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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Wasn't it mentioned before--or maybe it was for the 1st film--that Weathers was approached for a role, but wanted too much ??? Pshuh; I can see how he would consider his time so valuable, what with his busy work schedule and all...
  2. Holy. Crap! "Brand-new" 50 to 60 year old cars. Some never driven, never titled before! Five hundred vehicles in all in Nebraska next month. http://autos.aol.com/article/vintage-car-auction-will-sell-off-low-mileage-gems/?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl4%7Csec1_lnk1%26pLid%3D361073
  3. Ah, but did they work it into the script? Or if not, then this had better be in an outtakes reel after the end credits, I'd say.
  4. This might actually be pretty funny. I agree with Mommar in that this definitely feels like it's going in a different direction; more tongue in cheek, a bit of a parody of the "macho" 80's movies that initially made them household names.
  5. I concur. The pics weren't viewable in that link; but what I have seen just makes me throw up in my mouth a little. Those "new" designs are so absurd and out of left field as to make me think: this movie's going to end up a tragic farce. One of the aspects I liked so much about the first 2 films was that you could look and tell: those cars were designed by petrolheads, alright. I've always been willing to concede for the first movies that: because of budget constraints, the mods had to be mockups--they just couldn't afford to make every bauble & gadget on every car functional when filming. But as a petrolhead, I could look at the mods and think: yeah, I can see why somebody'd do this ___ or that ___ to make that car go faster. That just isn't the case with this latest batch of monstrosities. I think George Miller may have "started believing his own bullsh*t," with the seemingly grandiose direction this movie's taking the story in....
  6. I've heard before that about 450 - 500HP is really about all that is practically usable in a unibody car. More than that, and you should be looking at substantial strengthening & bracing of the chassis to cope, lest torsional forces begin to cause problems. I like the stance, the front facsia treatment, and rear spoiler. Subtle, yet aggressive. Can lose the rocker panel decals, though. Something that won't age well, stylistically. Plus, the Cobra badges and even the Shelby logo on the intercooler are more than enough in the way of *Achtung* badgery.
  7. Peter Weller says: get off his big, shiny OCP-issued metallic ballsack..
  8. I have low hopes for this film. As flawed as it was, Thunderdome brought closure to the story of Max Rockatansky [well, kind of]. To try and pick this series up and milk it again, and after so many years at that, is a mistake. That, and as a fan of the original films, the gearhead in me weeps at the collection of monstrosities they're using for vehicles in this latest installment. From the pictures I've seen, they're practically a parody of the originals.
  9. Hehe, I had nightmares about something like this happening for more'n a month, when I bought my Falcon and imported it.
  10. I'm starting to feel like I'm getting a little "meh," all comic-book'ed out. I know he's oft been the butt of a joke, in relation to his seeming lack of powers compared to other characters; but seriously--why the fu*k is Aquaman even still around? He's like one of those characters that should be ceremoniously hauled before some mythical pop/comic culture tribunal and told: you sir, need to justify your very existence here...
  11. Eh? Vid's changed to a trailer for Ron Howard's Rush? Which, I may say, looks like it may actually not totally suck. I may very well be willing to fork over the $$ for ticket & popcorn to see this one on the big screen...
  12. Should have gone straight to a church after that. Or bought a lottery ticket. Look at the mountaintop at 0:02 - can see the boulder topple and begin its fall. Was fuggin' Wile E. Coyote up there or somethin'?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjknaeJsFTA 1:20 - LOLOL! "yeeeeeeeeeehhh godda**it!"
  14. hehe, a bit of hooning from the wine and cheese set... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_18CkzrOMw Actually, a real puckering proposition--for the underwriters, anyway--considering many of those cars were designed to never do that sort of thing. Oh well; I'm sure the marshals appreciated it. Less heaving and pushing!
  15. Could be another case of potential actor-overexposure. You know, kinda like the way Samuel L. Jackson ended up in movies with seemingly schlocked together scenes just so he could go "mother fu**er!" in booming tones. Gonna end up typecasting the poor guy.
  16. It made that much? Wow, I'm so out of touch it's not even funny. hehe, "Never underestimate the power of large groups of stupid people." --anon
  17. Among the "most anticipated" list at imdb are: Untitled Batman Reboot (????) - oh, for the love of Christ and his uncle Pete. When will Hollywood give this reboot bullsh*t a rest? Untitled Transformers Sequel (2014) - yeah, I guess people in power at the studios still seem to think it's worthwhile to keep paying M. Bay to sh*t on film stock and call it a movie. Jesus wept. Justice Leage (2017) - m'kay, could possibly not suck, if it tells a good story and with the right menagerie of supervillians. Will almost certainly entail completely re-casting familiar characters like Supes & Batman, as current actors carrying the roles could well be too damned old to be believable by then? Why so long? Ant-Man (2015) - Seriously? ...and of course, there's the elsewhere-mentioned Avengers sequel slated for 2015, as well as the Fantastic Four reboot (No, really. It won't suck this time, folks! ).
  18. Da. Fu*k. and the pottymouth in the passenger seat adds such an element of class... ed: Great. Now I can't get East Bound And Down out of my da*ned head.
  19. I checked out the w'site for that shop that built that Mach 40; they do some pretty jaw-dropping fab work, to be sure.
  20. Good grief! How much metal--and where--did they have to take out of that chassis to get the weight down so low? Surely that must make for a rather frail car, roll bar or no?
  21. From the profile and rear 3/4 views, the general shapes of the roof, rear deck and side windows look like someone straight copied them from existing Ford designs for that Galpin car...
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