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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. It's kinda cool to see what 3D modelers and game modders are doing with Macross related stuff. I'm so out of touch though. I only found this 1st one fairly recently; but apparently this mod was done a few years ago now(?) I still think it's pretty cool though, seeing VFs in "tactical" situations. And those Strike Valks look dang good, better than some "official" Macross licensed games. Now if he could just work a Regult into his mod... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Uwn2p_NHI hehe--that Gerwalk landing could use some work, though there's also folks making some good looking 3D models of VFs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBJtL47VT8g and, there's some examples of just how far we've come... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LeRu2eyf60 not nearly as, er, spit-and-polished to say the least. looks like this one was modeled off the Toynami 1/55?
  2. Initial impression: So, Johnny Depp just re-does his Jack Sparrow schtick, only in war-paint and feathers? The guy playing the Ranger is not really named Armie. His birth name is Armand. Yes. That's right. When this poor bast*rd was growing up, whenever he had to write his name out for a test, or got called for attendance in class or what have you...
  3. I caught part of that race. Hami's performance was admirable, to work back up as high as 4th after his blowout. It was certainly not a good day for Pirelli.
  4. To be fair, that may not always be the case. The guy that owns both these cars is a cop... Both of these are pretty hot rides, to me.
  5. Awwww. Tease. C'mon, spill! Spill! Ah, memories. Mine was for a backing-off 93 in a 65. Some wanker in a Geo Tracker was chasing me to get a look at the 'Roo and getting too close for comfort, so I decided to put some space between us, and give him the goodbye. I come around a gentle bend on the bypass, and the inner voice says: you'd better ease out of it. Just as I'm about to lift, sure enough, tucked behind a little knoll in the median was a state trooper. I knew he had me by the short and curlys, so I immediately slow down and pull off to the side. Surprisingly, the trooper was cordial, even told me: "I was surprised you pulled over. If you had'a kept going, I would have never caught up with you." *DOH!* I think I was still in triple-digit territory; he said he was "going to put 93 on the citation to help me out." ed: in hindsight, it was kind of funny when, as he walked up to the car, I had to stick my hand out the window and point him over to the right side of the car. He even got a little chuckle out of it. I think he appreciated being a little further away from the shoulder while he worked.
  6. Did not remember the details. I recalled he made the rounds on some daytime talk shows (Dr. Oz?), but I've not delved into the details. There is some controversy surrounding his being such a proponent of HGH, right? Being an 80's child, I remember the cliches they used to tell us in school to encourage us to stay away from the needles ('roids).... --they'll shrivel your balls up, man! --you'll have a heart attack at 30! So what input would someone like Rich Froning have on the matter, I wonder? Anyways, I hope Arnold will steer clear of the needles (you got nothin else to prove, man) and this T5 remake/reboot/whatever the fu*k it's supposed to be...
  7. Hehe, Noriko Takaya's comment just made me randomly recall that classic Bernie Mac routine, from way back on Def Comedy Jam; back before he was cool enough to help Brad Pitt and George Clooney pull off multi-million-dollar heists, before he was selling robots-in-disguise to Shia LeBeouf; when people actually thought Martin Lawrence was (slightly) funny... ed: You don't understand. I ain't scared o' you mothafu**as! RIP, Bernie...
  8. Although, this could certainly be misconstrued as an argument for the quick-and-easy route... ed: oh; but to get back on track--leave the damn franchise alone! These remakes/reboots are really not surpassing the originals, in most cases. Sure, they may have bigger explosions or more frenetic cinemtography; but a lot of the time, they don't really tell a better story for it.
  9. when the 'cobra' just doesn't kick enough ass?
  10. Hehe, to quote the late Bernie Mac: I love sex, man I love it by the pound. I'll be glad when they put that sh*t in cans. Can you imagine sex in cans? Muthafu**as be shopliftin an sh*t. Folks be playin ball, man, --'Man, what you gettin ready to do?' --'Man, I'm tired. I'm a get me a six-pack o' pu**y, I'm goin' in."
  11. I'm not saying they ripped off transforming mecha, giant aliens or a love triangle. Please don't misunderstand. Perhaps what I should have said was: it's almost as though Mac/DYRL served as the storyboards for the visual styles & elements in a lot of scenes in sci-fi films and TV that has come along since. Is it intentional? Mebbe. Maybe the creators grew up watching Macross or Robotech, and it influenced how they wanted to present sequences their own work. There are a lot of scenes in movies and TV that make me think: I've seen this somewhere before; and that somewhere is Macross. I just happen to think Macross/Roblowtech deserve a little more credit for their influence on the sci-fi that has followed in more mainstream outlets since, that's all.
  12. Oh. Really? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCDEMIKjGd8 I didn't link the other vid here, as it occurred to me since originally making those: my God, my editing skills suck...
  13. Ugh. This is absurd. The first movie sucked dead whores' arse; was a Macross/Robotech rip off sh*t fest. 'Ew the fu*k keeps givin' these guys money to make this sh*t?
  14. 2nded. Gets a big ol f**k yea. A little off-topic, I know--but I wonder if those technical specs would provide enough reference material for this bloke to build an aluminum model of a VF-1? He appears to work primarily in 1/15 scale, which would make for a model that cranks the awesomeness up to 11... someone commission this guy to build a VF-1. Pleeeeeaaaaassssse!
  15. I think maybe the Glaug and Regult could be a little larger? I wish I could get more select screen-caps from ep 32. Some of the best reference images to be seen are in that one, I think; give the most plausible proportions... note: VF is roughly same size as an "average" Zentraedi Note Kamjin's size in relation to Monster also note implied internal volume of Glaug cockpit I think a "real" Glaug would be somewhat closer in size to that of a Monster...
  16. Yeah; taken at face value, that is a pretty f'ed up picture. But hell. They wanna give somebody $10K for saying "I love my Subaru and it saved my life"? Well, sh*t den! gimme some keys! I can figure out how to fu*k a Subaru up six ways from Sunday, if they'll give me a briefcase full o' money. I can work on one for each day of the rest of the week too for that matter; just keep them cases comin'!
  17. Dear God, why do they keep making these f'ing FnF movies? ...and the rear wing on that Daytona is too f$%#ing low. It's like prequel Darth Vader with the tiny hands, or something.
  18. I'm actually looking forward to Rush. I already know: don't go in expecting any sort of racing tour de force in terms of on-track action; I'm expecting a CGI fest for just about everything other than static or pit-speed shots. I'm actually surprised they could get enough of these vintage cars to make a movie, especially since they would have come primarily from private collections(?). My God, the insurance cost for this movie must have been absolutely staggering... Anyways, from a storytelling standpoint: I'm thinking this has the ingredients for a damned good movie. I wonder if Chris Hemsworth is a method-actor? LOL, if even a tenth of the legend and innuendo surrounding ol' Hunt the Shunt is true, this will have been enough subject matter to make for the role of a lifetime.
  19. Roy was no pipsqueak--in fact, he was one of the show's tallest characters. This helps give some sense of how big it should be. I know, I know; it's hand drawn, and trying to incorporate perspective (distortion?) with the angle. But still, I tend to agree that a VF-1 would need to be a bit bigger than 46(ish) ft to look "right" with a human occupant...
  20. In other words: it's pretty much safe to say that however this movie turns out, it's going to be a steaming assfest, that will leave a lingering aftertaste of bitterness and disappointment for any fans--of Robotech or Macross--who invest their time and money going to see it...
  21. Every time I see one--especially if it's red--I'm gonna start going "Ka-chow!" out loud, see how long it takes to catch on...
  22. The Macross story's definitely suited for a trilogy. As long as they keep Roy in it until the middle of the 2nd movie. If they kill him off too quick, I'd say there ought to be violent revolt at HG corporate headquarters; torches, pitchforks, the works...
  23. Holy bank capers, Batman! George Barris has decided to sell Batmobile #1 from his family's collection: http://money.msn.com/now/post.aspx?post=7a0b5271-b9b3-46d2-ade4-17fda8bc2b45&gt1=33002&ocid=ansmony11 It just hammered at $4.2 Mil. Somebody really wanted that car... I'm sorry, but the new Corvette kinda sucks. It may just be the the red color in most of the press photos, I dunno. But I can't help but wonder: is it more tragic, or pathetic, that this car's overall proportions and silhouette bear an uncanny resemblance to a children's CG movie character? If you squint a little, da*ned thing looks like fuggin' Lightning McQueen...
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