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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Goofy? Yup. Over the top fake? Certainly. I'll be the first to admit I'm biased by sentimentality for the original. Plus, that's been all amped-up of late, thanks in part to repeated re-viewings, as I just got it on DVD a few weeks back... But, technology limitations of the day aside, the original version is a really, really good movie. It does a damn good job of telling the story, and it has a powerful message that's just as relevant today as it was in the 50's. Don't know if that says so much a good thing about the movie--or a bad thing about humanity, and its utter lack of growth in some aspects.
  2. AFAIK, none have ever had gills. Oddly enough, most--if not all--have had ears though (LOL, do any dinosaurs/reptiles have external, 'pointy' ears?). Go figure.
  3. Big ol' meh. The [2014] toy sucks cause the monster sucks. Big ol', fake ass, scaly bear-faced, pointy tailed, club-foot muh f'er with an overbite... Okay, vent over. I still actually want to see this in the theater--but mebbe if I go, I can just try to mentally "erase" this version and visualize the '54 version in its place, if I do?
  4. Hmm, not bad. Kinda makes me wonder if the boys at Aston Martin might go: Oi! 'eah now; what's this bizness, eh?!
  5. No sir. I don't like it. Da fu*k did they do to his feet?! Is he gonna have to get some of those special shoes? and are the other kaiju gonna tease him over it? I shoulda remembered: Toys R Us and other toy chains will totally fu*kup any Hollywood efforts at keeping a summer blockbuster monster/alien/hero under wraps, about a month or so prior to a given premiere date...
  6. Never been a fan of the "long-nose" incarnations of Gojira. Looks like they gave 'im a damned dog's snout or something. Always preferred the '54, '62, and GMK versions. This one is a little bit "meh." But it looks like they're definitely going for the dude-in-a-suit stance & and proportions with this new look....
  7. 0:35 - hehe, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the Statue of Liberty was Ludacris: "Move bit*h, get out the way. Get out the way bit*h, get out the way!"
  8. All of this inspired me to get the original (and US ver) on DVD. I always knew the R. Burr version was re-edited--but I never knew just how much so. The Japanese original is so vastly different, but a true classic of the genre. I'd say it easily earns a spot in the top 5 all-time classic sci-fi films, right up there with Forbidden Planet and The Day The Earth Stood Still. Makes me seriously doubt this new version--with it's Americanized sentiments & viewpoint--could ever hope to fill the colossal footprints of the '54 original, no matter how fancy the CGI may be...
  9. Meh. Not interested. All I can think when I see pics of the "new" Robocop armor is: the hell? you sure this ain't some LA Silverhawks movie?
  10. True dat. It did feel a bit too "familiar" in places. But considering its microscopic [alleged] budget, it's still pretty dang good. Hell, I still liked it better than Predators. Or any of those damned AVP movies... Is it just me, or was big-man holdin' that trench gun kinda funny at the beginning?
  11. Historical accuracy? Aw, guffaw! Who needs that? After all--Abraham Lincoln hunted vampires! A crack unit of jewish commandos blew up Hitler and Goebbels in a Paris movie theater! etc, etc... I always thought it wasn't until 1955 that the military [Army] fully integrated its units; can't remember where I got that date from though.
  12. Ferchrissakes! How the hell'd I not hear about this before?!? Schumacher's fate still uncertain: http://www.smh.com.au/sport/motorsport/michael-schumacher-fate-uncertain-a-month-after-ski-fall-20140129-31lhr.html Instead, all we've been getting in this corner of the world is endless updates on talentless pop-star nobodies egging houses and their escapades in traffic court. F'ing. Ridiculous.
  13. M'kay, that was just wierd. That Wachowski sister must need a boob-job now or something.... And why is Kia so obviously apeing Jaguar's styling now?
  14. Hell, if we gotta wait until 2016, I'm sure this guy could probably come up with something better in the meantime... Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbizTBYs-rQ Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDBNB2hk5t0 Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvoWwY64S5w The quality noticeably improves with each installment, particularly the Hulk; looks like Lou Ferigno by part 3. Looks like this guy works faster, too.
  15. Meh, fu*k Hemsworth. They need the guy from Kung Fury to play Thor.
  16. Actually, one kinda can see some hints of inspirational design cues from the old 2000GT, in the overall proportions and greenhouse; you just gotta squint and imagine real hard to see it. -,-
  17. LOL! "I'd buy that for a dollar!"
  18. I wonder why they changed the canopy design? 1:53 - I'd wager a Yammie 1/48 was the primary inspiration in the design of those CG Valks.
  19. To understand where you're going, one should have an appreciation for where you have come from. The review itself is well, too damn long (hell, the original movie wasn't even as long!) and it over-complicates some points where it just doesn't need to. But still gets an A for the sheer amount of detail and info on the original Gojira films.
  20. Hmm, that truck design looks a little familiar...
  21. Shouldn't it be: How to Keep Training Your Dragon? *ba dum bum. bah!* Ah, I got a million of 'em... But seriously. No.
  22. I recommend Murphy's War, damned good movie.
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