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Everything posted by auberondreaming

  1. Got mine today in Albuquerque, even as part of a private warehouse shipment from hlj. They shipped it on Monday. Hope NY ships everyone's soon, not rubbing it in just giving an update.
  2. This is how I feel. If they would start doing anything other than hero valks that would be great, especially for you folks just getting in. But this is the second time Arcadia has done DYRL Hikaru, 2 times with Roy. Maybe they got burned by the 30th vf-1. I'm sure they could make a vf-1d and make many new collectors happy. Or the M&Ms.
  3. So how does Arcadia just becoming a re-release shop make people feel?
  4. NY is out for me. Not paying more than what I paid for the gx-71 golion for a v2 vf-1. Yikes, maybe through Arcadia's site?
  5. Also, google translate it still awesome: 1/60 Perfect Transformation VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Ichijyo Snowboarding Equipment) Premium Finish
  6. At the very least, I'm doing Arcadia's work for them. The first pic is what you get on a normal release, as we all have those, and the second will be the tampo.
  7. No they don't. Here is Arcadia's picture of the last Hikaru Strike vf-1, and you will see a definite lack of markings. This is from 2013. And here is the new one: So perhaps they are just giving out the tampo pictures to retailers now, but this is definitely different than what they used to show on their product images. Arcadia is definitely failing in advertising what the difference is, or perhaps they think that now that the product will be tampoed they can just show it since you can "recreate" the look with stickers, but these new images have way more markings than previous Arcadia releases.
  8. Confused by the lack of tampo critique. I'm looking at the NY preorder page, and I see words printed on the vertical stabilizers above and below the skull insignia that are not any of my Arcadia releases. Also words on the strike packs, tampo around the nose cone, and all over the body of the plane. In fact I think I see the no steps on the edges of the wings, as there is no marking or structures on the edges of the wings that would show up here. If these are tampo, that is actually quite a bit compared to a "naked" release.
  9. Thats exactly why I am blaming bandai. They don't produce as much as Arcadia, it's not like the stores favor Arcadia and cause this preorder madness only for Bandai. This is exactly Bandai's decision.
  10. The crazy thing to me was I was on my nexus tablet. Was pretty dubious I was going to get it as it took literally 30 seconds for the preorder to "think" about it before getting to the confirmation page. Then the terror of can I complete this order before they rip it away from me, on a tablet after being asleep for an hour and half. I feel like I won the lottery, and that is horse poop for trying to preorder a product.
  11. Exact same boat as you derex. I have messer and keith coming, and that is it for me from delta.
  12. I set my alarm for 3 minutes to midnight, woke up and snagged one from amiami but the DOS was real. I was also checking 1999.co while waiting for ami ami to go through in that fist minute and all I saw was immediately closed to pre-order. Amiami was open for maybe 30 seconds on the first run. Bandai sucks.
  13. I see where you are coming from, but to me the battroid from 25-31 looks very similar. You can stick the 171 in there as well as far as battroid goes. Take the vf-1 to vf-4, then vf-11 to the vf-19. Those were all very different looking and feeling. Perhaps it's the nature of 3d cad, but the 25-31 feel very incremental in design, to my tastes. And if all the valks had progressed in the series from vf-1 to vf-3000 to the vf-5000 I would be having the same complaints. The 5000 does feel "incremental" to me, considering the wildly different way the vf-1 looks to the vf-11 or the 19 (the next two valks I saw after SDFM thanks to plus). It's why I love the vf-2ss so much, it feels way different, but still retains the spirit of the vf-1. I get that there are different transformation mechanisms, but they are all similar to past designs in one way or another. The SV-262Hs is the first valk I know of where the head of battroid is the nose cone of the plane. That's exciting to me from a design perspective. Otherwise I am interested in the 31 with the reaper on the back as it looks cool and I am done with delta toys. If I can borrow a pic from anymoon, this lineup feels super samey to me, the feet are all similar, the legs all feel similar, the chest is very similar, the heads all look similar, the biceps on the arms are all similar, even the forearms are similar in shape:
  14. Haha I feel the same way Mommar. Bandai as the Macross savior has made me chuckle, I still maintain that the quality you get from Bandai vs Arcadia is lacking, especially as prices begin to even out between the two. I preordered the SV-262Hs, it is a much different design from all the 25 through 31 valks which to me seem like the same valk over and over. It's going for 23k jpy. Which is what they wound up pre selling the 31 for a few day ago. Which is entering the dreaded Arcadia pricing territory. I think that the hi metals are overpriced as well (fun as heck though), and of course the scourge of trying to buy a bandai macross product makes the decreasingly higher prices of arcadia easier to swallow. Gotta say, these super parts do nothing for me, most of them blend into the valk, and the boosters look very slapped on and inelegant, especially in fighter mode.
  15. Having a few bandai chogokin 25s and 29s I have to say I think the plastic on the Yamcadias is much better as far as looks. You are paying a premium price, I would be angry if it did feel like a toy at this price. Just give your premium, expensive figure the care and respect it deserves when transforming it and you will have little problem with breaking. The vf-1's are the easiest to transform out of all the toys, so heads up on that if you do branch out into other macross toys.
  16. They have have one over at http://jungle-scs.co.jp/
  17. The only thing about this series I found interesting was the anger the Windermere felt about being bombed. I was finally becoming invested in SOMETHING here, and they had no resolution to that. I suppose if this is not a stand alone series, they could explore how the Windermere have now become what they hated with their sneak attack mass destruction maneuver, but let's not focus on the ONLY thing in this series that was original. Can we PLEASE stop with the callbacks assuming Macross lives through this? Every series doesn't need a young pilot thrust into a battle who winds up in a Valk and holds a girl in it's hand in gerwalk. We don't need an ace who dies every time. We don't need a love triangle every time. We don't need a Macross level ship doing the same tactics every time. These things don't make it Macross. The magical singing girl squad who go into battle never wound up working for me, can we remove the sailor moon aspect of that? Or give them actual combat armor and have them be a squad who sings and fights with the valks running back up? They tried that a little, but it didn't work for me at least. Perhaps their armor can integrate with the Valk and power it up, kind of like piloted fast packs. That ending was so boring, because we have seen it over and over again, much like most of this series. Do something original! Blah.
  18. Congrats on the new valks everyone! Still waiting on mine, surprising how you can still be excited for a new v2 (considering this is my 3rd Roy even)! Sounds like for some of you this is your first Yamato/Arcadia V2! They are still the pinnacle of Macross toys in my opinion, solid as rocks, not complicated to transform and fun to handle without fear of breaking every small protrusion. For you new owners, some words of wisdom from experience. I have broken off the flap piece on the backpack on two v2 Valks. The flap has 2 pins on either side to hold them to the backpack, and the housing that holds those pins snapped in half. Not even sure how it happened, and easy to fix, just be careful. For me the hardest part of the transformation has always been the "breaking the back" when you separate the chest from the back in plane/gerwalk mode. It takes force, and the tabs are beefy and can take it. Any other tips for new owners?
  19. Again the Bandai business model rears its head, and again I am confused by people who want Arcadia to go away. Here is the lead mecha for the new Macross series, and people can't get one. Well unless you get super lucky. We see the price is no longer really the defining difference between the two companies, as the main mecha for this new series is now close to $200 or from some sites over before shipping. $1000 for the whole squad.... if you can ever find it at MSRP. Yikes.
  20. My copy is fairly tight in the ankles, is this a broad problem for the Arcadia release? My Yamato does seem a tad tighter...
  21. I would love a 1/60 Regult! Toy or kit...
  22. Damn it, missed your free shipping. Things are slow right now in the macross toy world so I am not checking this board everyday (or even week) anymore. I need to buy another stand though, and I can't recommend Yetis stands enough, LOVE mine! Get one!
  23. ^this. this forever. I was and am a very vocal proponent of getting a VF-2SS toy. It's one of my favorite designs. But this is... well, this. And I didn't get one. And I am (sadly) happy about it.
  24. Thought it would be fun to see what people are really wishing they had in their collection. This is about toys that have already been released. Vf-1J Max vf-1j Milia vf-1j vf-1d virgin road ve-1
  25. I picked up my 11c when it was shelf warming for $120. LOVE it, the white and black is just so striking, and the design is a great airplane and battroid. Still love it bare, no armor no fast packs.
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