouettes at the bottom of the screen say [to Universal]: GET OFF KURT RUSSELL'S NUT SACK! ed: Ennio Morricone's original soundtrack effing rocks. I've got it on my mp3 player... ed: ed: and GODDA**IT, where are the sled dogs?! We already KNOW how this one is SUPPOSED to end! They're supposed to have sled dogs, and the helicopter was a Bell Jet Ranger! Only 2 men are supposed to survive--and they set off after the last remianing assimilated "dog" in a vain attempt to blow it up, to keep it from getting to the American camp.... Christ Al-fu**ing-Mighty! It's like NONE of these a$$holes even bothered watching the first movie! Jesus! Who green-lights this SHITE?!
  4. Seems like most auto manufacturers use slight variations on the same basic caliper design nowadays, anyway; with the exception of the high-end stuff like Brembo, or aftermarket like Wilwood. Funny, I didn't even pay attention to them at first glance. Now that you bring my attention to them, can't help but notice the disparity in size between front and rear calipers. Bit odd.
  5. LOL, all it needs is a guy in a rubber monster suit.... **stomp! stomp! "RRRRRAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!"** But yes, that is effing awesome. I wish someone could do an SDF-1 in that scale...
  6. Yes, the E-Type inspiration is definitely there, especially in the rear flanks. Methinks it's a step in the right direction, if Jaguar wants to continue to return to its symbolic status as a great predatory cat, and not just remain a [Aston] copy-cat, as with previous generations. ed: and yes, Aston has diluted the waters, too many editions of basically the same car. But still; I'd [consider] murder a perfect stranger to have a DBS...
  7. Okay, true enough their hefty price tags are probably due to the sheer number of man hours put into the construction of each car. That, and paying for their fancy automated, robot-controlled forklifts and scaffolded warehousing, etc, etc. But hey, the robot forklifts are probably better than hiring somebody like this guy...
  8. Ugh! Your words, sir, do me violence! For this, James Bond should pull up in his Aston Martin and give you an obligatory slap across the cheek with a white lace glove, in issuance of a challenge! DBS, FTW! ed: although; somebody needs to drop a decently stroked twin turbo V8 in one of them babies, to give it a proper dose of torque to accompany the horses...
  9. That's actually kinda cool, in a rat-pack-inspired-vibe kind of way. Cadillac's contemporary designs are definitely a love-it-or-hate-it affair. And I hate them. The CTS Coupe? Ugh. That thing's like a panel van, pretending to be a sports-coupe...
  10. This fellow is very dedicated. And obviously independently wealthy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMgp4MVEOds But he apparently didn't settle for that. And what resulted? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPUoZq1XQtc&feature=related Clearly, this bloke's as mad as a hatter. I like him already! ed: I don't think it would take very long at all to learn to hate that car though, just because of the noise. In fact, I can easily imagine someone ending up referring to the car as just that: "that noisy sonovabi*ch."
  11. Ahahaha! Move over, Michael Knight! The "hero" car looks like a Sterling--kit car, based on a VW Beetle floorpan/motor. Ah yes, a solid foundation to build on for performance, to be sure. I think they still sell those, too...
  12. Hehe, I think the late, great Mark Donohue might approve... "We’re far from having too much horsepower…[m]y definition of too much horsepower is when all four wheels are spinning in every gear." — Mark Donohue
  13. Wow. Quite a contrast... Although, I'm not sure it's quite a fair comparison? Looks like a lot of the "GT" contingent are historics and smallbores? LOL, an F1 had better be faster through there than a Lotus Super 7.
  14. Indeed. I'd prefer the B/C model on screen for a movie with P-40s. Just a meaner, better looking plane. I read somewhere that original designer Donovan Berlin (sp?) was never happy with Curtiss' solution for engine cooling with the plane (the big, distinctive chin duct) on later models. I've often wondered how much, if any, the performance of the plane might have improved if Curtiss had invested in improvements on the model similar to those on other planes like the P-51 and P-47; things like: a 4-blade "paddle" prop; fuel injection instead of carburetors; metal control surfaces; airframe lightening, where possible? Anectdotal evidence, from original Flying Tigers and others, seems to indicate that the P-40--while it couldn't out turn a Zero--could turn better than just about any other fighter of the time; it could apparently out-accelerate [early] Spitfires in level flight [at least until the Spit's higher top speed allowed it to catch up]; only the P-47 "Jug" could out-dive it; and the Allison engine's rugged design made it capable of operating at higher than rated power settings [vacuum?] for brief periods. For a pilot aware of and able to use those strengths to try to dictate the terms of a fight, one can see how it would be a formidable weapon, at least early on in the war. But I digress. I plan to see Red Tails in the theaters, because I want to support this one, CGI "warts" and all. I love warbirds; I admire the Tuskeegee Airmen, and I like the idea of their stories being told and passed on to future generations [just tell it reasonably close to the truth, godda**it!]. I think the Tigers' stories are damned good too, and worthy of rememberance...
  15. LOL, dude's got some da*ned good reflexes! That 1/72 Yamato is so "fu*k yeah!" ed: isn't there an RC C-17 Globemaster as well? That thing has got to be a challenger to the B-29 for "world's largest"?
  16. Ginettas are pretty cool little cars. They seem to be sticking with their tried-and-true formula, i.e. ultra light weight with highly tuned small displacement power. hmm, I wonder what kind of torque this baby makes? Me, I'd wait for the stage 2 turbo kit...
  17. Hehe, if she didn't look like a fish, I'd wanna go Captain Kirk on that alien warrior-woman. LOL, just don't think there's enough space rum to counter that one, though. I know, I'm such a galactic horndog.
  18. Hehe, I want a t-shirt with that printed on it: "Crom laughs at your Four-Winds." Original Conan aired on AMC(?) last night. Just reminded me of why I won't be spending my $$$ on seeing that new garbage in the theaters.
  19. Ouch, man. *wince* But you're right, point taken.
  20. Looks like it ought to be able to dock with a Gundam... Hear Hear! Always thought TAS Freeze and Two Face were the most compelling villians; never followed Beyond. In much the same way that Mark Hamill made it work for the Joker, Richard "Bull" Moll really breathed life into Harvey Dent's animated persona. But that's moot, anyway, I know. Clay Face would show a good deal of potential; but only if it were a fair bit more restrained than the TAS ver--keep it just to what the guy could do to manipulate his facial and external skin features, and not just some shapeshifting blob with seemingly limitless ability change/add mass...
  21. Well now, that's strictly subjective, now isn't it? The first word that came to mind when viewing the interior shot was: "creamy." Damned if I know why, but now I inexplicably want a cup of hot cocoa, LOL. It could almost be said it looks like a Morgan Aero 8 violated an AC Cobra--or vice versa--and this is the bast*rd offspring...
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