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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. There are images that can sometimes immortalize a concept, a belief, a social or political situation, or just a moment in life. This can be such an image. THIS kid will be remembered for time immemorial...as a DUMB FU*K.
  2. Now wait just a cotton-pickin' minute! The Chinese people already had/have their very own legitimate Super Hero! and his name is Bruce Lee! Hehe, the irony isn't lost on me that the chronicles of The World's Greatest Communist Super Hero are being made available through retail outlets. But seriously, that cover art is very well done. LOL, Rob Liefield, it ain't! Will he have super powers, per se? Or will he be a mortal capable of amazing things, a la Bruce Wayne/Batman or something similar?
  3. Well, one thing's for sure: a Lamborghini SUV would have a little to do with "sport," but even less to do with "utility." They just need to start building these big sumbit**es again... it's all about the statement. And these f'ers say: like a BOSS, beyatch! Hear hear!
  4. Well that's nice: "Only Substandard Available"
  5. From the Isle of Man TT races. Not sure just which year, though. Isle of Maniacs is more like it... You'd better have a solid brass pair to get in that muh fu**in race. It takes a man's man, to run the Isle of Man...
  6. I still say it looks a little too much like the old Callaway C12R. But at least Gilles & co at Chrysler are [apparently] planning to improve the breed with factory backed racing efforts...
  7. I didn't know about The Sky Crawlers. That story apparently goes a fair way along those very lines. I like the designs--what little I've seen so far. Familiar, yet, evolved. Very cool. And the dogfight scenes I've seen snippets of so far? I can only say:
  8. Agreed. For Porschephiles, I think the mystery for some would have been: just what other 550's those usable parts would have gone to, increasing the provenance of said cars (and would the "Dean curse" have spread to those cars, if you buy into that sort of thing). OR for some: where would the remains of the shell have gone to? There are some who probably would have tried to preserve that as a bit of Hollywood memorabelia, smashed as it was. I dunno, kinda playing on the whole anything-connected-to-the-star angle, like "these were Elvis' sunglasses" or something.
  9. ...in tha. FU#K. Is that?! if that's what it came to, I guess I'd have to be one starving a$$ [hah! made a pun!] zombie... "Naw, fu#k dat. I'ma wait fo' me some brains..."
  10. Dean's spyder is pretty legendary in its own right--a pretty fascinating bit of automobilia, said to be "cursed." Its fate/whereabouts are still unknown? James Dean Accident A September 30, 1955 automobile accident claimed the life of actor James Dean. Using photographs obtained from the accident scene, Exponent engineers performed a complete accident reconstruction and used computer simulation and animation techniques to illustrate the results of our investigation. Contrary to the information provided in the police report, we were able to show that Dean was not speeding at the time of the accident. The investigation was conducted for the television series "What Happened?"" See the analysis and reconstruction movie of the accident on the Exponent.com http://www.exponent.com/multimedia/
  11. why the he*l did they give him boobs?!
  12. LOL, that was the first thing that popped into my head too, when I read the thread title... *Wheel in the sky, keep on turnin'...."
  13. that guy with the Z06 was HEE-LARIOUS! "it's gonna be quite a smokey show..." "...that was not the tires." the guy in the older, blue Z06 was a real a$$hat. there's about 5 or 10 mins of video before that colossal blunder, with him trying to powerslide and smoke the tires around corners and such--on public roads, sometimes with oncoming traffic. Hooning is one thing, but doing it in traffic and jeapordizing innocent others--makes me feel NO sympathy for the di*k...
  14. I'll admit I usually pronounce it "naca" as well, much like most people pronounce NASA "nasa." But it is irksome when people refer to a high perf car as having "NASA" ducts... *rolleyes*
  15. Haha! that was pretty dumb of me. That's what I get for "skimming" the video, not paying attention...
  16. I'd wager a lot of the designs would be very similar to the original warbirds of that era. Planes like the late model Mustangs, Thunderbolts, Sea Furies and Bearcats can pretty much be considered at the pinnacle of piston-engined technology. But the greatest emphasis would go towards using advances in machining and production technologies--advances like porting/polishing, electronic engine management, etc--to tighten tolerances, get more efficient power to weight outputs, i.e. Merlins and Allisons that'd make 2,000 HP or more, as opposed to their 1,200 - 1,500 HP back in the day. I'm sure designers like the Burt Rutans and other like minded folks would keep things interesting, offer solutions that diverge on much more radical tangents... Actually, I guess Rutan has already answered my original query, about just where the J7W could have evolved to... I like this design. I just can't help but wonder what if Rutan had had the resources and funding to get even more ambitious with it; say, designing a real hot-rod, something around a surplus Allison, or Merlin, or P&W Double Wasp...
  17. Bears more than a passing resemblance to the Callaway C12. Something of a rare miss for Chrysler's Ralph Gilles--a noted Viper fan, IIRC--who has otherwise done loads of good for revitalizing Chrysler's performance image/heritage...
  18. Beautiful? Not necessarily, I'd say. More like: it certainly looks-the-business. There are certain craft--be they fighters like the Mustang; ships like the Iowa class; tanks like the Panther or the Abrams--that just have a sort of aesthetic quality to them; manage to look intrinsically like they'll be very good at what they're intended for. The J7W also has that sort of look to it. At least, compared to the "Assender" or the Black Bullet.
  19. Can't help but wonder: if given more time for development, or if someone were to try to build a modern (private) version, how the performance of the Kyushu Shinden might have stacked up to the warbird greats, like the P-51, Spitfire, etc... it's certainly "sexier" than Curtiss and Northrop's contemporary versions of the pusher concept...
  20. that's pretty friggin cool. damn, where has our [collective] ambition gone...
  21. I think the more important question would be: why the FU*K would someone try to make their truck look like the Pizza Planet truck from Toy Story? ed - actually, hindsight says that: if it's an old, clapped out, rusted POS dog of a truck on its last leg to begin with, then dressing it up to look like that was probably done to help hide the fact that it was an old, clapped out rusted POS dog of a truck on its last leg...mebbe.
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