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Everything posted by auberondreaming

  1. Looking for some inspiration for posing my DYRL Roy 1/60 with strike parts I found some pictures on the old HLJ page for it. Price back then for the valk with stike parts? ¥12,800 halcyon days. Also, probably the reason Yamato went under, but still! In 8 years, is a $70 increase that bad?
  2. Well this at least shows us Arcadia has the license to release vf-1 valkyries. M&M! DO IT! JUST DO IT YOU @#$@$%^@$!! ahem.
  3. I really like mine, but I don't need 2 at this price point. And thats not a dig at the price, I think the toy justifies the cost. Just not something I want to double dip on. Of course if it went on sale that's a different story, but that's true of any product.
  4. These were warming shelves all over Akihabara two weeks ago. And priced ridiculously. The VF-0A was also all over the place.
  5. That is a really interesting opinion. I wonder if people who think that the hi metal are better than the v2 1/60 could expound on that. What makes them better? What's bad about the v2 yamatos in comparison?
  6. That's a pretty tall order though. The v2 VF-1s are amazing toys, even now. The amount of improvements needed to justify rebuying a collection would have to be huge. I honestly can't imagine what improvements would be doable to get to the level of paying to recollect all of the vf-1 valkyries. More than ab crunches and slight improvements to line art.
  7. While it's sad that Arcadia is not producing Macross stuff as prolifically, I think they did get really burned during the Yamato flame out. Toward the end they started to perform better, the vf-1d with option parts was pretty quickly sold out and the option parts versions of the vf-1s weren't as over saturated. Do you remember the unpainted "kit" vf-1's? You could pick up an unpainted j or s for like $60-$80 at the end there, and I recall seeing an unpainted a go for $40. On HLJ. Hell I snatched up a cannon fodder DYRL vf-1a for $70 with shipping. There is still a sticky topic on this forum called "HLJ sale, again, the usual"! Arcadia's first vf-1 was that...interesting... 30th anniversary tuxedo thing that sat on the shelves for a while and got back into the discount territory. That had to be terrifying. And I would bet that is what really pumped the breaks, our first vf-1 is a shelf warmer? Oh crap.... Perhaps Jenius is right about the license. I wonder if BW has a per scale license for macross? Perhaps they are simply letting demand build after years and years of being able to get almost any 1/60 vf-1 for under $100. I will be extremely sad if Arcadia gets dropped from doing 1/60 vf-1 valkyries. There is a different finish and feel compared to Bandai toys, and only having Bandai as an option would just suck to be quite frank.
  8. Anyone see these around Tokyo? If so where, Akihabara? We are heading over in April, I would like to see one in person just to confirm my feelings on it.
  9. Now that I have one in battroid permanently that mode just keeps growing on me. It looks... brawny?
  10. I thought it must be something to do with atmospheric flight, but it seemed silly since these are nuclear engines. I doubt you could hold enough air to power a turbine in space (weird as well). But then again, deculture and planes that transform into mecha.
  11. Just transformed the new one, forgot how fun this transformation is! Minus the missiles. An observation: why did this come with intake covers? When in battroid and gerwalk the turbine area is occupied by the upper leg. The only time you see this area as not a leg is in fighter mode. Odd they tooled two individual pieces that are not needed. Do you guys display fighter with the covers on? I always remove them.
  12. Nah, it's coming in July of this year. No way they re-engineer this thing and produce it in 5 months. It is being made now for shipping in that time frame. I'm off to cancel my other preorder, I had one for the SAP just in case, but the more video I see, the more convinced I am to say no thanks. 10000 yen seems too expensive for this level of execution even.
  13. Just got mine! Still love this bird, now I will have a second for battroid display. The fighter is just so damn sexy it makes it difficult to want to transform it!
  14. People on this forum constantly hold Bandai and Arcadia to an extremely high standard. Floppy ankles for Arcadia? Renewals that turn floppy and scratch easy from Bandai? I would argue people hold those companies to an unreasonable standard on this forum, but thats to be expected for what you pay. Totally reasonable for a new player in the market to be compared to the existing competition, especially when your price (fair or not) is equal to their prices. I can buy the vf-2ss right now on HLJ for $200 US and the Arcadia YF-19 for $260. There is more than a $60 difference between those toys in quality. Sadly.
  15. Maybe someday we will get something closer to this.
  16. I would be fine with the logic of "we prioritized battroid over fighter" if the battroid actually was spot on. That giant plank on the back pack? The intakes not coming up enough to be visible from the front of the mecha over the shoulders? The giant tabs on the chest? And most important no horizontal leg joint? If ONE of the modes looked really good I would be happy. Couple all of that with questionable looking plastic, and yes I think I can effectively reach my own opinion of this toy does not command the price they are asking for it (from me). ESPECIALLY since they have the ability to look at the two companies they are competing with. You don't get to just look at the competitions pricing and say yeah that price looks good, you have to compete with the product as well. But enough negativity out of me. I get wanting to support the only vf-2ss game in town. Not trying to make anyone dislike this product, if you are happy with it that's awesome, I wish I could be too! I would much rather be happy about a thing than disappointed. Just for me, for being so in love with this design, it breaks my heart that they screwed it up to the point that I actually will happily not get one.
  17. All of this. This toy doesn't command the price. I was all about defending this product until I saw the actual piece. So many problems that (to me) it barely resembles a vf-2ss. And then to ask Arcadia prices? I have the sap version on pre-order just in case after cancelling my initial pre-order, but once the first edition reviews come out I have a strong suspicion I will be letting that one go as well. Super sad
  18. Curious about who needs what in their collection, or just who wants multiples!
  19. I'm with Mommar on this one. I LOVE the vf-2. LOVE. But not enough to buy this. I have pre-ordered the one with the SAP after cancelling my initial pre-order, at least it hides some of the ugly and maybe I can live with that. But the bare valk? Even if it's the only vf-2 toy ever, if it's bad I don't want it in my collection. And I certainly don't want to pay Arcadia prices for less than half Arcadia quality. Makes me sad, but perhaps if interest in this is even lukewarm a better company might take a shot.
  20. I need a Max and a Milia vf-1j 1/60. And a virgin road. I would buy a vt and a ve but I feel like my collection is really suffering without the red and blue. Oh and use red and blue plastic this time instead of paint please.
  21. Just watched the episode, and I think I may wind up disliking this series even more than I disliked Frontier. I'm super jealous that you all are excited about these toys, cause that just killed my lust for them. As the Alto clone exclaimed when the sailor moon magical singer flew up and cured the zombie with deculture, "seriously?"
  22. And this is why when users here start talking about how they wish bandai would do everything because they are so much cheaper I die a little inside. You are saying you hope you never get a piece at retail, or have to stay up for the first seconds of every release like it was a black friday deal. Bandai doesn't release enough stock. If Arcadia bows out of the Macross game we are all going to be out of luck.
  23. You are absolutely correct, this is making me re-evaluate spending $250-$280 on a vf-0s that might have faulty legs. Couple that with the only reason I'm interested in this bird is the design as I have no affection for the source material... Guess I have a month to figure it out.
  24. I would agree. I could have sworn he said they moved to a new factory which was why the manufacturing costs had gone up, hence the rational for increased prices.
  25. Now that I'm looking at my pre-orders on HLJ, how is the vf-4 $60 LESS than the vf-0S?
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