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Everything posted by reddsun1

  1. Good Lord. Ferrari GTO sets new record at auction... http://money.cnn.com/2014/08/14/autos/ferrari-gto-world-auction-record/
  2. Okay. This is funny. Just learned that the new film's villain will be: Name ring a bell? Yes; Keays-Byrne, the same actor who played Toecutter in the first Mad Max.
  3. I've been fortunate enough to have spent some time in racing; been away from it longer than I care to admit, love it--and racing folk--and miss it dearly. I cannot in good conscience allow myself to watch that. My knee-jerk reaction at the speculation that Stewart may have done so intentionally--no matter how much of a "hot head" he may be--is to think: utter bollocks to that (and a slew of other unmentionables). Please don't keep that link. Thank you.
  4. Pretty sure that Jebediah the Pilot and the Gyro Captain are meant to be 2 separate characters--although it's still debated. Also: if you look close, you'll see the Gyro Captain's "cleaned up" his teeth by the end of MM2--probably in his efforts to woo the young chippie in the refinery tribe. The arguments against their being the same guy are pretty sound though; 1. the Gyro Captain travels far away with the Feral Kid's tribe and eventually becomes their leader, as related in his narrative at the end of MM2. 2. neither of them "recognizes" the other in MM3. Pretty unlikely if he were meant to be the GC in Beyond Thunderdome, since by the end of MM2 it could be said that in a way, he and Max had formed a true bond of friendship. 3. Directors tend to choose/work with the same actors on multiple projects. Perfect case in point--from the same movie series: actor Max Fairchild appears in the first 2 movies as 2 different characters. In MM he plays Benno, the mentally challenged man at Aunt May's farm; in MM2 he's the larger bearded guy who gets tied to the front of The Humungous' truck.
  5. Yup, definitely one kick-ass car chase. Hehe, I dunno who should get the award for most convincing "puckered-arse-tense-driver" performance though; Deniro, or Roy Scheider for his job at the wheel in The Seven-Ups.
  6. Hah! I knew that thing on Charlize Theron's arm reminded me of something. Makes me think of this craptastic guilty pleasure from the 80's. Hehe, "Papagallo" is in it, too.
  7. Hmm, where do we see digital "stunt work" so far--in just this trailer alone? 1:27 - CG dust, flying baddies 1:51 - CG exploding car 1:55 - CG twirling exploding cars, bouncing bodies a la Twister or something 2:20 - CG motorcycle dude crashing under semi
  8. Cheers! As a big fan of the first 2 movies, I'm just disappointed with where this one seems to be going. They contain (still) some of the best stunt work ever caught on film; the new one appers to be smattered all over with CGI. Based on their own merit--how good a job they do of telling the story--I think Miller is capable of better, and moviegoers should expect as much.
  9. God help me, this actually made me chuckle. I feel so guilty. Is that Norm MacDonald as an alcoholic, lecherous, talking pigeon? Meh, I'm in.
  10. What? The fu*k are you all on about, eh? The first movie was told from third-person, not any particular character's point of view/recollection. Bollocks to this... They [Miller et al] lost me with their big middle finger to continuity. Follows Thunderdome, indeed. Rubbish.
  11. Best of luck! Dude, you should be in the garage getting ready though. I would highly recommend a thorough checklist that you can work through in the days/spare time leading up to any given race weekend. Something along the lines of... or Basically, the approach that I observed the majority of the pros use when I worked in racing could be summed up along the lines of: Go through and check everything. Then, go through and check it again. In. The. Fu*.
  12. Hah! That's what (movie) pops into my head too, when I see the ads. ed: I swear, if this movie ends up having a giant-amoeba-creature scene...
  13. Well, it's certainly. Unique. Makes me think of that Pike's Peak racer from the old Gran Turismo game...
  14. I like this version better already... Hehe, these guys are steppin' up their game with the budget... LOL *you wouldn't know genius if it pissed in your sewer*
  15. Hehe; dude--someday, you're gonna look back on this and laugh. Main thing is: you're livin' the dream, baby. I envy you.
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