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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. They want how much for that GTR1? Looks like a fu**ing kit car. Anybody that spends 1 mil+ for that oughtta be smacked.
  2. More than gone, that Bel Air is just scary. That guy should be selling E ticket rides in that sumb*cth
  3. Oh. My. God! Keewwwwwwwwwwwl!
  4. I like the New Lancia Stratos custom much better. IIRC, it's based on a Ferrari 430(?) chassis, so it should be quite a capable performer...
  5. Not a fan of the creative license that many seem to take with the proportions of the VF-1 design, namely the exaggerated "bubble" canopy profile that so many seem to want to add in most current renditions you see now... The inner fanboy in me just wants to say: It was not shaped that way from the beginning. Stop trying to change it.
  6. Meh, Robert DeNiro's 2 min(?) monologue from 1998's Ronin will probably prove to be a better story of the 47 Ronin than this movie...
  7. I've always thought a "real" Valk would/should be a little closer to the F-18 in terms of size, to really look "right." Meh; it's just an excuse for posting more VF/jet porn...
  8. I think this looks reasonably accurate, in terms of matching the specs, and size relative to comparable fighters... Is that the F-16XL pilot figure seated in the VF-1 model? Still looks a bit cramped, though; like the Valk itself should be a bit larger--like the specs should be increased by a factor of 1-1.5, respectively--to look more to look more anime correct. ed: That Valk looks pretty sweet in those colors. Is that a Hasegawa 1/48, perhaps?
  9. Hey, was wmcheng able to leave any easter eggs for us fellow MW'ers when he was working on that project? Now that'd be fun...
  10. All the Batman vs Superman action I'll ever need is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjJibVbUY5A Doesn't really matter what crap these clowns peddle out to the theaters in '14, '15, or whenever they get around to it; it'll be rather laughable to me, 'cause those silly little HISHE vids will be forever in the back of my mind. "cause I'm Batman!"
  11. Jeez, what is it with moviegoers giving Hollywood so many mulligans with all the hero movies, nowadays? Not happy with the way that last installment turned out? bit of a letdown for fans? turned out to be a bit of a flop? No problem; let's not even wait for the carcass of that last box office D.O.A to finish rotting away from the public's consciousness. Just have some hot shot writers crank out a new script, make some changes in the acting talent rosters, bring in the newest flavor of the week hotshoe director, and we got ourselves a reboot! Let's see if we can get these suckers to fork over some more dough at the theaters, eh? Superman; The Hulk; Spiderman; X-Men; seems like every comic book franchise that doesn't deliver as promised in ticket sales or fanboy satisfaction gets an automatic go-back-to-start within 2-3 years or something. ed: meh, I guess it is a self-answering question, in a sense. as long as people keep buying movie tickets, Hollywood's gonna keep getting do-overs...
  12. I don't suppose anyone could do justice to Leslie Nielsen's role anyways...
  13. Given the tensions and anxieties of the post-911 world, I'd say the airline industry is ripe for another reaming. There needs to be an Airplane reboot. But only if: a. the Zucker brothers helm it, and 2. Jeff Bridges takes on the role of Steve McCroskey ed: OMG, anybody remember the Rocky movie poster in the terminal (was it Airplane 2?). I wonder how clairvoyant their sarcastic humor might be the next go round, eh?
  14. There are some bespoke cars out there that are certainly more quintessentially "Italian," like the Ferrari P540 Superfast Aperta, which was inspired by another one-off Ferrari, from the "Toby Dammit" film... now that's a sexy car...
  15. The fact that this is even being openly discussed means they've already won...
  16. This was the best thing that ever happened to the '98 Godzilla http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIcExdpsEcQ I too grew up on Saturday morning Godzilla and kung-fu movies. In hindsight: yes, many of the 60's vintage Gojira flicks were pretty awful--but in a campy, what kid wouldn't love it sort of way. If it ain't from Toho Studios, it ain't Godzilla. Godda**it.
  17. As over-the-top as that is--even by Lambo standards--it's still not as bad as the Egoista. Subjectively speaking, I find this one very displeasing.
  18. Overall impression I'm getting from the comments--pros and cons--about this movie so far is: Hollywood take on kaiju genre results in Evangelion-meets-Destroy All Monsters(?)
  19. Are these meant to be in scale to ea other? Part of me wants to go: whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa! Dude, I don't ever remember Golion being that large--anime magic/fudging or no. As a result, kinda makes the reference a little bit suspect; seem a bit askew...
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