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Dies Irae

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Everything posted by Dies Irae

  1. http://www.fasco-cs.com/works/viridian/index_e.html
  2. Unless you were playing Terror From The Deep. In which case... bad things would happen. I've lost entire bases with all hands when errant grenades exploded in the Airlock.
  3. http://www.quartertothree.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=9855 http://www.pocketgamer.org/showthread.php?...12&pagenumber=1 http://www.smksoft.vistcom.ru/pufo.shtml Please oh please oh please oh please don't let this be a hoax.
  5. Why does Ben Grimm look fixated on Sue's posterior? Other than that, I don't like Johnny's face. And Reed looks downright unnerving. It just doesn't feel right to see them this way. It's like you're not actually looking at the F4, but rather a bunch of impersonators dressed up as them.
  6. Characters... well look at the attached images. More connections to the 1985 movie than the cartoons. The books take place 3 months after the defeat of Gozer in the Shandor Building when all the initial euphoria of New York for the Ghostbusters has worn off. Essentially new stories which ignore cartoon continuity.
  7. I feel majorly screwed over that it isn't an international release.
  8. Please do not compare Hellboy and the Ghostbusters to Scooby Doo. For the love of all things holy... Just don't.
  9. 'MechAssault II is coming. *SHUDDER* And... Calling 'MechAssault a non strategy game of 'MechCommander is giving it way to much credit. 'MechAssault is more of a Robotech Battlecry type game. Mindless, repetitive action game.
  10. The Japanese versions of the Battlemechs I found way overdone for my taste. However, you can still do "Walking Tank" without being too clunky or anime-frilly: Lifted from http://tekki.jp interesting, that steel battalion mech looks an aweful lot like the Gundam: For the Barrel designs. They were done by the same mecha designer, that's why. There's a website out there but I don't remember the address. Silly Battletech. I havent played in a while, and even then I tried stuffing anime machines into it By the way, Fasa Died if anyone didn't notice. Yeah, battletech now belongs to Microsoft methinks. Speak not theis Heresy! THE NAME IS FANPRO! FANPRO! Classic Battletech
  11. I always thought the Ostsol was the Regult.
  12. Unseen: Whoremoney Guild lawsuit caused Fasa to drop the usage of the artwork, hence the name Reseen: FanPro redesigns of the Unseen as seen in TRO: Project Phoenix. ------------------------------------------------------ Original Designs from the early period: TRO 3025 (1st Tech Readouts) Commando, Javelin, Spider, UrbanMech, Firestarter, Jenner, Panther, Wolfhound, Assassin, Cicada, Clint, Hermes, Vulcan, Whitworth, BlackJack, Hatchetman, Vindicator, Centurion, Enforcer, Hunchback, Trebuchet, Dervish, Dragon, Quickdraw, Catapult, JagerMech, Grasshopper, Orion, Awesome, Charger, Victor, Stalker, Cyclops, Banshee, Atlas
  13. A lot of the classic designs are exact copies of the Macross Mecha. Tkae the Archer=Spartan, Crusader=Armoured VF-1A, Phoenix Hawk=Super VF-1S or another exact copy the Rifleman=Raidar X. The naga suspiciously look like the Phalanx as well, and don't forget the Warhawk. I could go on and on........ Erm... No... The Defender became the Rifleman, the Tomahawk became the Warhammer, the Spartan became the Archer, the Phalanx became the Longbow, the VF-1S became the Wasp, the VF-1A became the Stinger, the Super VF-1S became the Phoenix Hawk, the Armored VF-1A became the Crusader and the Glaug Officers Pod became the Marauder. The Regult was the inspiration for the Ostsol, Ostroc and Ostscout, though it's a bit of a stretch. The Masakari/Warhawk is a unique Battletech design.
  14. The name is Locust (Swarmy Annoying Crop Eating Insect), not Locus (Focal Point). And the expansion you're referring to is Aerotech 1. I didn't like them. IMO, the whole charm of Battletech was the big ugly "Walking Tank" syndrome.
  15. Yup. Long legal issue. But yes, those are Glaug Officer Pods and VF-1s.
  16. The rod and rings open the box.
  17. Kyle will always be the better GL. to hell with Stewart, Jordan and Gardener. plus, he is (or was) banging Jade. So, a Green Lantern is judged by the women he's gotten into bed with eh? Actually, I liked Guy Gardner. The sheer ignorant ranting that guy was capable off was astoundingly funny. "One Punch?!" I'm not actually too fond of Kyle at this point. He was always more of the "Who... Me?!" Superhero rather than Hal's "Superman" act. What they've got him doing now with the Black Circle seems so... not Kyle. Hal is a space based Green Lantern. John seems so too. Guy and Kyle have always been more Earth based GLs rather than epic space ones. The fact that the relationship seems on the rocks looks more to be caused by Jade's move to the Outsiders rather than any other reason.
  18. The TV Flash is supposed to be Wally West. But they needed a funnyman, so they grafted Plastic Man's personality over onto him. I'm not to happy with how they did the show really. John Stewart is the token African American, at the expense of Hal or Kyle (Actually, Kyle should be in, considering as to how he already appeared on the Superman Cartoon). Hawkgirl is another pointless character grafted in to applease the Feminist lobby. From what I've read, to put her in, they tossed out Plastic Man, Aquaman, Firestorm and Orion. Then, to solve the lack of the brain dead funnyman that TV executives insist every cartoon must have, they grafted the crackhead they have now over Wally's shy, unassuming personality. It was a decent attempt. Though, I'm not really happy with the characters. What we need is Grant Morrison's Big 7 (Or 8 if you count Plastic Man). This is all I remember Stewart for...
  19. That ain't OWNED... This is OWNED.
  20. Weebl And Bob Present: Hentai
  21. This thread would not be complete without mention of J'onn J'onzz.
  22. Mechwarrior 4 Mech Pack Notice the Marauder and Warhammer are the Unseen versions?
  23. Oooh... Phantom 'Mech strikes again!
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