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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Woops--looks like I need to refer back to the "Macross Toy Releases" thread. Mea culpa.
  2. saw this during a random google search... What kind of environs would such a camo scheme be suitable for? Doesn't make much sense for a flat, mostly barren backdrop of a desert theatre, to me...
  3. Oh yeah, isn't SVF-41 "Black Aces" considered canon now, too?
  4. Nope--there's still the gray -1J from "Phantasm"; and then there's a -1J in cannon fodder brown, but I can't remember which ep right now...
  5. Me, I'd wanna get me a rubber monster suit, and start stompin' on sh*t. **RRRAAAAAGGGGGH!!! RRRRAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!*
  6. Man, you're fu**ing CRAY-ZAY!
  7. Valid points, indeed. I should note that I was speaking from an aesthetic point of view, not so much from the technical specs.
  8. Never underestimate the power of large groups of stupid people. --anon
  9. Hear hear! I've been enjoying going back watching Macross on crackle--gotten up to ep 19 so far. I can say: re-watching as an adult, I can appreciate this show on a whole different level; the characters, their personalities, their relationships and how they evolve. Man, this show was so far ahead of its time. It's arguably better than a whole lot of the sh*t they pass off as drama on network TV nowadays.
  10. This one brings the old Dougram designs to mind... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgBNjdwYdvE I suspect companies like John Deere et. al. have got a leg up on the competition when it comes to robotics, but un-sexy commercial sectors like the logging industry means this stuff goes largely ignored(?) ed: what was really cool was the vids on the slaved hand controls, about 3/4 down the pg at that above link. pretty fascinating--although the [control] response delays were pretty long...
  11. Chances are pretty good that P-40 can fly again someday. I'm saddened for the pilot though. A terrible fate to be sure; alone in that merciless sun, hoping for a rescue that would never come.
  12. Well, at least he [builder] didn't try to BS the HP numbers. Those 1/4 mi. estimates were a bit, er, optimistic though, eh?
  13. IIRC, the releases with prod code ending -100 and up are supposed to have remedied this?
  14. Good Lord! 1/60 v2 VF-1s on sale 50% off! Damn, I wish I wasn't so broke right now... http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00099 http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00131 http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00098 http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00094 http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00124
  15. Meh, the idea of a remake just doesn't appeal to me. Do a side story, I say. True, the farmed-out animation left a lot to be desired in some instances, from a quality/errors standpoint. In fact, it's become a bit of a fun game for me, going back re-watching the original eps on crackle, looking for the errors, missed color-checks, etc. But the story is still da*ned good in spite of all that. It doesn't need to be re-told. Leave it alone. Now, it would seem that there's a good amount of nostalgia for that particular era of the Macross universe though [space War I]. I still think a side story is the way to go. It'd allow the prospective creators [who I hope would also be fans] to give us Valkyries, Destroids, Queadluuns, Regulds, cucumbers in space--all the things we all know and love about SWI era Mac--by the bushelfull. It'd allow leeway to help flesh out that era, without the nigh impossible [for a lot of fans] expectation of telling the same story--only better. Macross Zero just never managed to do that for me. While I liked the mechanical designs, they don't really "fit" for me--at least, not as something that's supposed to be from before SWI. I like the VF-0, but I've never been able to see that as the predecessor to the immortal VF-1 Valkyrie. It would be like trying to say the 599xx came before the 250 GTO.... You tellin' me this: came before this? No f'in way...
  16. BLASPHEMY! [although I do remember Roy saying of the Zentraedi pods in an early ep--was it Robotech or Mac dub? can't remember--that "...they move a lot better up here in space, so we're going to have our work cut out for us."]
  17. Old skool 'Yotas don't hold up too well 'round these parts [hehe--think we're in the Bible belt rather than the rust belt, though ]. There's a fair number of 'em still tooling around; but a lot of them have beds/rear qtrs in varying states of decay.... Seriously?
  18. The internal and the external views--as depicted in the charts--just don't seem to match up to me, for some reason. Anime-magic and perspective aside, the outside drawings just look to me like they need to be bigger to provide enough internal volume for inner workings/equipment. The guy depicted in the lower left corner of the internal view chart just barely fits within the confines of the pod's profile [and the pod looks even smaller in the above external chart]. That doesn't account for much of anything else, like his seat; console; monitor(s); dials; knobs; etc. He might as well be fighting in a cardboard box.
  19. If it followed the current trend of remakes and reboots, odds are pretty good that's exactly what would happen. I know I'm probably the only one to think so; but I actually prefer the original opening animation to the Pachinko intro.
  20. An excellent reference. The only ones I have a problem with (conceptually) are the Reguld and Glaug. Anime-magic and change-as-needed-perspectives factor aside, at that size shown they just would not have the internal volume/space to accomodate a Zentraedi, much less the armor, controls, screens, ammunition, fuel, electronics, hydraulics, etc. For me, the best and definitive reference for the proportions of the Regult to the VF is from "The Big Escape," when Hikaru, Misa, Max and Kakizaki are retrieved in their stolen battle pod by Roy and 2 brownie 1A's [da**it, why can't I find any screen caps from that one? ep 12: 22:53 - 23:00]. It is clearly shown to be big enough to accomodate even a Valkyrie inside. ed: "Broken Heart," is also another excellent reference; although that ep too, suffers from inconsistencies in scales at various points. But I think it's safe to say that the Reguld and Glaug are roughly the same size as a Monster Mk II [ep 32: 15:50 - 16:15]. That's what looks "right." And it's from the original show, so that's good enough for me.
  21. That. Is so. FUGGIN. AWESOME! I'd always imagined the Valk would move/behave a bit like a helicopter in GERWALK mode--at least, in atmosphere--so it doesn't really disappoint or anything. Well--maybe not that sluggish, though. The landing strip waggle was kinda funny. ed: how does a Harrier compare to a helicopter in terms of speed and maneuverability, I guess when it's in "transitional" flight stages?
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