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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. hehe, they don't say, eh?
  2. Ironically, the audience would likely cry: no way! to maneuvers that real pilots said were possible in Mustangs, like: or Don Bryan's move? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlfOWZHEGNk
  3. Wait a minute--so the mockbuster is going to beat the Disney version to the screen--er, the video store, anyway? Oh, those guys are good [at being bad].
  4. Indeed: the Q might have been a real terror in the Pacific, had it been developed with more urgency. Dunno just what it is that's so mezmorizing about the profile of those earlier models, though.... What models were the Tuskeegee Airmen assigned to? E's or later versions?
  5. "Unlike Tora! Tora! Tora!, [2nd Lt. Ken] Taylor was not consulted for the Pearl Harbor film, and later called the adaptation "... a piece of trash...over-sensationalized and distorted."[1]" 'nuff said.
  6. Better yet, get his brother Charlie. He's even funnier at voiceover work. At this point, I'd wager Liam's probably thinking: two tears in a bucket, fu*# it--it's a paycheck!
  7. Hehe, I suppose it would have been really bad if they'd have had 'im back up, then go back in; then back up, then go back in; then back up, then go back in...
  8. Nah--it's more like that first "crush" when you discover the beauty of women [as opposed to "girls"]. Sure, you get older; your tastes may evolve or change; other women come along that may be built a little hotter, or may be able to do better tricks--but you never lose that special place in your heart for that first....
  9. OMG, this one is cool. And lurking right here in MW... Man, that thing is so [comparatively] tiny, though! Looks like it'd be about as small as a Cessna? I always imagined they'd be bigger in 1:1; Valkyries too, for that matter. ed: so as to not stray off subject - It would seem it can be best summed up with: Toynami/Aoshima ver seems to be the better looking; but suffers from shoddy quality and "broke back" syndrome. CMs ver from anectdotal evidence seems to have better quality, but just doesn't look quite as "right," and is apparently very pricey? maybe it'd be better to try to get an old Imai or Aoshima reissue model and have it kitbashed? It would seem they aren't any worse than the Toynami's for fragility? With some custom, larger wings, they'd be just about perfect, as "old tech" models go.
  10. only one I've been able to find, I'm afraid.
  11. Holy crap! makes me wish I could do the same to my old Iota...
  12. As commercials go: this one's pretty sweet... 0:51 - 1:00: those "lane change" maneuvers are f'ing awesome! Even without the CGI fluff, thing moves like a gall-dang R/C car! I would murder a perfect stranger to have one of those, if I could get away with it (gotta be in that color orange, though).
  13. Hmm--so which would look better on a 1A Cannon Fodder? Tactical "Desert Beige," or "Desert Warrior"?
  14. apologies if already mentioned. Scorched Earth Toys has comparison article here: http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=2704
  15. ah--makes me miss my old GoBots "Leader-1" model. Even as a kid, I knew: this is no GoBot, and just had to have it. I tried to build mine up like the Zeta ver, but it didn't look anywhere near as good as that one... ed: the Imai/Monogram models are still the absolute best-looking in battroid mode.
  16. ah, ok. many thanks.
  17. ah, I must modify my point slightly, as it was a bit of overgeneralizing. This is actually not a good example--I suppose the original Macross would be the example of that. The size/postion of the guns in the engine nacelles differ ever so slightly; as do the conformal "bumps" on the bottom of the nacelles and the center fuselage (right behind the Macross kite.) What could those be, anyway? But true: these images are indeed much better; if anything, they're proof of the improvement in quality of the animation, and it's these that should be the ad hoc references for any model/toy.
  18. Oh, you guys suck! I'm going home...
  19. I know 80's era mecha anime is notorious for, er, inconsistencies--even between these two images from the same animation! Buuuut...the MMM Lineart is not the be-all, end-all reference--hell, it's got the vertical stabilizers wrong! (see above)
  20. If you're still able to garner their attention to such a positive degree, then please--by all means, please do try to talk them into a 1/18 scale non-TF VF-4 fighter...successful sales would almost certainly justify following up with a 1/18 non-TF VF-1. use the hypnotoad! have Obi Wan use the force on them! put the baby bird on webcam and tell them "boobs or I'll do it"! anything! (I want a 1/18 Valkyrie, dammit...)
  21. Judging from the glimpse in that trailer: 1:05 - Yes. Yes, there will. LOL, by "dark side of the moon," do they mean Argentina?
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