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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Hmmm. Well, my imagination was definitely going in a different direction as to filling in the blanks on the Sup. Army and its relationship to protoculture/Zentraedi, after watching "The Big Escape." Oh well.... Anyways--did I mention how fuggin' awesome these Valks are?
  2. Bloody 'ell, they weren't kidding! A guy flying a Valkyrie with a guitar? energy "vampires"? Valkyries with tits? "Attack? No way! My songs will work on them, too!" Are they f'ing serious? PASS...
  3. Oops. Didn't know that. I've never watched Mac 7, haven't bothered to even try to investigate/follow after reading synopses and generally unfavorable reviews involving space whales, Nekki Basara and "listen to my song!" So, how'd it explain that whole deal? You won't spoil it for me by divulging. Still not terribly enthused about Mac 7...
  4. I've been enjoying watching the dubbed eps of Macross on crackle.com. Just finished up "The Big Escape," and the scene where Hikaru and Misa start to ponder the origins of the Zentraedi got me to thinking: the bad guys in all the subsequent Mac series have been somewhat lacking, in comparison to the villians I would like to have seen and finally learned about--and that's the Supervision Army. Varja; Varuta; Protodeviln; Birdman?!? phooey! Never mind that BS. I wanna learn more about the conflict that essentially caused an entire civilization [Zentraedi] to resort to genetically altering and separating, to dedicate itself solely to warfare just to cope with combatting the Supervision Army. Some brief comments in that ep [and by Millia in "Blue Wind"] infer that the Sup. Army is pretty much the only enemy the Zentraedi fear as a serious threat. Wonder what kind of drama would pop off if they were to enter into the mix, begin interacting with Zentraedi AND what's left of humanity, eh?
  5. Indeed. ed: because of those vast surpluses of spares/parts manufactured and left over in the factory when DeLorean went belly-up, these cars will conceivably never go away... [oops, shoulda viewed the vid link first]
  6. I remember the 90's X-Men cartoon. It was pretty awful, in hindsight; you mean they've gotten even worse?
  7. *best Ozzy Osbourne voice* 'ew the fu*k is T****s?! "...Avengers breaks all-time domestic box office opening weekend grosss...blah blah, yadda yadda..." Yeah, but are those figures adjusted for inflation? When I hear people talk about "...paid $45 for 3 tickets" and the like, I think: fu*k me, you're mad, man! I just think that's potentially misleading, giving only gross sales figures to measure a film's success. Does that necessarily = more butts in seats [theaters] than previous films, when the avg ticket price approaches 2 - 3 times more than earlier record busters?
  8. Now everybody gimme a big "hell yeah!" On a somewhat related note, this is pretty cool: get yerself a flight helmet in a custom scheme... http://www.gentexhelmet.com/#02-fixed Hmm, now which would be cooler for swooshing around the living room in, Yammie VF in hand? Jolly Rogers, or an adaptation of the Skull sqn scheme?
  9. LOL, you beat me to it. When I first read his post, I was like: Da fu*k? Is he shi**in'? Is he--is he f'ing quoting a movie or something? (but I've never actually seen Clerks)
  10. Aw, let's face it: Macross already HAS had a remake--they called it Macross Frontier!
  11. Many thanks for the link! The interruptions for the ad spots are a little annoying, but--I guess they've gotta do what they gotta do to keep it free, so... The VAs for the "original" Macross are a little bit annoying in places. Yes, they seem to be shouting an awful lot. I know I'm gonna catch hell for this, *prepares to dodge flaming pitchforks* but the VAs for the Roblowtech ver of some characters actually seem to "fit" better, for me; Roy's in particular. The Amer ver of Roy comes across as much smoother and more confident, to me. Ex: the scene in Boobytrap when he offers to let Hikaru take the VF-1D up for a flight, just flows SO much better than the translation for the Macross dub, which sounds almost like Roy's making some kind of pervy proposition. a case of: lost in translation, I guess. Intonation makes all the difference here, I'd say. The VA for the Macross ver sounds like he's trying to do a damned RuPaul impersonation or something.
  12. Christ You're probably right. Christ, I hate this ever tightening spiral that Hollywood is into, with the recycling/reboots. Hell, seems like it used to be that they'd at least wait a decade or two before they'd start rehashing the same sh*t over and over. But now? *groan*
  13. ka-ching! Good luck! hell, I wish I could draw. or were creative. or could invent sh*t people wanted...
  14. Ah yes, we're certainly getting closer to that long awaited day when photo realistic depictions of the beloved VFs will see the light of day. Those Valks look great. I still think a side story set during reconstruction prior to the launch of Megaroad would work. How's this for a pre-requisite love triangle: Our hero pilot finds himself stuck in the proverbial good girl vs bad girl dilemma. Good girl can be one who's been a friend since they were schoolkids--maybe a year or two younger--that he's been close with, but never romantically; by some miracle she's also survived the holocaust as well, and finds her way to Macross city with other survivors. Each has lost all their other family, and as such they're drawn to each other for support and friendship after they're reunited; he swears himself to protecting his thought-lost friend and becoming the best VF pilot he can be (maybe even fly a patrol in same sqn as a visiting Hikaru or Max even?) but it grows into more. Then, enter bad girl: she can be a micronized Meltran pilot who's been detached to a UN Spacy unit on the same base as our hero maybe? She can be a foil to our good girl, providing the temptation and dilemma for our hero, i.e. pick the sure thing of settling down with good girl--who could be facing her own inner conflicts of fear and prejudice stemming from her losses and the destruction she's seen--versus choosing the excitement, uncertainty and "danger" factor of going after the bad girl, who could just as soon kick his a$$ as love him. eh? eh? Such a scenario could be fleshed out quite nicely. It could work...
  15. From the Goodwood Revival meeting, 2012... caught some of the race highlights on Speed ch. Was actually some very good racing. Lots of door-to-door action--a fair bit more than one might expect from the wine and cheese set. and some of the other attractions, courtesy of Lord March...
  16. Lord have mercy... I know. Eventually, I'm gonna have to include a car, somewhere...
  17. Well, hell--I don't want to see it, then!
  18. LOL, clearly they've got those 2 codenames mixed up. And you just know the first thing pervy collectors are gonna do when they get that fig is start tugging to see if she's *ahem* anatomically correct...
  19. So what the h*ll's her special fighting technique? Distracting foes with imminent nipplage, thus leaving the enemy open to strike? ...but yes--she does look kinda like a dude.
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