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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. "Impressive..................Most Impressive."
  2. Thanks for the heads-up Wu Jen!! I'm on the east coast and will be lookin' for them. Mind if I ask the price? Man, you could strip one of these boys down and customize away!!
  3. Whatchoo talkin' 'bout?.......old fart? I was watching Star Wars during its first week while you were poopin' in your diapers!! I have to go take some metamucil now!!
  4. Heh-heh...best reply I've seen yet!!
  5. Talkin' to a guy who saw the original STAR BLAZERS, FORCE FIVE, and ROBOTECH broadcasts...... 33 in December I now have more toys/models and animation than ever ..... and I want more!!!! Wife and 4 year-old daughter still don't understand........will they ever..... nahhhhhh!!!
  6. This is like a bad sitcom!!!
  7. OOOOOHH.........this gets better and better!!!
  8. Thanks to all for all of your help. I believe I've learned the following: There's no diecast above the thighs, other than inner-chest pieces, but the actual main fuselage, nose and wings do not contain any and... Sebastian thinks Guppy is lazy..............as always. That sum it up?
  9. Silly question... Other than having a few 1/100 Tak Valks from years past.......I'm now getting sucked into the black hole known as Yamato Valkyries! Due to the number of variations available and those other types to come, I think I want to get my first 1/60 (or 1/72) in the near future, but would like to know from those who own....what is the breakdown of plastic/die-cast content? I would love to actually hold one before a purchase, but that is out of the question, unfortunately. Could someone share info (or a previous post/site) on what parts are made of what? This would be a huge help...................trying to get the "feel" without the feel. thanks.
  10. This story may bring tears to others as it has done to me, but I will tell it anyway................ Around '89 my brother and I take a trip to the famous "MR. BIG TOYLAND" to bring back memories of going there with my father and getting Shoguns. Low and behold we come across many Takatoku Valkyries. With only limited funds on hand, we decide to walk away with 4 items: 1/100 VF-1A Production...........1/100 VF-1J Hikaru.............1/100 VF-1S Fokker..............1/3000 SDF-1 The Valks were just slightly less than new and were a measely $20 each!! And I believe the SDF-1 set us back $60. Here's the tear jerker...........they had 1/55s there also starting at $40 each.........including the VE-1!! ( I also swear I saw a VT-1 or VF-1D, although I think there are only so many in existance). Because we were only familiar with Robotech, we opted for the familiar valks as well as the idea of getting 3 of them. When I found chatrooms and eBay a decade later...........I needed de-fib paddles!!! I still have these tucked away and although I strayed to the world of Gundam, I have recently had the "gotta-haves" with these Yamatos coming out of the woodwork. I'm glad I could share........
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