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Everything posted by reddsun1

  2. I think ol' George LeBay (Christine) put it better'n just about anybody: George LeBay: Her name's Christine. Arnie Cunningham: I like that. Dennis Guilder: Come on Arnie, we gotta get goin', huh? George LeBay: My a-hole brother bought her back in September '57. That's when you got your new model year, in September. Brand-new, she was. She had the smell of a brand-new car. That's just about the finest smell in the world, 'cept maybe for pussy.
  3. Hehe, like a giant, upscaled multi-disc CD changer concept. But definitely suited to single, nouveau riche lifestyle and tastes, I'd say. Sure as hell would put a strain on a married man. How about: now if he thought he got nagged for not leaving his shoes at the door on a rainy day before... "Oh, no you didn't bring that thang up in here, tracking up my carpets!"
  4. Yeh but Christ, did they have to use such an ugly car to begin with? Like a panel van, pretending to be a sports coupe... *best Peter Griffin voice* "you son of a bit*h!"
  5. It's funny how even if you don't speak the language, you can still pretty much extrapolate what's [probably] being said... 0:15 - "...alright, bud--get yo' ass up out the street, you're not hurt. That's alright. Damn this--I'm callin' the cops...."
  6. Hear hear! Lynda C. will always be Wonder Woman to me, even if the show was painfully cheesy. Hell, you see how long her legs are? They go all the way to the floor!
  7. I'm not up on DoD current events type stuff. So has anyone tried to offer any sort of reasonable explanation for why the Raptors are allegedly making the ground crews sick too? They blaming that on the life support system, too? www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=0tq-wlspDb8&NR=1
  8. If it's (approximately) in the 80's, how/why the hell would there already be a detainee camp in Cuba a la Guantanimo Bay? And why is Snake already looking old 'n gray?
  9. Very impressive. The lighting/rendering is very good. Although, the rain effect gives the characters a sort of "plasticy" look to them, for lack of a better word... 8:30 - LOL, Snake looks a little like he oughta be in a GEICO commercial. "...so easy, a cavema..." Oh, never mind.
  10. True dat. Good point. Just kinda hard to wrap my mind around the idea that the VF-1 would only be about the same size as an A4 Skyhawk, "scooter."
  11. I also took a peek and a pic up in the wheelwell of aforementioned A6, and was amazed at the amount of plumbing, servos, valving and other mechanics--not to mention the sheer internal volume of the bay just to accomodate said gear. Kind of affirmed my suspicion that: if you built a VF-1 to the numbers "on paper," the damn thing (for instance, the nose section) wouldn't have enough internal volume to accomodate a pilot and mechanics, or vice versa. ed: don't get me wrong, I'm anxiously awaiting the results of Dan B's DYRL VF WIP. It's about as close as we're ever gonna get to seeing what a Valk would look like "fleshed out."
  12. Hehe, I like how the BRZ scooted off the line, like: "yeah! yeah! I got this....oh"
  13. Okay--just got back from WS Airshow today. Great show, and in attendance was "the world's only privately owned AV8 Harrier." Awesome bird. But coincidentally, it's also very close in dimensional specs to the VF-1. The F-16 is also somewhat close... General characteristics Crew: 1 pilot Length: 46 ft 4 in (14.12 m) Wingspan: 30 ft 4 in (9.25 m) Height: 11 ft 8 in (3.55 m) Wing area: 243.4 ft² (22.61 m²) Airfoil: supercritical airfoil Empty weight: 13,968 lb (6,340 kg) Loaded weight: 22,950 lb (10,410 kg) Max. takeoff weight: Rolling: 31,000 lb (14,100 kg) Vertical: 20,755 lb (9,415 kg) [*]Powerplant: 1 × Rolls-Royce F402-RR-408 (Mk 107) vectored-thrust turbofan, 23,500 lbf (105 kN) General characteristics Crew: 1 Length: 49 ft 5 in (15.06 m) Wingspan: 32 ft 8 in (9.96 m) Height: 16 ft (4.88 m) Wing area: 300 ft² (27.87 m²) Airfoil: NACA 64A204 root and tip Empty weight: 18,900 lb (8,570 kg) Loaded weight: 26,500 lb (12,000 kg) Max. takeoff weight: 42,300 lb (19,200 kg) Powerplant: 1 × F110-GE-100 afterburning turbofan Dry thrust: 17,155 lbf (76.3 kN) Thrust with afterburner: 28,600 lbf (127 kN) Battroid Mode: height 12.68 meters; width 7.3 meters; length 4.0 meters Fighter Mode: wingspan 14.78 (fully extended); height 3.84 meters; length 14.23 meters GERWALK Mode: wingspan 14.78 (fully extended); height 8.7 meters; length 11.3 meters Mass: empty 13.25 metric tons; standard T-O mass 18.5 metric tons; max T-O mass 37.0 metric tons Structure: space metal frame, SWAG energy converting armor Power Plant: two Shinnakasu Heavy Industry/P&W/Roice FF-2001 thermonuclear reaction turbine engines, output 650 MW each. After having finally seen a Harrier in person, I can only conclude: No f'ing way, would a VF-1 be approximately the same size, if built in 1:1 scale. It just wouldn't work. Somebody must have fudged the numbers, when they put the original Valkryie specs to paper back in the day. That's just too damned small. To keep any sense of proportionality, A 1:1 VF would simply have to be larger than that. In fact: in terms of "footprint" on the tarmac, an A-6 Intruder parked nearby felt much closer to "right" for about how large a real-world VF would have to be, to appear anywhere near like it did on screen in the original animation; albeit a bit too long-ish.
  14. They need to leave John Milius' movies alone. The Conan remake looked like sh*t. This one looks like it will be sh*t. Never mind popcorn; take a roll of TP with you to the theater. Leave them alone.
  15. On a somewhat sadder note: director Ridley Scott's brother Tony (Top Gun, etc) has died. He apparently leapt to his death from a bridge, after recieving a diagnosis for a terminal brain cancer (or tumor?).
  16. Awesome. One of my all time favorite enemy mechs.
  17. Sorry, I should have stated more specifically that I always thought the pyrotechnics were realistic, compared to other movies of the day. As for the prospects of high schoolers vs the Russian Army: I've no doubt that would have been one quick battle, a short movie indeed.
  18. hrm--you don't say? "The plot, a Soviet/Cuban invasion from Mexico, was based on CIA and War College studies of US weaknesses at the time." http://www.imdb.com/...t0087985/trivia ed: but yes--a little cold war hysteria was the key ingredient to make it a bit more palatable.
  19. Oops--I stand corrected. From IMDB: "The Soviet Mi-24 Hind helicopters featured in this film are modified Sud-Aviation SA 330 Pumas fitted with bolt-on wings like the actual Hind helicopters. Similarly-modified Pumas also appeared as Soviet Hind helicopters in Rambo: First Blood Part II and Rambo III." http://en.wikipedia....ale_SA_330_Puma Hollywood seemed to like sourcing French airframes for their movies during the 80's. IIRC, the choppers used for Blue Thunder were Gazelles, from the same company? Unique enough to have a distinctly foreign appearance, but accessbile enough through friendly relations with France?
  20. I always figured the most likely airframe used was a Vietnam-era Sikorsky design: HH-3. Likewise for the "Russian" chopper used in the 2nd Rambo film?
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