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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Hah! I thought the point of a kidnapping was to take someone that they would want back!
  2. Hehe, I kinda knew that was coming. I know some have levied complaints that AM just keeps giving different variations of the same old thing....you know--the same could be said for the VF designs from Mac Frontier *prepares to duck pitchforks and flaming torches*
  3. I kinda enjoyed Watchmen as well--even if Jeffrey Dean Morgan did mail his performance in... And yes, I too was a little angry with the ending. *Where's the giant octopus, dammit?!?* But would one argue with an original writer/creater himself? IIRC, Alan Moore was never enthusiastic about the Watchmen film--basically denounced it, refused to see it--or the adaptations of his other works either?
  4. How cool would that be, if a sanctioning body like HSR were to run supporting races that weekend, let the rich playboys bring out their IMSA prototypes and old skool big bore sedans to pound the streets the same w'end as the F1 big boys? that would totally complete the awesomeness...
  5. Holy fu*k! They're finally gonna pull it off?!? A race in the [vicinity of] Big Apple? Wow.
  6. HAH! And you know, about an hour after somebody clicks the "buy it now" button, some muh fuh's in black suits are gonna show up at their door...
  7. AM's are pretty impressive, true enough. But there's something about them, a certain quality that seems to upstage even Porsches, or Audis or Ferraris in close company. There's a certain, dare I say, haughtiness? to them. To the inevitable stares of envy, admiration--and perhaps accusation--from onlookers that seem to ask as they pass by: "so, you think you're better than us, or something?" AM's quietly and assuredly seem to reply: Yes. Yes I am.
  8. Not sure if it matters. Acutally--we should definitely check hearse off the list; I wouldn't want to be caught dead in that thing. *pause for groans* I got a million of 'em, a cha cha cha!
  9. Hah! you beat me to it. The valks I saw in those images are too busy. Can't beat the originals. Bulky enough to impose and intimidate. Simplistic enough to remain elegant.
  10. Ah, okay. That makes sense. So it could be said this is R. Scott's attempt at expounding on where space jockeys may have come from--and not the space jockey [that Ripley et al find on LV-426]. Same universe, different places/people/events. Not a direct prequel. Got it. Sounds like it's still a big ol' bucket of disappoint, though, from some of the comments/reviews.
  11. Thirded. Hell, unless you can manage to be on South Ataria island circa 2009, odds are you're gonna be [would've been] fu*ked anyways, regardless of which side you're on. See: ep 27.
  12. WOW, these things are ugly... Better make sure you're all the way in the car before you close the door, or you're gonna scalp yerself. Actually saw it first in one of the linked vids at the end of your posted vid, badboy00z (it was rather comical watching them unload it from the truck in that one).
  13. Prometheus crashes into the space jockey's ship, goes boom--everybody dies... and the now crashed jockey ship will await the arrival of Nostromo, when sh*t will start poppin' off again.
  14. Take a small, lightweight car and stuff a big ol' V8 in it. How can you go wrong with that, eh? ed: I suppose usable traction becomes an issue, if a heavy foot is used. Such a vehicle would certainly require finess--and more importantly, respect. in hindsight: 0:45 - that's an astoundingly stupid thing to do, with oncoming traffic just one lane over.
  15. The Glickenhaus P4/5 also comes to mind. When customers are taking your cars and having them redesigned to look like your earlier designs, that's gotta speak for something about how they're being received...
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